Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@UniversityMomOf2 Thank you for the info on Columbia. My daughter fell in love with Chicago when we visited and thought Columbia had such an artsy, creative vibe. We will return at the end of October for the Columbia Open House and she’ll be visiting classes at Roosevelt that week too. Roosevelt said they may even be able to let her audition during her visit and they will videotape it so she doesn’t have to return. Very nice of them! The dorms for both schools are AMAZING, hands down the best of any schools we visited. I guess that’s a bad reason to choose a college, but wow!

Glad to hear the FAFSA won’t take weeks to complete. Sounds short and sweet. We have our 2017 tax returns handy so hopefully that’s the main thing we need. Not holding out hope on getting financial aid but I know you need that done to qualify for loans, which we will need I’m sure.

I can tell Naviance definitely has some imperfections so hopefully her guidance counselor can help her work through it. Guidance counselors are good at her school but most don’t know much about applying for music programs. Again, glad I found this amazing place to get the info and honest feedback to prep for this crazy journey!

My daughter has a decent GPA, great recommendations, has a well-rounded resume of music-related awards and community service… but does not do well on Standardized tests. She did bump up a point on the ACT when she re-took it and hopes for a bump on the SAT but not holding my breath for a miraculous improvement, despite her hard work with a math tutor. So I’m just at the point of “it is what it is” and hoping she’ll focus on the SAT-optional colleges or that schools like Miami Frost will overlook it. Miami average ACT’s are 28-32 and hers is at 25 to give you an idea.

Stay strong everyone! We can survive this!

Thanks for the warning @momzhood! Ugh!

My kid didn’t think Roosevelt or Columbia was a fit for him when we visited but the dorms really made me swoon! Made me want to go back to college. Amazing!

@MusakParent Haha! I know! The view was incredible too! My parents were with us and asked if they had a section for retired grandparents so they could go with her. Lol.

I’d like to add to @momzhood caution about uploading materials. Man oh man do I have some PTSD about one schools upload in particular!
I do believe you can open the upload section at any time and scroll through it to see what is required. Pay close attention to video size limits etc. That was our downfall and I really had to do some quick learning about how to change the size of a file at the last minute!

Good luck everyone!

If you have any advice on changing file sizes, feel free to share. I am worried about technical issues!

@LaurelVDW I’m not even sure I can remember how I did it. Probably found it on youtube, LOL!

@AmyIzzy I LOVED my dorm. I’m sure they are nicer now but since I went in to a brand new one and scored a primo room I loved it. I loved being in Chicago. I loved classes being only 3 days a week (for me) with long four day weekends. I moved to a studio apartment (which has since been converted to condos) my senior year. Same distance from campus and loved my independence. Columbia can be great. EVERY college fair I’ve been to they have a line as long as Northwestern. Classes being taught by industry professionals has pros and cons. But it is so artsy and fun. I loved the school. I just didn’t like the administrative side. I didn’t end up with a career in my chosen field which I was bitter about for a long time but I knew it was a long shot. And times have changed since I graduated. There are somany success stories there and they have expanded a LOT since I went.

Now I’m checking out Roosevelt for my kId but I don’t think there is enough merit aid for us ???

It’s too bad the administration didn’t have it’s act together when you were there @UniversityMomOf2. I’m not sure what it’s like now but they are definitely great at marketing. The tour we took started with a multi-media presentation that really got the potential students pumped up led by an enthusiastic admissions rep. The tour guides seemed knowledgeable and “hip” and we ended in the aud with a great conclusion. It was a summer tour so we couldn’t see the recording studios and some music areas (which is why we are returning for the open house) but it was impressive, including the dorms. They have a store where they sell student artwork, CD’s & books and a semester abroad or in LA which was a selling point for my daughter. It has over 7000 students so much bigger than some we are looking at and I hear that kids are more “on their own” to be sure they are scheduling properly, finding their own internships, etc. That matches up with you said so I worry they may not assist with the college to work transition which is so important. We will need to inquire about that. CCPA (Roosevelt) had such a nice personal touch and my daughter loved the intimacy of a small music department (200 students total I think.) She wasn’t planning on going the conservatory route (although Berklee is considered a conservatory and that’s one of her top choices) but CCPA made a great impression!

