Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Please also be aware that AdComs do visit this site and you would not want to post anything this summer/fall that could negatively impact your student next year. Discretion is advised. Please also consider the tone of your comments whether about your student or another, or a program. Consider how others will read your comments/exclamations because they are permanent.

And on that note, let’s get back to the journey! Please raise your hand if your child is a rising senior and about to begin the whirlwind year. It would also be great to know their gender, instrument, and anything else you’d like to share.

@lfpparent- S is a bassoonist, a very small community I’ve learned, so I appreciate everyone’s privacy concerns. We’re also in the PacNW. Tried to figure out how to pm you, but I’m assuming I’m not able to do that yet since I’m a new member. I saw your percussionist’s school in your other posts, and yes, I would love to hear your experiences. I know my S is only humoring me in even looking at non-E Coast schools because for whatever reason, he has his suburban-raised mind set on living in an urban setting on the E Coast. I’m already fearful of the costs of fares for last minute flights and of hotels for auditions. Fortunately, other children are happy to go to our state school. Still…

@akapiratequeen - yes, thank you, I’ll definitely be picking your brains once we check out the NYC schools next year, probably about this time, for those private lessons. We’ll probably check out Temple as well since the professor is the primary at Curtis.

Here’s a hint for audition trips. Usually a college/Conservatory has a link to good hotel rates but sometimes I found better rates searching city travel sites. For example, we visited Boston during restaurant week and the rate offered by a hotel for that event was much, much better than the rate it had contracted with a Conservatory (I learned that the colleges/conservatories contract these rates with hotels a year in advance). So check around when you book!

Glad to join the new thread and share our story as it unfolds as well. As a noob trying to guide my eldest of three girls through the college process as a non-musician, to say I’m in uncharted waters is an understatement. I’ve found this board and its members to be invaluable already so happy to start de-lurking and contributing my own experiences in case they are helpful.

My daughter is a rising senior and a jazz/contemporary drummer. She’s been playing since the age of 10 or so, both in school jazz programs and performance programs like School of Rock. She’s happiest playing live and truly loves almost every genre, from prog to soul. She wants to make this her career, and has been steadily working to round out her skill set to make that possible. For example, supplementing her School of Rock instruction with privates on both the jazz and funk/fusion side for the past few years. She’s currently attending the MSM Pre-College Jazz program, as a way to find out what the academic jazz environment is like while building her theory and ear training skills. And last year she put together a money-making “Yacht Rock” tribute band to see what the commercial side of being a gigging musician is like. Of course she also has done her share of clinics, fantasy camps (Music Masters at Full Moon Resort) and sits in with adult bands whenever she can.

So far we’ve visited USC and met with faculty on both Popular and Jazz side of the school. Really loved both (what’s not to love)? Great people, great players, and seems like an amazing environment if you can get in there and can swing the cost.

Next week during our Spring Break we are visiting Frost, where we’ve got a full slate of appointments with faculty as well. She has some friends down there who “graduated” from her local School of Rock and that she has gigged with for years so looking forward to connecting with them and getting the inside scoop.

This Summer she’s applied to Grammy Camp for a chance to get back on USC Campus and she’s also planning to tour with the School of Rock All-Stars again. So lots of time in the shed while also doing some networking and skills building. Right now her stress is all around how to balance time spent on ACT prep vs time on the drum throne.

I’m looking forward to sharing our experiences with you all!

Wow, @DrummerDad18 – she sounds amazing! This should be a wonderful year for you and her!

My son is a jazz player as well, primarily on tenor sax (but he also plays the other three). It’s a great community. He started at 12 in his middle school band, and really took off in 8th grade when he was invited to the high school marching band (where he is soon to enter year 5, the last two years as a section leader). He also plays in the NJ Performing Arts Center’s honors jazz orchestra as well as in pit bands, with an adult “gamer orchestra,” in his school’s jazz ensemble, as a guest with a couple of local bands – basically anywhere, any time. Finally, he sings in our school’s honors choirs, plays piano, and wants to explore conducting.

As a friend said recently, “My condolences, you have yourself a musician.”

Surprisingly (to me) he never complains and is always willing to take on more. It is truly his passion. He’s a focused kid (also has a black belt in tae kwon do and a good GPA, though standardized tests are his bane). He’s done the Berklee summer program, which he really liked, and will go to Eastman for the Jazz Workshop this July. That said, lately he’s been saying that he wants to expand beyond jazz. So, while he’s a good player, he seems to go for breadth rather than depth. I don’t see that changing and I’m not sure where it will lead him, which is why he’s looking at teaching, music therapy, and other more “general” fields.

