Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

As we get closer to the due dates, please check in with the number of schools your student is applying to (we hope), as well as instrument/program and whether these are safety/reaches/matches. This is the kind of info that really helped me from previous years’ journey threads so please share if you feel comfortable.

My son:
BM, dual major in jazz and music ed
7 schools
one EA, no ED
no real safeties (all require auditions)
Academically, I’d say mostly matches with one reach and one safety

I like that idea @akapiratequeen We have not really thought that out fully. I think we are in ok shape

Son - VP (also plays piano, interested in comp, possible dual degree)
9 schools total for sure, considering 1 or 2 others - I’d love him to apply to Eastman/Rochester actually but we haven’t visited. He is interested in Boston U. None are standalone conservatories.
All have a BM program with auditions
7 of 9 require prescreens for BM program
2 financial safeties that are also academic safeties. They have a back up BA Music no audition option.

3 academic safeties that also have a BA Music option with no audition
2 are academic matches but competitive (he is at the 75%+ for those)
2 are crazy reaches in all ways

Already into one safety. Still waiting on reference letters due Nov 1. My kid is super laid back about that kind of thing but he is even annoyed now. We did get prescreens done, but honestly I am a little twitchy about how they turned out. Kid definitely sings better later in the day but we had to film early. Waiting for feedback on those too.

Hey - expert parents! Once you send in prescreens when do you start hearing if you’ve gotten through that round? I’m a little anxious to get travel plans in place.

Thanks @MusakParent ! Building on your comments, do students ever get admitted just off the prescreens? Or is there always a follow-up audition?

@MusakParent , we heard about passing prescreens via email from Oberlin on December 13. I think we waited until very early January for one of D’s prescreen results (but I couldn’t easily find that info). @akapiratequeen , in voice at least, I have never heard of someone being offered admission from a prescreen (but in voice, they really want to see/hear you in person, so maybe those sorts of offers can happen for instrumentalists? Idk.)

Thanks @dramasopranomom – and oh well! The wording on the NYU Steinhardt application is what made me wonder: “After uploading the prescreening submission, your materials will be reviewed by our faculty. If, following the review, we require an in-person audition, you will be sent an email invitation, with several choices of dates on which to appear. The review process can take anywhere from 2–4 weeks.”

That “if we require” sounded a bit, to my hopeful ears, like they might admit you without it. But it’s probably just another way of saying “If we’re interested, we’ll be in touch.”

OOH, but it sounds that way to me, too @akapiratequeen , so maybe it is possible!! Steinhardt was not one of my D’s schools, so…

It took a bit to hear about prescreens. We made refundable travel arrangements for our requested, or anticipated, audition dates; then canceled or moved as needed. Southwest Air is great for that.

Yes, that’s really odd wording @akapiratequeen ! I haven’t seen that anywhere else. My kid would love to apply to Steinhardt.

The other reason I wondered is that my daughter, who went to NYU Gallatin, did not have an interview. She was told that she could request one if desired, but because the volume of submissions was so large, they didn’t schedule them otherwise. Will keep everyone posted.

That is smart @vistajay ! I am not feeling that confident (lol) but that’s probably really wise especially for schools of high interest.

Some programs will let you request audition dates before you hear back regarding prescreens, and whenever possible, I would recommend requesting dates (especially at your most coveted programs) asap. You can always change your mind later.

@akapiratequeen - not to be Debbie Downer, but I read the NYU comment as if you pass (meaning we want to hear more), we’ll send you an invitation. If not (meaning we don’t need to hear anymore), you will NOT get an invitation to audition. But I could be wrong…

After uploading the prescreening submission, your materials will be reviewed by our faculty. If, following the review, we require an in-person audition, you will be sent an email invitation, with several choices of dates on which to appear.

@bridgenail yeah, I’m assuming you are right. Just had a moment of hoping otherwise!

S is applying to 9 schools, 3 sight unseen. Academically a couple are safeties and the rest he is on par with other admitted students. No reaches academically. Musically I would say 3 are safeties even with auditions, 2 require pre-screens and one for sure is a reach because they are only taking 4 students on his instrument. One we are confident in, and the other 4 no idea. Financially 2 are safeties (among the music safeties luckily) and the rest no idea but all give academic merit scholarships and 1 meets 100% financial need. He is applying for Music Education/Instrumental. Mostly BM programs but a few are BA. No EA or ED as we got a late start with the process although we are finally moving along with applications. Most are down to the Naviance part then can be submitted. Two require some extra writing but no real essays. One even had the music supplement in the common app so don’t have to add that. Three are not common app so need to get those done, but they are the safeties. SAT’s were sent out over the weekend to the remaining schools. Need to double check that FAFSA went the right places.

Here’s our daughter’s summary (her audition list has morphed but hopefully is final now).

Jazz Double Bass
Jazz Performance Major
Applying to 8 schools (Berklee, NEC, The New School, MSM, Cal Arts, SF Conservatory, Oberlin and Northwestern)
No Safeties (except she was admitted into Berklee - but will re-audition and hopefully make it within reach).
Academically - she is not interested in academics so hopes to go to a school where that’s not the focus

I have a quick question: I can only find live audition dates for a few schools thus far: Berklee and NEC.

The possible issue is that if she passes the pre-screens we were hoping to do the NorthEast ones at the same time. NEC is only one day (Feb. 3) - so hoping we can schedule The New School and MSM for the same timeframe. Do I have to call the schools to find out the date?

Great list, so exciting! It seems like time is moving more quickly all of a sudden! We finished the CSS profile today. FAFSA is done already. Early Action audition is confirmed (Berklee). All applications are done except Eastman (due 12/1, prescreen not done yet—that will be a nail biter) and NYU, which needs another essay as well as the prescreen. Prescreens will be recorded 11/26 and sent by the 30th if not earlier. In the end, he got it to three songs which will work for both prescreens as well as the EA audition. He’ll have about five more to perfect for the other auditions, but he’ll have until mid-January to get those under his belt. Then four more auditions scheduled for Jan 11 through Feb 16, plus two more if he passes the prescreens.

I got tired just writing that…

Great list, @tripletmama. I think you can find most audition dates on the admissions website for each college but sometimes it’s hidden and takes a few extra clicks to get to it. But I’m sure a phone call to admissions would get you quick info too. I know Berklee is #1 for your daughter, but I think CalArts may be a good fit for an artsy musician who may not be big on academics-so glad to see that one on the list. My daughter plans to apply there so I found this info about auditions on their website. Candidates must submit a portfolio and essay (preferred date of submission is Dec. 3rd I believe) to be considered for an audition. Good luck!

CalArts 2019 Audition Dates

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Los Angeles: CalArts Campus
Saturday, January 26, 2019

New York
Saturday, February 2, 2019

San Francisco

I don’t know where I got it but I have Northwestern audition dates as Feb 7-17. Great looking list!

Northwestern music told us more firmly than we’ve heard anywhere else when we visited that they expected academics and test scores to be in line with the rest of the school and many music students pursue dual degree but maybe someone with more NU experience can can confirm or deny! Like university of Michigan sounded WAY more lax about academics and test scores for music applicants.