Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@tripletmama - 100% RE post #3935. Seriously. All of it! And #3937? WOOHOO!!! So excited for all of you! Such wonderful news…CONGRATS!!!

Yay @tripletmama !!

And thanks to everyone on the board – I am 99% lurker and learned a ton over the past year+. Congratulations to everyone on all your/your children’s exciting outcomes and best of luck with your decision making this month. Very very impressive, all of you

Woo hoo @tripletmama - first one to ‘officially’ announce. We are quite close, but waiting on some $$…

@tripletmama - I didn’t recognize you at first because of your new logo. Congratulations!!! I’m looking forward to the (hopefully not far off) day when I can change my logo too. :smiley:

I think my logo here isn’t clear enough lol but my daughter will attend Berklee in the fall as a pop/com vocalist

@tripletmama I actually teared up. Congratulations!!
(btw my logo is the Eastman concert hall - my S doesn’t go there and I wasn’t even accepted when I auditioned there 40 years ago. Maybe it’s time for me to change it too)

And on money question again. Does anyone has experience with Mannes financial aid? My D applied to Ithaca school of music, MSM and Mannes. BM in piano performance. She was accepted at all three. Ithaca with $39,000 in scholarships and awards. MSM does not give anything. Mannes gave $6000 in award. Does anybody tried to appeal to Mannes? Would they match Ithaca? Mannes is her first choice, i just don’t even know how to came up with more than $60,000 to send her to her dream school. Also she has a very good bond with professor she choose at Mannes. I think its a huge factor… but i have no idea how to pay for it. BTW, i just wonder how they come up with award on family need? Do you have to make literally NOTHING so your kid could get dissent scholarship?

@Britmom5 Congrats, those are two great schools! That’s a difficult decision.
Any chance you could make an appeal and try to bring the COA down?

Curious, did your S apply to Belmont?

@GagasMom - Thanks for letting us know. I noticed your logo and was wondering if your D was also going to Berklee. Congratulations on Berklee! AND congratulations on having a decision! (So jealous! :smile: )

@pianomom74 - Isn’t Mannes part of New School? If so, you should follow up with @SpartanDrew . They did a successful (enough) appeal last year for her D.

@pianomom74 Hi, fellow PianoMom! Did you receive the FAFSA part of the aid information from Mannes? S tells me the email announcing the Mannes financial aid award has not come yet … Also, was your D given her teacher assignment for Mannes yet? S received an email a day or so after the admissions email came, saying he’d hear “shortly” – he says he’s still waiting for that email.

@sssulliv I am behind in posts, but just in case it’s helpful, my S just heard on Monday, April 1st about Jacobs scholarship. They offered $10K. Maybe by now you already have good news. I hope so!

@PianoMom88 I do not believe anyone has received financial aid from New School yet. If students were given a talent award, it was part of the admission letter (in your case $6K.) When I called the financial aid office, they said that they expected financial aid information to be available Friday or possibly Monday. I don’t want to get your hopes up but if Ithaca gave you $39,000 in awards and aid (assuming this is the combined talent, academic and financial aid award) then you MAY get a generous financial aid package from New School. If you look at the offer from Ithaca and see that the financial aid part was fairly large, you may see a similar financial aid award from New School. I really hope that’s the case since it’s her first choice! But if the financial aid portion comes up short, at least we know that they will consider appeals so don’t be shy in expressing your needs. Good luck!

@AmyIzzy I asked follow up questions of @pianomom74 – and both our kids got into Mannes for piano – but all those details you listed are about pianomom74’s D. Confusing, I know, with two Piano Moms!! Thanks for the info. about the New School financial release dates; I figured it would be by Monday given they said 7-10 days, but good to know it might be tomorrow. It would be nice if S heard which teacher’s studio he’d be in since that’s pretty important!

Does anyone even know if Mannes/The New School ever gives out much in financial aid? Would be useful information to know for those still waiting for the financial aid package. Every school does it differently. I discovered that Berklee does (which was a pleasant surprise discovered at 1am in the morning on April 1).

Haha @PianoMom88 -oops mixing up my piano moms! So here’s the same message with the right tag : )

@pianomom74 I do not believe anyone has received financial aid from New School yet. If students were given a talent award, it was part of the admission letter (in your case $6K.) When I called the financial aid office, they said that they expected financial aid information to be available Friday or possibly Monday. I don’t want to get your hopes up but if Ithaca gave you $39,000 in awards and aid (assuming this is the combined talent, academic and financial aid award) then you MAY get a generous financial aid package from New School. If you look at the offer from Ithaca and see that the financial aid part was fairly large, you may see a similar financial aid award from New School. I really hope that’s the case since it’s her first choice! But if the financial aid portion comes up short, at least we know that they will consider appeals so don’t be shy in expressing your needs. Good luck!

@pianomom74 and @PianoMom88 thank you guys:) She was not assigned yet, but she listed only one professor on her application. I called Mannes today, they said her financial letter was not packed yet. ( what ever it means) A lady i spoke with was not the most pleasant person. She gave me an email we should use to request an appeal at, and she said that we have to wait for 5-7 days for her letter, then ask for an appeal, and wait another 10-14 days for an appeal decision!!! From Ithaca My D got $20000 award for her adittion,$16000 merrit based, $3500 work study, plus $2500 unsubsidized and $3500 subsidized FAFSA. ( i did not count FAFSA in $39000 ) IT would leave us with $23000-24000 per year. Between Parents loans and her student loan we can try to manage. I hope everything will work out and Mannes will match Ithaca’s offer ( praying)

@tripletmama I don’t think Berklee gives generous financial aid.

We had a +30K gap between our EFC and COA and were offered ZERO in financial aid. Maybe something in their formulas using the CSS profile threw something off for us… or maybe they didn’t process our FA at all? I have no idea. That was back in 2016 but my D has since met several former Berklee students and is in school with some who were accepted at Berklee that also complained of getting no FA whatsoever.

Looking at various websites, the COA by household income is ridiculously high at Berklee. $42K COA for a household income of less than $30K?

I think you won the Berklee FA lottery.

@CaraCoMO -

This rule says that you feel like you have explored options, you feel tired, maybe ready to call it a day, but maybe you can actually grind out some more. So I was thinking maybe if you are comparing option A to option B, maybe there is option C, or maybe option A has more detsails to it that you didn’t notice before, so don’t let mental fatigue (as if it is under our control (?(?)) wear you out into settling for ‘a’ decision.

@PercussionMama thenk you for the tip:) Im new to this forum nad cannot PM yet. Is it OK to ask this member in this group chat?