Thanks for all your insight!

Have been reading these comments and honestly I’m shocked that people are actually admitting to writing their children’s college application essays on a Social Media platform! How does this help your child in any way?!

It’s about highlighting the fact that the process is extremely complex and sometimes mistakes and concessions get made. Don’t even me started on the minutiae and hoop jumping many of these schools seem to require.

If you had a student that was 100% independent and had a stress free application and audition season with no balls dropped along the way, congratulations. No one here is advocating parents doing essays for their kids college apps.

lol @rockinmomab it was 8 years ago. It was not the main essay…just one of countless small ones.

I also drank a half a glass of wine once when I was preganant! I tend to live dangerously. My D, after getting her BS and MM on her own, is now supporting herself as a performing artist…and trust me that’s living dangerously too. I’ve taught her everything I know…including being crafty, scrappy, fierce, unafraid … and having an ability to know what matters and when to let go. It’s serving her well.

The internet world was much different 8 years ago! For those applying for college now, just saying probably not a good idea for parents to be posting this on the internet. As far as jumping through hoops, welcome to the world of music!

@AmyIzzy sending you a pm

Yeah, yeah, yeah @momzhood and @diglass , the stealth essays/requirements that only show up at the end! Yikes! Another serious suggestion for those submitting prescreen videos: all of them are are due at the same time! Give yourself a deadline 3-4 days before the school deadline! Servers crash with all the uploading!!! Some of our videos took 12 plus hours to upload (during which time we couldn’t touch the computer or open any other windows). For real! That way if you need to call the school in panic, you have a few days to make the technology work.

Today we met with S19’s guidance counselor to review his application plans. They decided together to drop Oberlin from the list as it no longer offers music education. Instead, to my surprise, S was interested in NYU Steinhardt. He’d been avoiding New York City, but the combination of a great pool of players with an excellent music education program got his attention.

I wasn’t thrilled initially, but his sister had a 50% undergraduate scholarship all four years at NYU (she graduated in 2017) and it was a great experience. S agrees that he’d let it go if he doesn’t get at least that much.

So it appears we have a final list! On we go…

Sorry that I’ve been MIA. I’ve been hyperventilating in the corner. No - seriously, I’ve been helping my aviation daughter narrow her list and trying to figure out a way to get her to start her apps. I suspect that will be as successful as her studying for the ACT/SAT. She actually forgot her calculator for the SAT. I pretty much gave up on her and then it seems she has suddenly woken up and might actually go somewhere next year. Sorry for the vent - but I know that you all know what it’s like to have a teenager. Multiply that times 4 and that’s my life. (yes, we have four teenagers: one in college, 2 going to college (god willing) next year and one in ballet school in NYC.

So - back to my musician daughter. I’m actually really, really pissed at her Arts school right now. It’s taken all of her energy (and therefore mine) for the past 3 weeks since she returned to school. Enter one egotistical, masogynistic director of her jazz department who thinks that kids are motivated by FUD (fear, uncertainy and death) and has been known to wield weapons in class (yes, I’m not making this up - the only other girl who was in the department dropped out last year due to his blatant sexism, his very surely nature that reduces at least one kid to tears each class - and yes a weapon was involved). Not sure why the school (one of the top Arts Schools in the nation) hasn’t fired his ass- but for those of you who knows the Arts - well, sometimes the word “eccentric” is pushed to its limits. This guy is psychopathic - no one will gig with him in the area but he somehow ends up teaching kids? Big sigh here. He has beaten our daughter down to the point that I’m ready to yank her out of there - although she assures me that she can take it. Although the emotional abuse of - “you aren’t in Big Band even though you are the best player” - oooppppssss…“sorry, I made a mistake and you are in Big Band” - “you are wonderful and working so hard” to ooppppssss…“if you don’t work harder, then I’ll take you out” - after she is practicing 35 hours a week, is just insane. Needless to say, not much audition prep has been done. The other night I did help my daughter by doing a spreadsheet of her top schools with pre-screen dates and requirements. Can’t wait for the stealth essays to pop their ugly little heads up. :slight_smile: Thanks for the warning. So - instead of preparing for audition pre-screens our daughter has to memorize (her school won’t allow their students to use music) 10 big band tunes in the next 2 weeks. Lovely. She’s is flunking PE and when I ask her why - she says that she sneaks off and practices during PE. No wonder.

