Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@Amyizzy - thanks for the sage advice. I looked at your list of “hidden gems” - and there appears to be only one jazz program (Suny) which I have seen listed on here (along with William Patterson) - the others are noted for their classical program (of which, our daughter has no interest - although she cut her music teeth on classical. I will tell her to check it out. In terms of instructors that are good - I have heard there is a good jazz bassist at Northwestern but given her academics - a long shot.

I really do think that she if she doesn’t get into her top 3 jazz programs with decent $- she will likely do the feeder or community college route as she has seen her Berklee summer program ensemble members do. (two got full rides after doing a year or two elsewhere).

And I think there is an good chance that her mind will be opened up once she starts to do on campus auditions (remind me again how we pay for all of that???).

So - how about your daughter? - what’s on her list?

Wow, it’s all really happening!!

@tripletmama hopefully Berklee will bump their numbers. My daughter had dreamed of NYU her whole life and even with a scholarship we had to take on debt—but in her case it was worth it. She made such amazing connections and worked so hard, and she’s been flying ever since graduation (with top honors). I tell myself at least I don’t have college debt and a kid living on the couch—she’s been totally self sufficient!

Things are heating up here too. S is heading down to Rutgers to shadow a Mason Gross student for a day next week. He’s been in correspondence with a Lawrence student who has him excited enough to want to see the place (it’s a long way from us so won’t happen before spring, but I’m glad it’s moving up the list). Another friend of his went to visit and loved it. Meanwhile, he’s still excited about Ithaca, to the point of sort of wishing he could do ED. In general it’s better to wait, right? I worry that he wouldn’t get enough merit and we’d be stuck. Any thoughts?

Also, who has audition dates? First parental drink on me if we meet on the road! ?

We are in for Lawrence’s on campus EA audition. My kid is in tech for a theater production that week so that is going to be VERY quick turn around for us but we are planning on being on campus a good part of the day on that Saturday Nov 10. My kid has reservations so it would be great if everything were sunshine and roses that day and he fell in love! In some ways, this is my favorite fit for him in terms of the flexibility he would like. He has received some nice personal e-mails from admissions.

He has common app stuff in for Lawrence, Olaf, Oberlin, CMU, and our flagship. I would really like him to have 10 apps out there but we will see when burn out occurs! He has some annoying little writing supplements to get done on these first. I’m doing the secretarial bit as much as possible to keep stuff moving. We have no other scheduled auditions yet! He actually needs to do prescreens for all of the rest of those other than Lawrence.

I personally wouldn’t let my kid ED anywhere I wasn’t very comfortable with the result of the NPC. I feel like schools that offer merit have NO incentive to give their best financial offer ED. For need only schools where you really had a clear sense and it was affordable, it makes sense.

Oh - kid here also has an EA app in for Miami Frost. He just got a portal! :slight_smile:

Does anyone know anything about Berklee Early Acceptance? Auditions are in November vs. January. Not sure if it’s worth having 2 months less practice time or not? And do you get the scholarship info with the decision? Our daughter is in - but just wants to try and increase the $$.


  1. I think the community college option can be a very good option for some, especially if they have that one dream school to save for. I would love to have my daughter home an extra year earning credits locally and at a very cheap rate before taking the leap to the college world…but I guess it’s partly because she is my first off to college and I’m not ready to let go! Lol.
  1. Here's where my daughter stands at the moment

The major she is interested in is called different things at different colleges but it’s basically “Commercial/Popular Music” or “Music Industry” or “Jazz/Contemporary Music with Songwriting.” with the exception of City College which only offers “Jazz Studies” with a minor in “Popular Music Studies.”

We are done with applications for Common Ap, schools, CCPA and Berklee. Still working through CalArts and City College as well as the “part 2” requirements of Frost and NYU. She is taking care of transcripts and references through Naviance. I will be sending SAT and/or ACT scores in mid-October after the results of tomorrow’s SAT which she is retaking. Oh, and we submitted the FAFSA form right away on October 1st. We just received our EFC (I love the amount they THINK we can afford each year!)

I think this is the final list in no particular order. While many here are hoping to add some colleges, I am actually hopeful a few may naturally drop off on our end.


Columbia Chicago-no audition needed (just video/portfolio submission ASAP then rolling admissions)

NYU-no audition needed (video/portfolio by Dec. 1st)

University of Miami Frost-not doing early action, pre-screen needed

College of St. Rose-early action audition Nov. 17

Loyola New Orleans-Early action audition Nov. 10


Roosevelt CCPA Chicago-allowing an early audition Oct. 25 when we visit but not early action so decision will probably given in February or March.

