Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

I chuckle each time we are referred to as newbies. I don’t feel like such a newbie though given all the stress I’ve already endured. I know- the real stress is yet to come. Yup, deep breaths (and some chuckling).

Bwahaha @Busy_Momma! Just wait, my young Paduan…

Yay @meltedbutter! Congratulations on Mannes! Sounds like quite a stressful final few weeks but gotta love the happy ending! Best of luck to her in NYC!

Didn’t want to post publicly but my daughter just finished her first music video and original EP. If you would like the link to the free EP download and video, comment on this thread or PM me and I’ll send it your way. She is having an EP release party on Friday so that’s very exciting. Good timing with the college decision made and her 18th birthday coming up-lots to celebrate! The project was started in August 2018 so it took longer than she wanted (as these things often do) and was even more challenging with the college travel and audition demands. But it is a huge accomplishment, so she is very relieved and happy! I’d love to share with anyone interested : )

@AmyIzzy Thanks!! So glad this part is over! And d is so excited to be in NYC next year!!

To everyone else, now that we picked our most expensive option, I decided the only way we’ll get to vacation is if we do house swaps with other cash-saddled parents with kids in college. We have a lovely place on Long Island… walking distance to the LIRR train into NYC, which takes either 36 or 45 min (express and local) to get to Penn Station, 30-minute drive to the ocean, and 10 min to the Long Island sound waterfront. Oh and a dog and a cat to take care of (lol). Anyone wanna swap?? ?

@khill87 Regarding EA: So my S’s situation was a little different because he was applying to some schools for Music Business, and some for performance if they didn’t have Music Business. I think no matter if it was an audition program or not, he did EA if available (there might have been 2 or 3 that didn’t offer EA).

In the end, it was totally worth it. Even if he had to wait to hear from the school of music, in most cases he knew since the EA decision date if he got into the school academically. Knowing that he was accepted put him at ease even when waiting to hear back about the audition. His #1 was always Frost, and even though he applied EA, he was knocked out of that EA pool because of the audition. Miami was one school that didn’t tell you if you were in or not until Frost made their decision. I wouldn’t say it was a waste to do EA at Miami because of that; I would say it was proof that he was extremely interested in the program and let them know it by applying EA;)

Plus, for some scholarships, you need to apply by the EA deadline. Be careful with that if you think D will be in the running for those scholarships. Missing an EA deadline could mean the difference between $10K+ and $0, depending on the school.

I do understand about the stress of auditioning early, and we did feel that. I think he could have been more prepared if he had a few extra weeks…then again, he also got very busy at that point with the school musical and a new semester of AP classes so I can’t really say the extra time would have been spent on preparing for auditions…so in a way, it just worked out for him.

He certainly had really good options from his EA list in case Frost didn’t work out for him, so it was a win-win for him (and peace of mind for me)!

Happy to announce that a decision has been made: University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory of Music and Dance! Seven applications, four prescreenings, seven auditions, five acceptances with scholarships offered at all five, (and one lingering wait list) and we have chosen the school that feels best for him and our family when all factors, including cost, are considered. He is excited to be going there! We feel fortunate that our state offers a quality program at an affordable price for us. The jazz program continues to grow and get stronger each year and is located in the heart of a city with a vibrant jazz scene.

It may not have been one of his original “dream schools”, but after careful thought and reflection this past month, he decided it was the school for him. We could not take cost out of our decision and no appeal at the two expensive schools was going to get us to the number we were looking for. He (and we) will be able to graduate from undergrad debt free and I feel like a financial weight has been lifted off of our family.

I have not been a frequent poster, but I would like to offer a congratulations to all of you and your acceptances! I feel fortunate to have found this supportive group. A special thanks to @TwoInCollegeMom , @diglass , @mperrine , @GoForth , @JeJeJe , @Compojazzmom , @AmyIzzy , @SuzeViolin , @akapiratequeen , and @tripletmama for your advice and encouragement. I’m sure I’ve missed a few, so really, all of you!

CaraCoMO!!! Yay! Congratulations!!!

Asking for a friend. Watching a very talented french horn player wait for waitlist spot…and it might come through. Only other option was NEC, and they did not offer him enough, though offered him more than I see on our scholarship/merit aid thread. (!!!)

Other than auditioning again for Spring or next year… Anyone heard of ways to seek out studios that did not get their desired number of students for Fall 2019?? I know this can be done for other majors. This is painful to watch. A school would be lucky to get him. AND there is certainly nothing wrong with a gap year to rev engines for next year. That might be a great benefit.

@CaraCoMO congratulations! Wonderful news! Sounds like your S made a great and thoughtful choice. You must be so proud of him! I know he’ll grow and thrive

@MomOD4 My D is a horn player and NEC is notorious for not giving any money. I would suggest looking at some rolling ap colleges. One could contact the horn studio and ask. What state is he in? I know talking with LNO which has an amazing teacher( we were very tempted) that they have a flexible application… maybe if it is too late for fall… maybe apply for spring. University of Arizona… maybe… Where did they get waitlisted?

