Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@akapiratequeen @HereWeGoAgain2018 thanks so much for the support. O well, I really hoped Curtis would work…but I knew it was a long shot no matter what :/.

Hi, It’s been a few years since I’ve been through this process, but I do remember that scholarships and other $'s, aside from the FASFA (and CSS?), are pretty much school specific. Some will make it work so that each student is fully funded, (a combo of scholarships and loans), while others will just give what they give–some based solely on talent, some based on academics, some on need, and some on a mix. There are some schools that advertise that the student body is fully funded. You can always call and ask, it can’t hurt.
Keep in mind that colleges send out more offers than will be accepted. I would imagine, that just like seats, they offer more money to students as well? It would reason that once students accept/reject offers that they would then know if they’ll have extra to offer, (if not being applied to the current study body).
I have always keep in mind, that the monies I have spent on my Ds pre college, summers, college, and grad school, have all gone into making them who they are, and providing opportunities for them to grow. The programs that we are willing to pay for are a personal and individual decision. You know your child best and will help them make the appropriate choice. For many it is the first real life choice they have to make.

Congratulations to all for your accomplishments, and good luck with the decisions you are about to make!

pono Indiana

@Lyoder2051, sorry to hear about Curtis. I know it’s hard, but try not to let it get you down. You have come so far and accomplished so much.

And come on already, Peabody. This is getting ridiculous!

@Lyoder2051, sorry to hear about Curtis. I know it’s hard, but try not to let it get you down. You have come so far and accomplished so much.

And come on already, Peabody. This is getting ridiculous!

“pono Indiana?” - ??? I looked up the word pono but still can’t figure it out.

@oboeboy1917 - a HUGE congratulations!!! I’m sure you are reading it right but $71k is such a huge number - does that include any loans? The reason I ask is that so many schools try to pass off loans as “free money” in their FA packages. I hope that’s not the case and it’s all merit and grants.

@lyoder2051 - as you know, not many folks get the thumbs up from Curtis. You have so many amazing offers that I hope you don’t let it get you down. We want to know what you choose!!!

Regarding the dorms - absolutely - our daughter will stay in the Berklee dorms first year - but second year, I’d like her to try to be an RA or live off campus and reduce the $18k price tag (@SpartanDrew - $21K - wowser!). She also said that the food is really good on campus! My big question (if anyone knows) - is that with her double bass she really wants to be in 150 or 160 Mass Ave. so she doesn’t have to schlep her bass more than a block. Anyone know if that’s possible and how likely that is?

We are going to put the Pox on Peabody if they don’t get those results out pronto!!! And Michigan - I’m getting angry for all of you still waiting!

Our daughter is dreading making the call to SFCM. They were so nice and seemed to really want her to go there - the Director called her personally (the $40k she got was the most she’s heard was offered). I keep telling her not to worry - but that she does need to call them personally. Ughhh. That won’t be an easy call to make - but I told her that it’s a small world and she needs to be very gracious and appreciative.

For anyone else reading this in the future…I wouldn’t recommend re-auditioning for Berklee after getting their first offer at their summer program. Every person this year that I’ve talked to did NOT get a bump in their merit aid in their re-audition. Do apply for financial aid, though - we were pleasantly surprised with the aid that our daughter got. Only one other school (Lewis University for our pilot daughter) gave a good chunk of financial aid beyond merit. Most schools that aren’t know for meeting 100% financial need do not offer much beyond the Pell and federal loans.

@tripletmama - Re,

“My big question (if anyone knows) - is that with her double bass she really wants to be in 150 or 160 Mass Ave. so she doesn’t have to schlep her bass more than a block. Anyone know if that’s possible and how likely that is?”

Suggest contacting the admissions office and asking them if this kind of request could be considered given the physical challenges of the instrument. They might be able to do something about this.

Good luck with that call. I agree it needs to be done but difficult.

Lol @tripletmama , sorry, this falls into the category of butt post :slight_smile:

@tripletmama at first I will admit I was quite sad…It seems to me getting rejected from music school seems so much more personal than getting rejected from regular college…its not your papers getting the L…it can seem like its you :(. but after thinking it over-and seeing the people who got in (!!!) I have to admit I am just happy to have made it to the lucky 13 :). So I guess I will be waiting for Peabody then!

@Lyoder2051 Curtis is a long shot for EVERYONE. And on certain instruments, the people who get in actually only get in the second try. Don’t be discouraged!

I’m guessing Peabody is waiting until their admissions and Financial Aid offices close for the day so they are not inundated with phone calls. Allow people time to process things before tomorrow when they will be inundated with calls…

Peabody has updated – and my S was accepted!!! Woohoo!!!

Wohoo indeed! Congratulations @WestOfPCH

My S made it to the final voice audition at Curtis but didn’t get selected. I seem to be more disappointed than my S.

Sorry to hear that @basso_texas . It is a major achievement to get to the finals from what I hear. My sympathies for the rejection. Hope your S has some other options which he likes. Wishing him the best!

Well done @WestOfPCH S! And @basso_texas that’s an amazing accomplishment on its own! I’m sure your S has many wonderful choices.

Peabody updated. Accepted, 35k a year scholarship. Not enough tough. College is looking more and more expensive to be honest.

@basso_texas congrats to your son! Same situation here. Painful but I guess that is life?

Well, after having much praise heaped on him by the Professor at Peabody during 2 lessons and his audition. Even saying “you will be accepted everywhere you audition” he was wait-listed.

It had already fallen to his last choice due to other things he had heard about the school and this just re-enforces what he heard.

@tripletmama could she write a nice email instead of calling? That way she has time to formulate her thoughts.