Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@tripletmama my son is not mature as a 17 year old should be. Today we finally logged in to his CMU portal and shockingly found out that he’s still missing financial aid documents! He thought those wouldn’t be necessary for merit scholarships. Same thing happened to Michigan. After the Admissions sent him 2 emails, they gave up and sent me an email asking for his missing documents. He now already turned down Michigan and $120,000 merit scholarship.

What a wonderful board! I wish I had found it sooner.

My S is now finished with his decision and will be attending the Blair School of Music for composition. He was also accepted at Thornton, Bienen, and SMTD and we felt very fortunate for such great options. Both Blair and Thornton offered attractive merit scholarships but finances were not a factor in the decision. In the end, the audition at Blair was simply amazing and that’s what won my kid’s heart. (and mine) S is an NMF.

Good luck everyone!!

@ParentalUnitInPA congratulations…and love your moniker!!

Congratulations @ParentalUnitInPA!

@jazzboydad, huge congratulations on your son’s acceptance to Princeton!! It really is a special place.

My eldest son was accepted there way back in 2012 (but ultimately went elsewhere) and I remember having conversations with people about the music opportunities because of the proximity to NYC. I think some students who were serious musicians went into town (NYC) to take lessons. I also know that Princeton made it clear that they bring first-rate music and musicians to campus so most kids don’t need to be going to NYC. My son was a classical violinist so I cannot give you any feedback about the jazz program there.

It will likely come down to what your son wants to do in the future and how much cost is a factor. Princeton was incredibly generous to my son (and I gotta say they had the best food!!).

Keep us posted!

Quick question: when your students wrote to decline offers from other schools, did they tell their contacts which school they had chosen?

Thanks @sbjdorlo. S has not looked at his portal while away on the choir trip (which I find pretty amazing) so was pretty shocked to open the Princeton package when he got home tonight. Lots for him to think about!

@akapiratequeen - my daughter called SFCM because they had called her a few times since she got their generous offer. She told the Director where she was going - then he asked her if she got room/board at Berklee - she was caught off guard and said ‘yes’ because she didn’t want him to “up” their offer since her heart is set on Berklee. I don’t condone lying but I understand why she did it. I think she feels bad about declining SFCM because they were so kind, generous and supportive of her - and she liked the faculty. The others she will likely just write a quick email and I suspect she will mention where she is going. I think school’s appreciate knowing who their competition is.

@jazzboydad - was your son excited about Princeton? Will be interested to see what he decides.

Congratulations to everyone on finishing the admission season, dealing with financials, and making decisions! A job well done to all of you!

So yesterday I was despairing a little. My D and I visited nine schools last year, applied to six, then dropped two during audition month as other programs were more interesting—and we could tell that at least one admit trumped those two in fit and had good financials.

I was feeling pretty good about the range of options: BA w/double music major nearby, two lac/conservatories (although each favored a different of her music majors), and then admitted to a standalone conservatory for VP which we suspected would not be affordable. Even that admit came with a merit scholarship, but ultimately is too far out of our comfort zone.

I knew the out-of-state either/or options would mean a decision for her regarding majors, while the BA with double the gen eds allows her both. She is leaning towards that one (is also most familiar with it), and it suddenly made me feel we had done all the work for nothing (okay, that’s not true, but you know how it feels!).

Suddenly she’s talking about dorm shopping with a girl from her high school who may also be there, and checking out the gen eds as well as upper-level music classes (that I’m not sure she’ll have time to take). And she turns 18 this month! I had to have a drink last night and that’s funny as I really don’t drink but once a year.

Then today we were able to attend her solo and ensemble festival, hear an amazing Dvorak piece her quartet performed and practically fall out of our chairs during her vocal solos. Does she know she does great things (and does she know what she needs)??

Much ‘plays into’ the decision, of course, but today it was good just to hear the music she makes. It calmed me, amazed me, soothed the soul.

While I still fret (do I send her to see more of at least one of these programs?), it is clear we are heading into the windup. And, like you all, I can’t wait to hear what my musician attempts next.