I should also mention that he’s a) the baby (other kids/stepkids are 23, 26, 27, 28, and 31) and b) the only musician in the bunch. So, while I know a lot about the college application process (I also worked for universities in marketing/admissions), I am a complete newbie in the world of music schools.

I look forward to sharing your journey and seeing everyone on the audition trail!

Joining this group…thanks for starting it @akapiratequeen! I’ve read with baited breath the other journey thread…so much to learn. I think my daughter is likely getting tired of all the tidbits that I’ve texted her from there…but she hasn’t complained yet so I guess that means she’s reading them.

Our daughter is a jazz bassist. Cut her teeth in classical. Right now Berklee is top of her list but I know that may change (as it did for SpartanDrew’s daughter) but the cost worries me. (I’m a firm believer that kids in the arts should minimize debt). Others that she is interested in are: MSM (her former bass instructor went there), NEC (she’s heard great things about it), the New School (can you tell she likes urban settings?) and Eastman (I think because of her classical upbringing). She is somewhat interested in USC but I think it’s unobtainable financially. She has no interest in UNT or Frost because they aren’t urban. Seems a bit short sighted and I’m trying to get her to open her mind to them. She has a mild interest in Oberlin, though. And her current jazz bass instructor that she adores hated Indiana - so that isn’t on the list, either. :frowning:

Her goal is to have her current jazz instructor’s life. She plays every Monday night at a jazz club in LA and goes on tour with vocalists a few times a year in the U.S… My goal for her would be to play with a band like the Lumineers - touring the world. :slight_smile: I would imagine getting a gig like that involves more than just a bit of good luck and being in the right place. The good thing is that upright basses have become popular in contemporary bands - I’m hoping that it isn’t just a passing fad. Certainly being a female bassists has it’s perks as there aren’t that many.

We haven’t done any tours yet but plan to start this summer. She just found out that she got accepted to Berklee’s Summer Jazz Program (with a generous scholarship). So - she will try to schedule a sample lesson at NEC - and also MSM and the New School when she is that neck of the woods. (if we can get through to them - thanks for the tips!). Her triplet brother is studying ballet at the New York City Ballet’s school, so it would be very handy to have them in the same city - but Boston and NYC are close enough for this mama bear who currently has them spread out across the nation: eldest in SC, ballet boy in NYC, musician in LA and last triplet girl, in SF with us (she aspires to be a pilot - which will certainly come in handy in due course to see all of them).

I look forward to going on this journey with all of you - sharing information and tips. Hopefully we can even meet up at some of the auditions.

I am not a tru urban-dweller, so my senses could be off, but Frost seemed very near to urban areas. At least, I am driving on the highway with tall-to-me buildings on each side of the road, then, shortly, I am at U-Miami. The campus itself does seem self-contained like a tropical resort.

Two bands that I recall S liking a lot, as in would have liked playing/touring with are Snarky Puppy and Vulpeck.

Good job on the summer camp. It sounds awesome.

Haha! Vulfpeck is my son’s favorite as well.

D loves Snarky Puppy! And Haitus Coyote, Kamaize Washington, Jazzmeaia Horn to name a few.

Ditto. My daughter records drum covers of Snarky/Hiatus tunes when she wants to push herself. Great stuff. And her band covers a few Vulfpeck tunes. She put UNT and Michigan on her list because of those bands frankly. With such similar taste in music, I could see our kids ending up in a band together someday :slight_smile:

That is something S noted - he liked those sounds that came from UNT and U-Mich.

Never heard of Snarky Puppy - I guess I’m not the cool mom I was hoping to be :slight_smile: Yeah - I just laughed when she told me that Frost was “back water”…she’s never been to Miami so she has a lot to learn. I think she just equates it with South Carolina (neighboring state???). You just have to laugh at some of their statements sometimes. But they sound so convincing, don’t they?

Snarky puppy must be heard.

Lol, I’m in Miami right now with my D visiting Frost. We’re staying over in the Miami Beach area, and backwater is not the word i would use to describe this place at all. And yes, Snarky should be seen as well as heard. Note their bandleader and lead composer is a Bass player named Michael League and he is one of the most intriguing players on the scene today. Check out his playing on Bill Laurance’s record “Live at union chapel” for examples i’m sure your D would love.

@DrummerDad18 we were at Frost yesterday for accepted students. Is your D likening it?

Our first trip to campus is tomorrow. I’m sure she’ll love it, but will let you know. Did you have a good visit?

Yes, it’s a great campus

There is a nice garden to walk through, far from the music building, closer to engineering.

I liken that campus to “Club Med”. It’s gorgeous. If you’re over by the Rat and the music building and see a black cat his name is Bully. Tell him hello from us. :wink: