Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Oh - that’s a good point @ikbux64. I forgot about that. Maybe they have refined their process recently to tighten that up a bit.

@akapiratequeen I was told it was through the portal first. then by mail. However, the portal might only list acceptance decision and the mailed letter includes specific scholarship info. I’ll see if I can dig more on that. And I wonder if your son would get his decision a week before my daughter since he was 12/1. Or do all EA applicants hear at the same time? They don’t make this process simple, do they?

@AmyIzzy thanks! I’ve been told it’s everyone together as they wait to consider the whole pool. But who knows.

My son applied to USC Thornton last year as a high school junior and he received the live audition invitation email on Friday, Dec. 15, 2017 so tomorrow is the day!

Thanks for the Thornton info @pdxtigermom!

We are waiting for UMichigan, UTAustin, UCLA and USC.

@akapiratequeen and @AmyIzzy Last year, Berklee notified everyone at the same time through the Berklee portal followed by mail. The scholarship info may have been available the same day or just a few days later via the portal as well. Good luck to all awaiting an ED!

As a long-time lurker, finally decided to post…the application/audition process is quite nerve wracking so it’s nice to read and learn from other folks’ experiences. I have a son who is planning on pursuing a percussion performance degree along with a minor or double major in something like psychology or life science. He’s very classically trained, so having to practice drum set is driving him crazy these days.

Luckily for us only a few schools require prescreen videos - although we do envy those who can do their prescreens in one day at a studio. He had to do 5 different videos on four different instruments - only one of which I would call ‘portable’ (snare drum). His timpani are at school so he had to video there while the other instruments (marimba, snare and xylophone) were at home. We ended up doing a hybrid of external microphone (a great little Zoom one I use for business) and my good camera. Having a tripod was super helpful - and then he just merged them all in iMovie.

His top choice is McGill (which has the latest audition date!) followed by Indiana (where he did a summer program), Temple, Michigan, Boston, Miami of Ohio and Cleveland Institute of Music (joint program with Case Western). I’ve posted on the prescreen thread so wishing everyone luck as the crazy audition season heats up!

Do you remember whether it was mid December or at the end of January when they notified through the portal?

Welcome @Lendlees ! Here we go!

The only school that told us that someone could pass the pre-screen, play an incredible audition, be wanted by the music faculty, and then still get rejected by the school is Boston University. Even academically rigorous schools like Rice and UMich said it all comes down to whether the individual instrument teacher wants you or not.

Disappointing ED news from Northwestern today. Hoping some more audition invites start to come in. . . .

The bad news often comes first. It’s very early. Better news will be coming soon. Keep the faith.

My son got his 1st live audition invitation from UMichigan today. Call me superstitious, I was stopping at a red light yesterday and the car in front of mine has a UMichigan sticker on the window and I’m in Pacific Northwest.

@lkbux64 so sorry to hear about NW — I never have the slightest idea why they get in (or not). Frustrating. But the kids all seem to end up where they’re supposed to be. Here’s to good news from here on in!

@diglass et all- thank you for taking the time to respond with really helpful info and insight re: my question. My takeaway: do not in any way, shape, or form assume academic admission because an applicant has been granted an audition. Not only is this reality raining on my parade…it’s pouring?

I know the waiting is torture, but hang in there everyone!

@akapiratequeen. Thanks for the encouraging words. I am optimistic that my son will end up somewhere that is a good fit for him.

@lkbux64 I deeply feel you. My son was rejected by his EA-Caltech last Saturday and I’ve been really down for the last several days. My son is a diligent student, in both academic and music. He has 1500 PSAT, 1590 SAT and 36 ACT. He’s a full IB student and very into math and sciences. He wants to major in computer science but doesn’t want to drop music either. We chose his colleges from top CS list. And among the 6 schools that also have strong music programs, Michigan is the only one that offers dual-degree possibilities. I think everything is meant to be and every student will end up in the school that best fits them.

@pdxtigermom, it’s so hard to see them not get something they want so badly. Your son’s academic stats are fantastic. I have family in California and have heard how hard Caltech is to get into. It sounds like Michigan would be a great fit. What instrument does your son play?

@Ikbux64 he plays both violin and viola. Even though he takes longer violin lessons and practices more on the violin, he still sounds better on the viola. He applied BM in viola performance.