@tripletmam frankly I think my S’ head is spinning today. He kind of had his heart set on going further away to college (we live in NJ) and going to a “real” music school. But he understands the great opportunities at Princeton. He’s going to try to scope out the jazz scene there and then decide (fortuitous timing—next week they’re holding the first ever Princeton Jazz Festival with an amazing list of musicians, most whom will be playing/singing with Princeton’s large and small jazz ensembles.)

@tripletmama Sounds like you’ve raised a D with a lot of character.

@jazzboydad congratulations on the Princeton news, amazing!! So good that the jazz festival is soon and good luck to your son with that decision!

@akapiratequeen My S will be writing a short friendly email to the schools he did not choose but I think he would say where he decided to go only if asked. So we thought he would address that to the Admissions contact. He will additionally email or call the professors (at Frost) who were extra supportive and really were keen on having him on board, and I hope that won’t be too hard or awkward.

Last night was my son’s last jazz performance with his schoolmates. It was on the patio, beautiful setting, gentle breeze and fantastic music. My S was having the best time! There were laughs and tears, bittersweet moments, nostalgia for what is ending and hope and excitement for what lies ahead. He is off to prom tonight, and the following weeks should be of enjoyment as the stress of IB work and college stuff fades away :slight_smile:

All the best on those decisions and plans, but remember to enjoy the present and stay mindful. Happy weekend!

Geez, I ended up sounding pretty whiny! And I actually love the BA school as well, so I don’t know what my problem is! Unresolved own (mom) musician issues, I think. Sorry, all!

@“Pikachu’s Mom” whine away! That’s what we are here for!

Two of my son’s schools came back with a little more scholarship $$ out of the blue. Still waiting to hear back from one more. Each school has pros and cons.

As it stands now, the least expensive will be around $10,700 total (for tuition, room, board) and most expensive will be around $17,300. The two others he’s considering are in between.

I have no clue what he’ll decide.

@sbjdorlo this is about the same price ranges we are looking at for our three affordable choices. Still waiting to hear FA for New School, but don’t expect much, and the wait list at SFCM. Berklee is out. Even with merit and FA just out of our range. S has almost decided, but we are letting him take his time and weigh the pros and cons for each.

@CaraCoMO, how exciting for your S! Finish line is in view. Sounds like you have a great attitude of giving him space.

My son is getting advice from various places, but I think he won’t be influenced too much by it all. One of his friends who did his u/g and grad at SFCM had a very strong opinion about which he should go to.

Is your son getting advice from friends or teachers? I think my son actually does want to talk to his old teacher (he doesn’t currently take lessons from anyone) to get his feedback.

My hope is that whatever he decides, he’ll embrace it and not look back with regret even if it’s got some cons.

@Pikachu’s Mom I want to tell you a nice story, something that just happened. I think it might give you some reassurance. You might know, my daughter is a serious classical violinist who is going the BA route because she found the teacher she wanted/wants to study with at the university she fell in love with. She’s a first-year. So, 2 days ago she had The Talk with her violin professor, who is also her faculty advisor, and told her about her intentions regarding pursuing a music career. She was very nervous to bring this up, didn’t know what the teacher would say, had no idea if she’s good enough. Well, her teacher, who is a very accomplished performing musician, is thrilled, enthusiastic, and started talking to her about graduate schools, both MM and also DMA in case she wants to teach at a college, planning her senior recital repertoire with a view to what she’ll need for her MM auditions, making connections, how she will also need to promote herself which is a difficult thing to do. My daughter asked if the BA route is ok, and the teacher said yes, absolutely, lots of people do that. For my daughter, who has some deep interests in combining her music with a specific type of work she wants to do in the community, a broader education is very important. I hope this timely story gives you some good cheer!

It sounds like your daughter is a wonderful musician, and I’m sure she knows exactly what sort of environment she needs in order to flourish. And I can imagine her wanting to continue with VP and her string(?) instrument if she loves both.

May I ask, what instrument does she play? My daughter loves chamber music - I am responding to your comments about the Dvorak quartet.

@SuzeViolin I think it is the cello.

And it’s official – S has joined the Eastman School of Music Class of 2023!!