Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Welcome to Eastman @akapiratequeen and @mperrine! Best wishes to your students and please reach out if I can be of assistance. ?

@MeritHopeful - you are making me laugh! Thank you for that. I hope that your musician makes a decision and sticks with it.

And congrats to the stragglers…

@NaariyalAmma - congrats on Toronto - I knew a violinist from Vanderbilt who is going there (or a music school in Toronto - would that be the same one?)

@highnotes2018 - congrats on Northwestern - love that school!!! Welcome back here after the stress.

@PAPDAD - congrats on McGill!!! Fantastic!!

And for those in the thick of decision-making - the end is in sight. We are looking forward to hearing. @lkbux64 @MeritHopeful, @PAPDAD, @Lendless - anyone else still in April Angst?

I have now moved on to securing loans for our two daughters - Part 2 of April Angst. Thank goodness the musician’s will be MUCH less than her aviator sister’s. In fact, I just found out that our aviator can get her flight ratings done in 2 years and if all goes well then be a flight instructor at her college for the last 2 years make $$ and have no tuition - at least, that’s the plan!

Hang in there April Angsters! It will be over soon.

@tripletmama We are still angsting in my house. I think S has it down to two—he’s dropped the chimichanga and the chile relleno (I think)

Congrats @PAPDAD on McGill! So many choices!

@MeritHopeful I have a child who also struggles making decisions. It can be tough to watch. When it became clear that her top choice school was not feasible financially she really struggled with what she would choose.
She made pros and cons lists. She compared curriculums. Finally she decicded to only think about one school at a time for a few days. She wore that schools t-shirt and tried to be “all in” for a day, to “try it on” so to speak and see if it felt right. Then she decided to take a break and not think about any schools for a few days to see if she would just know when she woke up one day. Maybe something here will help your daughter find a way to make a decision. Sending you hugs!

My daughter has come to the conclusion that she usually regrets most of her decisions that fall in the under $20 range. LOL!

@songbirdmama @highnotes2018. Congrats! My son is leaning heavily towards Northwestern also. He’s talking to some professors about working with them in their studio (forgive my lack of terminology, I was a tech person not a music major). Was just wondering which faculty had announced their retirement?

Still angsty here too. Scotty, Beam Me Up.

@diglass --those are some great ideas from your D!!! She will end up happy with her choice. Not thinking about it for a few days is a good idea too.

@highnotes2018 - You have to be on the full site to change your profile picture. I had the same issue finding it when looking from my phone. Go to menu then select profile. Then go to menu again and select full site. On the top of the page by your username, there is a setting icon. You can navigate from there. Hopefully this works for you!

S is down to two - actually he’s pretty set on his choice. But, before committing and pressing the virtual ‘accept’ button, we are patiently (not!) waiting for scholarship $$. They assured us we should see something this week…

Either way we’re going to put the deposit down this weekend so we can secure housing…so avatar change time should be then. We did (shhhh - surprise!)) order him a sweat jacket that is due to arrive today. Sort of belated birthday/congratulations on achievement gift.

@tripletmama - one of S’ good friends (and fellow percussionist) is an aviation kid too! He ended up at our state school (that also has a good music program) but was looking at North Dakota as well…I thought of you when his dad was explaining how hard it is to get there. Must be because the kids can fly themselves in and out? :slight_smile:

@mperrine and @akapiratequeen – First, congrats that your kids will be together at Eastman! And second: Java Coffee is the best! My daughter was at the Eastman summer program last year and most of her spending money went to Java Coffee! (She is QUITE serious about good vocal hygiene, so she doesn’t consume caffeine, but the desserts and treats there were another matter!)

I know this is taking it off topic, but I just wanted to share with you all that my D will be playing for the podcast on NPR’s From the top. It should be broadcast in June. It is with the San Diego Youth Symphony. So if you see it, please listen and know you have a connection :slight_smile:

That’s great @mperrine! Can you give us a heads up when it’s released? I would love to catch it.

@Lendlees We are in same boat. Ordered a little swag as a surprise. Waiting (not patiently either) on scholarship$$ but for us could be mid NEXT week…

@Mamager19 @Lendlees @MomOD4 et al, can’t wait to see those avatars flip over! And @mperrine that’s amazing! congrats to D!

@akapiratequeen - getting there… I also ordered a little something (shhhh). When that arrives, I will tell him to pull the trigger!?

Mexican food month at our house. D had 3 top choices, but one of them helpfully gave no aid. So then there were 2. Choice 1 is excellent and affordable. Choice 2 is also excellent but less affordable unless they give her more $$$ . D feels the weight of deciding between such good programs. Of course if Choice 2 does not offer more money, it will make the decision easier. In the meantime, she is reaching out to a current student and some alums for more data.

@khill87 So you’re saying that the gallon of coffee I drink every day is what’s holding back my vocal performance? I have an instrumentalist, so I didn’t know about that.

Me too, @PercussionMama!

My husband recently had shoulder surgery and asked the doctor how it would affect his piano playing. They got quite worried until they realized he’d never played the piano!

Did anyone here go to the Frost accepted student day on Sunday?

@akapiratequeen - your husband and mine went to the same school of bad jokes!

Hang in there @MomOD4! Ours might be next week too (in fact they said it could be as late as the end of the month), but we need to get that housing deposit in, so we will hopefully hear sooner. (insert fingers crossed emoji here)