Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@oboeboy1917 Terrific need! CMU should be wonderful!

Ugh, i meant terrific NEWS!!!

@AmyIzzy Have you received final word yet on Calarts. We signed up for accepted weekend but doubt we will go. With scholarship to Calarts, Calarts and Belmont are equally priced. All other factors aside, I don’t think that all of the classes my son has taken this year will transfer to Calarts because its is a BFA and doesn’t require a core liberal arts curriculum. This considered Calarts becomes more expensive then Belmont. I do plan to call Calarts and ask a few questions today just so I can feel that I left no rock unturned. As for St. Rose we stopped pursuing completely after he go in Belmont. Same with Univ of Colorado. We are more concerned with making connections with music industry. I think Belmont will give us better contacts.

@oboeboy1917 Congratulations

Just got the Jacobs award notice via e-mail. My S is a jazz trumpeter. Not as big as we had hoped, but it was nice to receive it.

Congrats to everyone on acceptances and scholarships!! I second @lkbux64 question…when does Peabody release? Also why dont colleges just release in the morning :(.

Thrilled for you, @oboeboy1917!

Nobody should be waiting on anything ($$ included) after today IMO. If so, it’s just rude !

Kids and families need time to sort it all out and think about a visit of some sort (if possible) just to be sure - especially if they are left with options that weren’t their top choices.

I concur with what @SpartanDrew wrote. I wrote about our situation a few pages back; my daughter’s academic record was such that it was reasonable to expect some kind of merit award, and we hoped that the music department would recommend her for an award, which it turns out they did (we found out much later). However, the admissions department did not grant her any $. I came to understand that it was because of our EFC. Her school uses merit awards to meet need, and to tell you the truth, I think it’s a good approach. The recognition was in the admission itself, and the beauty of it is that she is where she wants to be. We feel enormous gratitude for that. So, from where I stand, I offer my deepest respect and congratulations to you and your children for what you have done and what you have achieved, and I wish you peace and clarity as you move into the decision-making process.

@dbandmom We are still waiting on detailed scholarship information from 2 schools. Should come this week but may not be today. Also waiting on one final decision release. I will say that these schools could and SHOULD be more efficient with this process.

@oboeboy1917 huge congratulations to you! Wow-absolutely amazing!

My daughter finally received the official acceptance from CalArts around noon today which is very exciting. However, their system was down and they could not tell me when we would get a link to view financial aid and any merit. A link with password is supposed to come in an email today or “in the next few days” but they could not indicate if it was ready to view due to the system being down. Kind of an important piece for us so…more waiting. Sigh.

I agree that colleges should have all decisions and financial aid information out by today (preferably by 10am!) at the latest to allow us to start this very difficult one month process. Good luck to everyone still waiting on a decision or financial information!

@TxSker I could not agree more… to wait until May 1 is torture!! and some of these April decisions are also crazy! My first D was an D1 NCAA athlete and she knew where she was going by October of her senior year!!

@TxSker I could not agree more!! This waiting is horrible and we now know where she is admitted to… some are still waiting. My other D was a D1 NCAA Athlete and she knew where she was going by October of her senior year!!

Just heard from curtis…rejected :frowning:

Sorry to hear that, @Lyoder2051 . You still have some great choices though!

@Lyoder2051 sorry to hear that. I think you have great options and a great future ahead of you. My best wishes!

Lyoder2015——— A little more waiting for Peabody!!! Is Peabody making a record being the last conservatory to send out decisions???

@Lyoder2051 their loss! You will shine wherever you go.

And come on, Peabody!

@Lyoder2051 their loss! You will shine wherever you go.

And come on, Peabody!

Hang in there, guys! Before you know it, you will be in my shoes…

Next week, my D will register for 1st semester of her senior year of college!!! She has only 5 required classes left (plus lessons, ensembles, etc and an internship) so there’s not much thinking or schedule planning required anymore. You pretty much just have to make it work! This will be her lightest schedule so, it should be great!

If this is your first time sending a kid to college, you are not going to believe how FAST it all goes by once they’re there! Unbelievable!