City College (NYC)


Berklee-Early action audition Dec. 8

  1. I saw something on College Confidential from 2011 that asked your question about scholarship money notification for early action at Berklee. One parent said the acceptance email came January 31st followed by a scholarship offer 2 weeks later. But that is from 7 years ago, so take it with a grain of salt!

Sending good vibes to you and every parent here. I am so grateful to have this outlet and resource! We can do this!

@AmyIzzy - you seem very organized! You have given me inspiration.

@tripletmama I know a very talented jazz bassist who is very happy at Northwestern. I was a little surprised at first as I’d thought of that program as more classically-oriented. I think it’s great that your D has such a good sense of herself and where she’d thrive. As far as adding options, would she consider Frost? How about McGill? Though not sure how scholarships work there.

@akapiratequeen Can you report back on Mason Gross? My son is applying there but he’s not going to see it until his audition.

He took a trial lesson at Maryland’s “Discover Music” program yesterday. The actual open house program seemed to be pretty disorganized (he found one person sitting at a table in the music building), but he enjoyed the hour he spent with the faculty member and at least he’ll be a little more comfortable when he goes to audition in January.

@eh1234 We were pleasantly surprised by Mason Gross. Although Rutgers is huge and sprawling, the music facilities are all together in a pretty little corner of the campus (near Douglass). The performance spaces were fairly new and very attractive. We didn’t see the dorms, but understand that the freshmen mostly live together in a dorm that is very nearby. So no cars or shuttles needed.

We know the sax teacher who would head S’s studio, although I believe he is not full-time at the school. We were also very impressed by the administrative people at the music open house in the spring. I can PM you a couple of names if you have specific questions – we have found them to be responsive. We will know more after the 15th when S spends the day on campus.

By contrast, we also visited UMD and found the music department a bit chaotic. The facilities are nice but S commented that he felt like the program “was an afterthought.” They weren’t able to connect him with a saxophone instructor and the information they provided was very classically focused (he’s a jazz player). He ended up not applying. I suspect it just wan’t a good fit for him (jazz/music ed combo is tough to find) vs. the fault of the program itself.

Thanks, @akapiratequeen - good to know! I am a little worried about the size of the campus, but my son is only applying to one smaller school anyway. Having everything in one place should make it manageable.

My son is getting a similar impression at Maryland, although he would be happy to work with the faculty there. He signed up for the open house and was supposed to get a schedule based on the times he said he would be on campus. That never happened, but the faculty for his instrument actually reached out to him to arrange a lesson time. He’ll still going to apply and will do one more visit if admitted.

@eh1234 Good faculty is everything! We really liked the UMD campus and facilities, too.

Good luck to all, especially on early action auditions. @tripletmama I am sorry for all of your stresses and am sending a virtual hug. @AmyIzzy you are so on top of things I am jealous.

Honestly I’m dying a little on the inside. We FINALLY narrowed our list to an easier number to actually apply at after our three college tour earlier in the week. S fell in love with one campus in particular. But then he goes to school yesterday and gets semi-criticism from his band directors for his choices of where to apply when they had told me what great schools they were and that they have previous students who are or did attend some. When previously they said he needs to make sure to get a BM not a BA now they say he needs a BMe. Schools they previously said are great they now say are terrible for instrumental music ed. They are telling him to apply at schools that either a) they already know he has no interest in or b) came out of left field and I have never seen a recommendation ANYWHERE or from ANYONE about. And let’s not get me started on the fact that their recommendations are polar opposites of his flute teacher. They criticize parents who aren’t supportive of kids interested in a musical track but I don’t see how what they are doing is at all supportive.

So yay! We narrowed our list but boo! We are nowhere near ready to submit apps or audition. Then throw in the fact he has 3 new orchestra pieces to learn for a district performance in 3 weeks that he just got the music for yesterday and doesn’t even know if he is on flute 1 or 2 so he has to learn both. I had to take a week long break from the internet just to try to live life because the search has been all consuming. I can’t even imagine the stress he is under. And we have pre-screens to crank out in very little time. It’s so great how together you all have things.

@UniversityMomOf2 - what a crummy and confusing thing for his band directors to have done–especially so late in the game! Boo, indeed! I say trust your experiences and your gut, and listen to his flute teacher. Wonderful news that your son found one school to really love. That’s a good thing! You’ve got this!

