Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@akapiratequeen - Congrats! I was about to comment on your avatar change… :relaxed:

@akapiratequeen Congratulations!!

@akapiratequeen congrats!! so happy for you and your S!!!

Congratulations @akapiratequeen! Fantastic school!

My son will be going to Berklee College of Music!!!

Whoo hoo @“Meryem Ouhirra” !! Congratulations!

I can’t believe this roller coaster has finally slowed. So many feelings – pride, excitement, but also a bit of sadness at the wonderful roads he didn’t choose. The final decision took longer because S wanted to write to the professors who had hosted him for lessons, encouraged him, and offered advice. It was hard for him to turn down one school in particular. Who knows, maybe for grad school…

But now it’s full speed ahead! GO CLASS OF 2023!!!

Thank you @akapiratequeen.

We are very excited and happy for S. Still a few things to sort out in terms of lending as he WILL eventually need to take a loan later on to complete all four years. For now, we celebrate and move forward.

@suzeviolin~ thank you for this post… my daughter is considering a BA VP program and has lot of other interests but also lots of musical interests that she may pursue in grad school. She is fine with it ~ I had some questions that surprisingly she answered for me, and now you have validated everything she said with your post!. Thanks again! Your story will help this mom (and only this mom as clearly the 18 year old has her head on straight) as D is deciding which program to choose very soon and this issue has been nagging me. I will sleep well tonight. Why does it feel like all of these freshman year decisions are binding?:)lol!

@SuzeViolin — I love this story! Thanks so much. How wonderful that your D has her violin professor’s support! She must be excited to start the next phase of her development!

Yes, my D plays cello and sings. A wonderful thing about today’s solo and ensemble festival was the camaraderie of the high school musicians. They often sat in on each other’s performances and supported each other throughout the day.

The quartet played the first movement of the American String Quartet, btw, and she loves chamber music, as well.

@akapiratequeen, @“Meryem Ouhirra”, @tripletmama, and @ParentalUnitInPA — congrats on those final decisions! It must feel great to be done and let spring unfold!

And @jazzboydad — congrats for your S’s wonderful decision complication!

@sbjdorlo — how exciting to receive more merit, as well! Every bit helps.

Congrats @Meryem Ouhirra, that’s excellent news!

And I think I have already said congrats to you, @tripletmama, but if not, here are my congrats!

@ParentalUnitInPA, congrats to you on the decision! My daughter has had the opportunity to work with a composer, and she wants to do more of that, so I just love to hear about people going into composition!

@Choirsong, I am very moved that my post made a difference to you - thank you for this feedback!

@Pikachu’s Mom, so glad to hear about how supportive the musicians are of each other! And I love that quartet!! And cello… My daughter has always wanted to try the cello, and once she did, and she found it so difficult. But recently she started playing the bass viola da gamba in her school’s early music ensemble, and she’s enjoying playing this really low register instrument! How lovely that your daughter feels very committed to both cello and voice!

@akapiratequeen - Congrats! I logged in tonight to see your logo. Great choice!!! What a journey!

And a big hug to those who are STILL waiting for FA information or for appeals. I can only imagine how difficult it is to wait and wonder nearly a week into April!

@“Meryem Ouhirra” One of my students is going there-- and is SO EXCITED!! Congrats to your son!!

So exciting to see all of the avatar changes!!!

@akapiratequeen congrats! Great choice!

@akapiratequeen Congrats on Eastman!! So i guess the scholarship
appeal must have worked!! So awesome!! He’s gonna love it!

Thank you @“Pikachu’s Mom” @SuzeViolin and @bjkmom

Congratulations to @“Meryem Ouhirra”! Great school and so nice to be done!

FYI, the first post summarizing the scholarship data by school is now live on the merit scholarship thread:

@Music2023 It did! They added some need-based aid. Plus his ninth semester (for the double major) will be free. It’s a stretch but we can do it. He is over the moon.

@lkbux64 your list is awesome, thank you~!

@akapiratequeen - Congratulations! May I ask how long it took for Eastman to respond to your appeal? Did they send an email or just updated the FA package?