@MomOD4 one place to look might be the NACAC College Openings Update. I don’t know how to post a link, but it’s a list, published every year, of colleges that still have openings after May 1. It won’t tell you if there’s room in a horn studio, but those colleges should at least accept late applications. Loyola New Orleans is currently on the list–publications/Research/CollegeOpenings/

Finally figured out how to change my Avatar. My son decided on Belmont some time in the fall and fell in love with it during visit in January after already being admitted. He spent his Senior year stress free knowing exactly what he planned to do. He just recently joined facebook accepted group for Belmont and is even happier after making friends, choosing band members, and negotiating with potential roommates. While I stressed all spring, he took it easy. I have been on and off this site because hearing about all the choices made me more anxious. But I so much appreciate this site and the people who post tirelessly. So many people shared so much information that would otherwise be so hard to figure out. I can’t imagine what it would be go through this process with a few out dated books and college brochures. Thanks to the people who reached out and held my hand through some moments of doubt and confusion. Thanks to woman who actually drove to Calarts and took video footage for me. Anyone who has student going to Belmont - please reach out.

@khill87 Regarding EA - I definitely wish that our daughter had done EA. Berklee (for the most part) was her #1 choice after going to their Summer Program last year (she even left her NEC tour halfway because it wasn’t Berklee :slight_smile:

But - she has ideas in her head (sometimes right and sometimes wrong) and she was hopeful that she could do another audition and get more than the $20k offered her (I have since found out that it’s rare that they increase the merit scholarship from the summer). We also had heard that Berklee isn’t the best with financial aid so she felt like she had to increase her merit aid in order to attend. I think that had she auditioned earlier in the season or even applied early action we could have had her FA award (which was another $20k) and skipped the second audition and she would have had one in the bag much earlier with a LOT less pressure. She may have even not auditioned elsewhere - or done so for the experience of it. She auditioned fairly late since she wanted her own combo to play with her which gave her a sense of security.

Now - having said that, some will say that FA opens up later in the game - so I’m not sure. I could have done without the cost and the angst of auditioning in the Spring. It was pretty intense.

I think that’s the value of this board - it really helps to know what strategies work from other musicians. I wish I had known that decent FA was available at Berklee. I never heard that - could have saved a lot of stress.

@Parentof2014grad and @mperrine THANK YOU and I am sharing with horn player! If something works out for him late like this, I will post for all others who may need hope in the future! @pdxtigermom THANKS for link!

@jacole congrats on an amazing choice! Love the avatar!

Awesome news, @DrummerDad18 . . . Congratulations and Fight On!

That’s awesome news, @CompMom21 !! Thrilled to have another Peabody parent on the board. See you in Baltimore for move-in and orientation!

Catching up after a busy Saturday:

@MomOD4 — congrats on Michigan commit! Ann Arbor seems like the perfect college town, too.

@PianoMom88 — congrats on the commitment to Boston Conservatory. My D visited there and loved the tour and the students. We were worried about aid so didn’t apply after all, although it seems like a great place!

@jazzboydad— what a great decision for your S. A growing program must bring a lot of energy to the table, too!

@CompojazzMom —and congratulations on your S’s commitment to Boston Conservatory (in the musical heart of Boston)! So glad it feels like a great fit.

@Lyoder2051 — you seem so calm now that the long search is over! Congratulations on the wonderful opportunities you’re pursuing at UCLA.

@jadedhaven — beautiful logo and wonderful to hear of your S’s decision! Enjoy the final school months (without all the agony of decision making)!

@DrummerDad18 —so glad your D committee to Thornton and made a choice on what to pursue for the next few years. Sounds like an amazing place to do it!

@Music2023 — what a long process and a great result. I’m sure he’ll love U Michigan. It seems like such a universe unto itself—Lots to do and love!

@TxSker — congrats to your family! Funny that you mentioned the decision was made ‘way back on 4/12’—seems like light years ago to us as well!!

@CompMom21 — what a nail biter! Congrats and you must be so glad to be done! Peabody sounds like a special place.

@meltedbutter — wonderful to hear of your D’s decision. I’m sure she’ll love the school and the city!

And @CaraCoMO — wonderful decision! Now that your S has made the decision and truly considered all the options, you can reap the benefits of having a great in-state option. I know with my D being only 2 hours away, I may actually get to attend a few concerts! Wish you the same!

Your S knew what he wanted from the start—what a great way to start his college career at Belmont!

Good luck to everyone in their next steps. My D is excited to go dorm shopping (when she makes some summer money) and is debating the advantages of splitting the cost of a mini fridge…

And all the lasts!! Today was large-group contest for our high school kids. Beautiful music and with great friends. Helping out at the event gave me a front-row seat. They all looked so grown and ready to make the most of whatever the future holds.

Happy rest of May!