@UniversityMomOf2 that is just crazy. I know working and teaching artists from all 3 of the schools you just visited, many who went on to good grad programs too! Ugh - does he have a private teacher outside the school environment he can talk to about choices and maybe avoid those in the school setting? If they can’t get their opinion straight maybe they don’t get an opinion!? It sounds like you are on the right track for your son! I hope your trip back to favorite school goes great!

Kid has 6 apps in on the common app and 1 almost ready to roll, hopefully later today or over the weekend. Some writing lingers in a few of those. Scholarship essays. 1 Supplemental writing thing. After that next one goes in, he can move to his “fun” but probably won’t work out schools. And I’m talking financially more than musically or academically I think but he can have a few of those. Many of our apps so far have been free to apply to anyway so I don’t mind paying for a few. This is such a tedious process but if he can crank out a few more, who am I to say no!

Filming prescreens in about a week and a half. Hope the kid is practicing! Thanking lucky stars again the music is mostly review. He’ll be filming 5 songs to cover requirements. We went through pre-screen requirements with a teacher and I was involved because I figured I might end up being in charge of editing and some of them are comical! It’s like they got together and picked clashing requirements just for fun. Sing a song in 3 languages but none can be German but no arias in Italian composed prior to 1683. Ok - I made that one up but jeez! :)) I’m actually a little bit in awe he can get by with 5. Some are due Nov 1 so there might be some quick late night editing involved because I don’t want to be trying to upload on Halloween!

@UniversityMomOf2 I am so sorry your son has to deal with those mixed messages and lack of support. I agree with @mom2clarinetobsessedkid. That is perfect advice. Don’t let the naysayers ruin your “Yay” moment! Considering some kids can’t find ANY college they like, let alone fall in love with, you are lucky and doing great! With everything on his plate (and yours!) it’s easy to get overwhelmed with deadlines and hard to put everything in perspective. But everything WILL get done and I’m sure he will do well at his auditions and get several nice offers to consider. Most importantly, he will make the best decision for HIM based on his OWN personal research, visits, feelings and goals. And his wise mom (and all of us!) will be cheering him on!

Ok so I just teared up a little. This community is amazing. Thank you for the sage advice and support. I’m rooting for all of your children to get what they love at a price that can be afforded. I know that’s different for every child but the sentiment is the same for all families.

@UniversityMomOf2 just wanted to agree with others that his band directors are way out of line. I cannot figure out what motivates people sometimes. I would trust his private teachers and your own gut instincts (and his). Good luck and know that we are here for you!

Unfortunately I think the situation with the band director is common enough.

Teachers aren’t always consistent. My D’s number 1 faculty nemesis had been an inconsistent, “sower of doubt” since freshman year. Sometimes he would praise her. Other times ignore her. She had his number. I wonder if your son did the old eye roll in the end. My D didnt care a bit for that teachers opinion. The head teacher for choir was supportive however. So that helped. And of course the private teacher was good too.

College is a weird thing. So many opinions and so little knowledge. When my D decided on Indiana my 3 favorite responses from ADULTS mind you were:

Indiana! Indiana! Why Indiana? It’s such an awful state.
She’s not going to Juilliard? Why wouldn’t she go to Juilliard?
I thought she’d go to Columbia. Didn’t she apply to Columbia. (Her son was going to Columbia)

All 3 left me speechless lol. People are strange. Now 8 years later no one remembers where anyone went.

I would always return to 1) is it a reputable school with graduates working/studying more and 2) is it a fit for your kid. For every school there will be pros and cons. For every school there will be naysayers (and probably one nagging issue - no school is perfect). In the end however the only one there for 4 years is your kid. If it’s reputable and your kid is excited to attend…mission accomplished…despite the sourpusses and naysayers.

@Bridgenail - you hit the nail on the head!!! @UniversityMomOf2 Just ignore his band director. Many of them aren’t that in tune with colleges now days and are speaking from their experience 20 years ago. IGNORE THEM. I’m serious when I say that the parents on this board likely know more about colleges than he does.

In fact, our daughter didn’t respect her music director at her last Arts School (not her orchestra director whom she loved) so much that she will not even look at the school he graduated from. She said that they put out “washed out Music Directors”. Too bad since it’s a nice music school in Florida (no names mentioned). You will get more sage advice from younger musicians in the area that he is interested in. Go seek advice there.