Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

I’ve been following comments about Frost. My D applied RD for a program that doesn’t have a prescreen and has only 1 audition date. She finally got an email from Karen Kerr at 6:10 am, Sunday, Dec. 23, confirming the audition. I saw someone commenting about professors skiing in Aspen, but clearly Karen Kerr and her staff are having less jolly winter breaks.

By the way, i definitely think the teachers are listening to prescreens during the winter break. Especially the ones who are so busy traveling and touring during the year. Remember, listening to prescreens is doing them a huge favor, it cuts down their auditions days from 4-5 days to 1 or 2. (It’s also doing US a huge favor, by eliminating travel to places where our kid has no chance, though it’s a real ego-killer, eh?)

@dsinha, S finally got word from NYU jazz yesterday that his submission was received and is being reviewed. . . . Anyone else waiting on Peabody jazz?

@lkbux64 my s still waiting on date for Peabody audition. No pre-screen for vocal jazz but would be nice to have a date for audition. Peabody also keeps sending him emails saying that they are waiting for something that he sent in to them in late November. No one could answer questions over the holidays so s is calling again today. Also still waiting to hear from Frost.

@jazzboydad same thing for us re: Peabody and repeated emails re: missing materials. . . .

@lkbux64 We haven’t seen anything yet. My guess is Timo is finally going through his emails and clicking the ‘received’ button on his system to trigger the completion of the application on the NYU side. I’m assuming when you went into the NYU Portal in the past, it said Steinhardt Artistic Review not received?

@dsinha, NYU portal still says awaiting Steinhardt Artistic Review notwithstanding email from Timo yesterday.

My son also got the email from NYU acknowledging his pre-screen video. Every little step is progress . . .

@jazzboydad and @lkbux64 – We’re still waiting on Peabody too. I actually called them before Christmas with the hopes of getting any kind of indication on when to expect an answer re: audition invites. They said that we should expect something in “mid-January.” They also suggested to contact Sean Jones directly if we wanted, but I decided not to do it at that time. I/we may give it a shot now that it’s the new year.

Just called NYU Steinhardt and there’s a separate number for the “audition and professional review department”. Left a message following up on the prescreen, I am sure they are swamped with calls today!

Son just got the email from Karen Kerr of Frost officially inviting him for a live audition. Woohoo!! (and whew!)

Great news @WestOfPCH !

Frost audition email came today MADE/CAM.

@dsinha is your audition for January or February. I texted my daughter to check email but she probably won’t see it until after 2pm so just curious. Congrats on the Frost prescreen noticed. Finally!!!

Frost has finally thawed… :wink: Congratulations on the audition invites!!! Way to go!

FYI @AmyIzzy et al: audition notice from Frost came only via email. Nothing (yet) on CaneLink on the topic.

Thanks @WestOfPCH!

@AmyIzzy We had asked for (and got) January 18. Fingers crossed for you :slight_smile:

No email notice today from Frost but it seems they only notified for January auditions. I know a few others who selected a February audition date and none of them received an email today so that makes me feel a little better. I’ll keep you all posted as we continue the waiting game.

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!

Might anyone know if the universities will require our musicians to submit their midyear and/or end of year senior grades? With all of the auditions, my D will be missing a ton of school, and I don’t see how it’ll be possible for her to complete homework on time let alone find the time to study.

These kids will need their sleep!