Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Brooklyn is great! Half of my colleagues in my midtown Manhattan office live in Brooklyn – they are way cooler and hipper than I am!

In the vein of @GoForth…on what to do…but more directed at the (crazy) parents:

1.) Crash emotionally.
2.) Then slowly but surely…in that large void of time…start to worry…is it REALLY safe there…maybe the roommate will be a serial killer…no that’s crazy … maybe just a drug dealer.
3.) Then distract yourself, plan for orientation, the dorm room, class schedules and spend time on the school’s website finding out all kinds of silly factoids that you may brag about after a few glasses of wine at grad parties! Your kid will probably be too busy to worry about any of this…

4.) Bc they will be enjoying their “lasts”…prom or concerts or grad parties or whatever they like to do. It’s truly a special time.

And…on a sad note…my D’s group of high school friends lost a friend last fall (at 25). It was the guy that she went to prom with…and I saw some prom kids last weekend and it made me so sad to think he’s gone. It is a really good time to re-engage with the present and experience all those final moments of high school. Moving on will come soon enough.

Finally, GOOD LUCK TO AN OUTSTANDING CLASS! It was fun to follow your journey.

Congratulations @CompMom21 and @TxSker! Wonderful news! How’s it going @meltedbutter? Hoping we all hear some great news from you soon.

Pulling up the rear … DEPOSIT PAID!!! So happy for my daughter that she’ll be attending her dream school!!

Mannes School of Music for BM in classical vocal performance.

I’m too exhausted to write more about the journey. Hopefully later. But thanks to everyone here for all the support!!!

PS Having trouble changing logo LOL

OH MY GOODNESS @meltedbutter YAY!!! So incredibly excited for you and D!!! Also welcome to New York!

Congrats @meltedbutter! Put your feet up, have a glass of wine, and enjoy!

Yayyyyy @meltedbutter and welcome to The New School contingent! I was the only one last year!!

Congrats @meltedbutter! So glad that you didn’t need to use that extension!

YAY! Finally figured out to change my profile pic. So much success in the last two days.

@jadedhaven love your logo! Vanderbilt is a wonderful place – congrats again!

@khill87 I think AmyIzzy summed things up well on the EA front. I think it was a huge stress relief for my D to have something in hand early. Our four EA schools were:

SMU (music admit 12/5, school admit 12/14, academic scholarship news 12/14, music scholarship news 3/27)
Puget Sound (school and music admit and academic and music scholarship all on 12/19),
Trinity (school and music admit and academic scholarship all on 12/15, D pulled the plug before their late March music scholarship announcements), and

UNC Chapel Hill (school and music admit music news on 1/25, with a no on their big scholarships in late February).

That was three admits with financial viability confirmed before Christmas, and one of those three was in the running until late. We did every EA we could, mostly because Spring weekends are hard to come by, and any audition we could move to the Fall we did. But D spent the first three months of 2019 with an option she liked in hand and opened Spring decision letters with interest, but not anxiety. That was a benefit I would recommend to anyone in hindsight. D ultimately picked the last school to get back to her with a decision in late March, but her angst in 2019 was all “which of the options that I like will I choose?”, not “will I have an option?”.

Got the logo done! (I was trying to do it on my phone while walking earlier).
Congrats to everyone for making it through this process!! What a wild ride! Now on to the next stage…

@jadedhaven, you equating successfully changing your profile pic to finishing the first (multi-month) part of a process that should ultimately result in a degree from Vandy made me chuckle.

Woo hoo @meltedbutter! Congrats. Maybe the New School is the one that takes it down to the wire? Two years running. But comes through in the end.

The logo was not quite as difficult as the road through burning college music hell, but it was a tad challenging.

I peeked in on the newbie thread. Poor, sweet souls. I hope they’re girding their loins and stocking up on valium.

@meltedbutter Congrats on Mannes! Omigosh, yeah I don’t blame you about being exhausted. The audition process is quite the ride!

I am going to saunter over to the newbie thread and give them some of my hard-fought wisdom. Come on over later and tell me what you think.

@khill87 I second everything that @AmyIzzy said and some!
My D applied EA to 3 schools.
Belmont Songwriting, Loyola and FROST. The only thing I’d like to add here is that she was accepted EA to both Loyola and Belmont but put into regular decision for her top school. Skip forward a few months and some treacherous audition prep…she was so relieved to have Belmont in the bag, it really made a difference. But heres our kicker. She actually later got into FROST and UCLA, a school she admits now she never dreamed of making the cut. If she had been accepted to FROST EA she would never have allowed herself to reach her full potential. She most likely would have accepted the offer and not followed through with further auditions. Things change during this process, the kids grow and become more mature and for us our Ds outlook on her 4 year plan deepened. I encourage all to apply EA but keep your options open. I hope that helps!

We had an outside college counselor, our public school would be way too busy as well. She handled all the academic prep including essays and I handled all the audition prep.

I’d like to add, I am a strong advocate for summer programs. My D attended Berklee & FROST and her experiences definitively swayed her application process. Plus the connections she made with students and faculty were invaluable.

Great points @“BayAreaMom2016” — maybe copy to the newbie thread as well?