Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

My daughter applied regular admission to Frost and has not received an email about prescreens. When she checked Cane Link there was a message that they were missing her ACT score. We ordered her scores sent to Miami on 10/20 so called ACT and apparently there was a mix up and the scores were never sent. We resent them on Friday. We were worried this may delay her prescreen notification so I emailed Karen Kerr to let her know the situation. She sent the below response today. Hoping “next week” means this coming week and specifically tomorrow (Monday) but it’s kind of open-ended.

“No worries! She will be getting her audition confirmation next week.”

My guess is it’ll be tomorrow. If it isn’t then I am officially tossing out my crystal ball!! HAHA!

Is that this week or next week???

well they have always said “late December”. Not sure how much later they can get in December than tomorrow!

I don’t think anyone is in the office before Jan 2. I’m not anticipating any results before Jan 7.

I think those emails are automated that are sent out. Based on what my daughter’s looked like last year. They are likely set and ready to go but I honestly have no idea why they aren’t just sent. Also there is a mid January audition. I can’t believe they wouldn’t notify at least those kids now.

This was what the email from December 10th said. So now I’m thinking it might be NEXT week. Ugh. But I SO want to trust SpartanDrew’s instincts and crystal ball!

Hello Frost School of Music Applicant,

At this time, you do not need to contact us and check on your audition status.

If you receive an email from the university to check your CaneLink and see “Audition” listed on your To Do List that is normal. Over the next several weeks we will work to remove that item from your list as we move on to the next step in the process. So far, the only auditions we’ve confirmed are those for next week in Chicago, so if you haven’t heard anything yet, that too is normal.

Early Action applicants - You should have received an email last week outlining the 3 options for the next steps. Those 3 options are:
*Offer admission and waive further audition requirements.
*Defer to Regular Decision and require an audition.
*Deny admission based on the prescreen alone without further review.

If an invitation to audition is extended I expect that will happen in late December.

Regular Decision applicants - We will begin confirming auditions in late December/early January after faculty review the prescreen submissions.

We know and understand that travel arrangements need to be made and will allow plenty of time for that to happen.

Karen Kerr
Director, Admissions
Frost School of Music

Aaaack I missed the “early January” part! WHY FROST WHY!!! Ugh. Crystal ball is in the trash can…switching to tarot cards. :-))

I still think they are going in order of requested audition dates.
Because the folks with mid January dates surely have to have been told by now so they can book travel.
We requested Feb 8th, so they can still wait another week to tell us and still give us a month.
All the people I know who have been given dates are people who requested mid/late Jan.
Anyway that’s my current worthless hypothesis for explaining the messiness of the process

@DrummerDad18 We requested mid-Jan date and are still waiting to hear, so that theory doesn’t work either.

I have another one for consideration – they asked everyone in an email a couple of weeks ago (who were RD, I suppose) to consider applying ED II, or something like that. I think everyone who got deferred from ED I, and ED II’s were prioritized, so that they can keep their ratios up. RD’s will get last notifications and audition scheduled for Feb on a space available basis.

At this point @dsinha I’ll believe anything!

Earlier in this thread I pointed out that we had the additional confusion of getting one of those ED deferral emails despite the fact that my D didn’t apply ED.

We also got that email you mentioned about moving to ED II but I read that one as being from the University and not from Frost, and just assumed the right hand (UM) didn’t know what the left (Frost) is doing. As in, feel free to move to ED II without taking into consideration that Frost candidates can’t really do that due to audition requirement.

But who knows. I’m not so much doubting she will eventually get an audition, just frustrating to not be able to book the flight! Well we are all in this together. See you in Feb no doubt!

@DrummerDad18 @dsinha @AmyIzzy and all — at least you’ll be traveling somewhere warm! I’m busy booking travel to frigid Rochester, Syracuse, and Ithaca. ? Sure wish S had applied to Frost, I could use some sangria in a hammock right about now.

Hi, @DrummerDad18 and @dsinha:
FWIW: my S (jazz drummer) applied regular decision and requested mid-Jan audition date. We have not heard anything official yet from Frost regarding an audition invitation (which is a bummer considering we haven’t bought tickets yet and we have to fly across the country). That said, he did get an email on Christmas Eve directly from one of the drum faculty acknowledging that he watched his pre-screen videos and that he’d hear from admissions soon. Like everyone else, we were really hoping that’d be last Friday. I’m now really praying for Wednesday.

@akapiratequeen - I’m with you…we head to Indiana, Southern Ohio in a week and a half and then Philadelphia the week after. Nowhere warm for S (and me, his Sherpa)

Well - I was really annoyed with my daughter (jazz bassist) for not applying to Miami. I so wanted a trip to Florida and to meet that cat that SpartanDrew talked about. (plus, I really like Florida). BUT - now, I’m happy that I’m not sitting on the edge of my seat to book plane tickets.

However - just to make you feel better - NEC’s audition for jazz bass is Feb. 3 and they said via email to expect an answer about pre-screens on Jan. 10. Wow!!! Less than a month to book tickets. Not impressed. So - you are not alone. My daughter doesn’t expect to pass that pre-screen so I think I don’t have to scramble and play top $$ for a flight but still.

And she has decided to work really hard on her essay for the New School. I was hoping that it would be submitted by now but she actually wants her English teacher to review it. (wow - she is finally fully engaged in the audition process - a little late, but better late than never). The New School and Berklee are top of her list so she’s putting all the effort on those two. She might end up being surprised with SF Conservatory - you never know.

Anyway - I’m so sorry that everyone is waiting for Frost. It would seem that it won’t be until they are back in the office - but I’m not “in the know” - just know how state and federal institutes work.

May the New Year bring much joy and our very talented and hard working musicians a place to call home for the next few years.

@akapiratequeen D decided to cut Frost out of her auditions due to conflicts with other auditions and music commitments. I asked her WHY!!! It was the only one I was really looking forward to! Maybe a little sunshine, warm weather & beach!

LOL - I’m counting on a trip to Florida this winter! Come on Frost - get those invites out! We didn’t request a date until the middle of feb, so I’m still feeling ok about not hearing. We’re waiting on 4 others too. 3 are long shots, but will require travel accommodations. Hoping next week is a big notification week!

@tripletmama SFCM is a really good school. Small, and the RJAM program is new, but the faculty there is all from the SF Jazz collective. They are outstanding! A friend of mine had his son go there for composition, and he loves it. Very friendly crowd, and SF has a bunch of places that the kids go and play at.

@dsinha - I agree! It looks like a great spot. I’ve heard that musicians are many times surprised during the audition process. When she comes home (we live just outside SF) she goes to listen to SF Jazz shows. And I hear that Berkeley has a good jazz scene, too.

Oh man!! I truly cannot believe that those of you who chose January auditions are still waiting on prescreen results! That is RIDICULOUS and certainly not “plenty of time” to book travel as the airfares continue to rise. That is super annoying. I would be emailing Karen Kerr right now and asking when I can expect to hear in order to book a flight in 2 weeks!! But that’s me being annoying right back haha! Unreal. I’m truly shocked they still haven’t notified all of you. I am officially out of the prediction game anymore. One thing we could totally rely on last year was the precious year’s prescreen threads with dates of notification. Frost just tossed that one out the window!