Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@sbjdorlo the horn coach is Mike McCoy. He is an amazing teacher, player, and person. I went to UCSD but half of my family went there. Fingers crossed for SDSU.

@bridgenail Thank you for your opinion;) As soon as I posted it I thought well of course he needs to contact him sooner rather than later!!! lol S doesn’t realize that not everyone is on ‘his time’…meaning he’s busy right now so just assumes everyone knows that and will be happy when he resurfaces (end of semester finals, auditions, etc)…and he can make me second guess my sane and rational self within seconds when he looks at me like I am crazy because I am asking him to actually hustle! I think with having a long weekend for MLK day, he’s not realizing that half the week is over already! Plus, I think he’s probably scared out of his seat to actually make that phone call to arrange a Skype lesson, so no wonder he’s trying to put it off!

Seems like we aren’t the only family waiting on pre-screen results. But ours isn’t for one of the big name schools. The website originally said Jan. 15, now it says January 20, but we got an email shortly after applying thanking him for the application stating pre-screen results would be released on January 25. That’s ridiculous. And I’m anxious. He’s too busy to express much thought on it but I know it makes a difference to him.

Monday was his first audition for a scholarship. The school currently offers a BA in music education but beginning next year it’s a BME. They are making what seem to be positive changes to the program. He said his tone in warmups was awful but when he went for the actual audition, which was more like a lesson, that it just lit up. He was pleased with that. He also said that he was told “I’m not supposed to tell you this but I’m going to try to get you as much money as possible. Look at your account in a day or two.” Take it for what it’s worth ?‍♀️Well we still can’t figure out their system at all. Can’t even find his acceptance or scholarship info anywhere (we got it by mail). It just says his financial package is being processed.

We got our first financial aid award package in the mail yesterday. Was better than I thought but not as good as I hoped, however he has not auditioned yet so a music scholarship could be added. Fingers crossed. Of course his one band director is once again criticizing his list of schools and ranking them in his opinion, which of course is vastly different than what he has stated previously. My husband had a talk with him to keep his mouth shut to let my son make his own decisions, but he hasn’t listened. And there is ZERO consistency. Every college but one I got recommended to me in some way shape or form from this forum. So I’m going with it. If he were a performance major or wanted a different college experience then our list would be different. If we had started this journey a year sooner it would be vastly different. But it is what it is and it’s his choice, not his teacher’s.

Keeping my fingers crossed for all still waiting on pre-screens and sending positive vibes to anyone traveling and auditioning this weekend. Our next one is Feb. 1 at our state flagship.

So excited that my son has been accepted into his first BM program, Sacramento State! And most likely, it will be (marginally) affordable! Scholarship notification will be sent in April.

It’s a little farther than I think he should go because of his multiple health issues (about an 8.5 hour drive), but it’s the first so I’m happy. :slight_smile:

Congratulations @sbjdorlo!

Congrats @sbjdorlo !

Congrats @sbjdorlo ! Great news!!!

Thank you very much! The cello professor looks really good. We’ll see what happens!

I wanted to give everyone an update Incase you’re in the same predicament as my D. Popular voice singer songwriter. She has her first auditions this weekend in LA for UCLA and Miami and is playing keys on her songs. We asked both advisors and they told us to bring her own keyboard and amp. So, she has 20 min to set up, sing and interview. Any advice out there to people who have already gone through this?? Is the advisor wrong? I don’t even know if she can carry her keys by herself let alone an amp and cords. Should we go in and help her? What a shame :frowning: @SpartanDrew do you know anyone who audioned off site for Miami?

Congrats @sbjdorlo

Great to hear, @sbjdorlo ! From strength to strength! And good luck to everyone heading out to audition this weekend!

@sbjdorlo : Congrats !

They have a good program there at SacState.

@Bay Area Mom 2016 I can’t imagine having to bring your own keyboard. That sounds insane. The Frost website clearly says certain things will be provided at auditions including a keyboard. Not sure who you have spoken to but I would be making some more calls. I hope you can figure it all out soon.

@diglass I think it’s different for offsite auditions. This week she got an email from Karen Kerr telling her to bring any equipment she might need, so she emailed her back asking specifically about a keyboard and amp and was told to bring it because she (Karen Kerr) did not know. So I’m hoping someone who auditioned offsite last year can weigh in.

Good to know, @gram22! Thanks!

That’s crazy @“Bay Area Mom 2016” Where are they holding the auditions? We did Berklee and Oberlin auditions offsite. The first one was at a recording studio in SF, the second was at SFCM. In both cases the place had a piano for certain, but at SFCM we did carry a small amp for the guitar.

@sbjdorlo - congrats!!!

@Bay Area Mom 2016. I seriously hope that our daughter doesn’t have to lug around an amp. Her’s weighs a ton! (she wants a new one). Please keep us posted. I would have thought that most places would have an amp! That’s nuts. Our daughter lives in LA if you need one. Where is the audition? They usually have them at a conservatory or a recording studio. Let me know the location…

@dsinha it’s fumny you say that about the SF recording studio, that’s our friends and my D did all her prescreens there, they had to rent that piano!
@tripletmama they are at a high school in huntington beach that has a recording studio. It looks like a pretty fancy high school. Their exact words were, “there are rooms with equipment, we don’t know exactly what they have and we don’t know what room your daughter will be assigned to”.
UCLA is actually even more of a shocker since she’s auditioning on campus. We’re going to scope it out a day early.
Car is packed with amp, keyboard, stand, cords…oh and yeah she’s in there too :slight_smile:

@BayAreaMom2016 - we want a photo of that packed car!!! Good luck with the weekend. Keep us posted.

Here’s a funny one - our daughter (who hates regular school) has her first audition next weekend in Boston - she flies on Friday. She told me that she needs to take the whole week off from school to “prepare”. OMG! It’s not happening. Nice try.

Congrats @sjdorio!

Son should have his first result no later than Feb. 8 from UMD. I’m a little worried that if they really don’t want him, he could get a rejection tomorrow when regular priority decisions are out (and before they have the remaining auditions this weekend).

He sent another school an email early this week confirming his audition for this Saturday (he never heard from the school) and learned that he never finished his music app! (It turns out that he completed it, minimized the window, and never went back to pay!). It worked out and he can still go Saturday, but it was a bit stressful. This is our local public, 15 or 20 minutes away so it should be pretty low key.

Good luck and smooth travels for everyone auditioning this weekend!