I have seriously considered pulling her out of this insanity. When I talk to her about that she says that she really loves her ensemble members and it’s the best Arts School in the nation - blah, blah, blah. But is it really worth it? I did schedule a meeting with the Music Director (above the psychopath jazz guy) on Friday. We’ll see how that goes. This should be the last thing that we are dealing with in her senior year. After we moved across the nation so she can go to this school. The best laid plans.

Anyway - she absolutely LOVED Berklee this past summer and would love to study there. She auditioned during the summer and got in with a decent scholarships but not enough for our meager coffers. She is going to apply Early Action (or it it Decision?) and is hoping for the best. If not - it’s not meant to be - and as @AmyIzzy pointed out, there is always next year. She is gigging with jazz musicians at a music college in the area (never heard of it) - when her private instructor heard her say that might be her Plan B - she knocked her on the side of the head - so I suppose it’s not a good back-up. My big concern is that she really has no desire for a State School now that she’s been at Berklee. She also toured the New School which felt like a smaller version of Berklee (but without the progressive instructor that she loved at Berklee that is pushing for women to assert themselves in the jazz world - CompMom - just go away :slight_smile:

So - her list includes seven (7): Berklee, The New School, MSM (not exactly sure why - except it’s in NYC?), NEC (even though she felt it had a classical feel when we toured), Frost (this one is for mamma!),Oberlin (which I think she might really love!) and Eastman (might be a little too classical for her - but she did cut her teeth on classical so maybe?). She really doesn’t have any “safeties” - I think if she doesn’t get in to any with good scholarship $$ then she might just take a gap year and work hard and reapply in a year. I hope it doesn’t come to that - but it wouldn’t be the end of the world. She is gigging a lot now - so that is an education in itself, along with her amazing private instructor - I’m sure she can piece together a music education that will help her progress.

So - here’s my parenting angst. I know that she would absolutely LOVE Berklee - she thrived like crazy there this summer - loved her bass instructor, her fellow ensemble members and her ensemble leader and did NOT want to leave (given what she came home to, she probably should have just stayed in Boston) - but we don’t have the financial means to send her there (my hubby is disabled). Before my hubby was ill, we spent what Berklee would cost on pre-school but we are in a much different financial situation now- so I’m having a lot of mommy guilt. I know in my head it’s stupid but my heart is hurting for her and I feel a bit like a failure. @SpartanDrew - yeah, I know I’m being silly!

Anyway - that’s where we are at. @akapiratequeen - great stuff getting audition dates already (I am so jealous). @eh1234 - our really “picky pants about her bass” daughter rented a bass this summer in Boston and LOVED it - so it is possible to love a rented bass if you decide to go further afield. And to all the other parents on this board that are ready to climb the walls - we will get through this - those that walked down the path last year are sane (as far as I can tell from their pop ins here and on their other thread), so we will survive. At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

Question for experienced parents, including (especially) @“Mezzo’sMama” when do acceptances/rejections start to come in? Are financial offers included?

ETA @tripletmama just saw your post, so sorry! Sending a virtual hug your way. We will survive!!

In general, we received admissions decisions 2-4 weeks following auditions. They usually will say at the auditions.

Notification was all over the map. At ASU, my D had an early audition and they let everyone know they did not make decisions until all audition dates were complete. The state schools all seemed to roll out their decisions based on the university admission timeline. However, communication between the music department and my D started after audition but before official notification. So, she had an idea that the music departments at various schools were admitting her but had to wait until the university admissions had made their decision.

Also, some schools music departments did not communicate with her at all. And she was still admitted. I was initially concerned that silence from the music departments might imply rejection but that was not the case.