Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Congrats @PAPDAD and @eh1234 – wonderful news!

Merit Hopeful I really liked your solution, very elegant :slight_smile: And understand the ethical stickiness of it all.

Congrats @eh1234 and @PAPDAD! Curious, @PAPDAD what day is your S’ audition at McGill? We are heading there for a 3/2 one and hoping to get a lesson beforehand.

My S heard back from UMD tonight, also. He was accepted into the university and invited into the Honors College, but not into B.M. I was kind of surprised because the professor of voice contacted him today regarding setting up a Skype lesson–he approached my S after the audition and said he would really like to do a lesson and was returning my S’s call today, even though he must have known by then that S wasn’t accepted. That seems strange to me, but this is my first rodeo. Does my son call him back? Or just drop it and move on?

S felt that his audition went very well, so he has no regrets; however, as soon as he told me how he answered their question about where else he applied I knew things might go south. He gave them a laundry list–we cast a wide net because not all schools were for a B.M.-and even included his two super reaches which probably made it seem like he was using UMD as a safety?

Anyhow, UMD was college acceptance #15 for him so he’s doing something right! Live and learn and move on. Congrats to all that received good news from UMD today!

My D was also accepted to Maryland - Vocal Performance. We were extremely impressed by the School of Music and especially the voice faculty. Now we wait to see what the financial package looks like.

Congrats @eh1234 and @PAPDAD! Great news!!!

Also heard from daughter’s friend (Jazz Guitar) that Hart results are coming out in case anyone here are waiting on that school.

@Propinquity4444, I’d be really tempted to follow up and let the guy know he wasn’t accepted and see what the guy says. Was the teacher at the audition?

I hate that question about “where else are you applying/auditioning?” I think it’s none of their business… he’s auditioning at their school for a reason, just like the other places. But, my son answers honestly when they ask. It’s an unusual list, so I’m hoping it doesn’t affect him, but in the back of my mind I can’t help but feel it will hurt him.

I was worried about this and counseled my son to limit the list or try to change the subject, but his teacher disagreed. He felt that letting them know they might have to compete for S’s attendance might result in better offers.

We did have an unusual situation in which we were told by the program director that “we have a limited number of large awards and if a student refuses one, we can’t offer it to someone else. So please be honest with us about how interested you are.” This struck me as manipulative — I’ve worked in admissions and have never heard of such a thing. But I’m not familiar with music schools so I may be wrong.

@Propinquity4444 I also think your son should answer the teacher ( if he is indeed interested in U of MD) and say he would love a lesson but was sorry to hear he wasn’t accepted into the BM program. It is possible he will be accepted as a student of this teacher while he does a BA there, and also possible he could transfer over to the BM later. It is almost tempting to wonder if a mistake was made here since he was admitted to the University and the teacher is showing interest. Strange situation! If he isn’t interested in the school then of course he can let it go.

Congrats @highnotes2018 D! Great admit!

So glad to see “our” CC kids killin it.

Here’s my more than 2 cents on a few comments:

@Propinquity4444 - the music world is very small. So it’s best, as mentioned above, for your S to still follow-up. I think @compmom gives a nice way to say it. A lesson won’t hurt him…and let him know that he may bump into the teacher in the future (grad school?) and be remembered for his maturity. The teacher may also give a hint of…well we had too many “you” this year…and note that he is of the right caliber for the school. If the teacher declines the lesson for some reason that’s fine too…he’s a human too and may feel awkward. But your S should be “professional” about it. This year, my D saw a director shortly after working with him for 30 minutes but then NOT getting the role. She could have left the coffee shop easily and avoided him but instead she went out of her way to greet him. Then a few months later he offered her an opportunity to sing at a gala for his theater company. So you never know…if the teacher liked him…he may get offered “something” in the future. It’s seems a strange possibility when you are “just” a student but…you never know what festivals, summer programs etc he may be associated with. Tell him he’s on the cusp of a small world and should take any opportunity offered…no matter how awkward.

As for the “what other schools question”, everything is scary and a potential pothole during auditions. In my “opinion”, it’s simply an attempt to get a “feel” for who you are/or how you see yourself as a musician…which I think is a fair question. I really don’t think that there is a right or wrong answer so I wouldn’t sweat it (and yes, I know that’s easier said than done…I certainly worried about it ALL). But anyone in “the know” has said that the only bad answer is an evasive or dishonest one.

This also goes to the financial pre-screening…which is also “concerning”…along with everything else! But if you answer a financial question dishonestly (saying you don’t need money), then you get accepted with NO money…what have you gained if you can’t afford the school or worse yet…gave up dollars! Yikes! Again the only right answer is the honest one. And if the school doesn’t take you for that reason then it wasn’t a financial fit…and that happens.

It takes a huge leap of faith to “be who you are”. But that’s exactly what gives the best results. And we’re seeing some of those results rolling in. Congrats on all the acceptances.

Hope this helps in some way. February is never an easy month.

Yesterday we got our first acceptance. Yay she is going to college!! This was her first audition and a safety school but she really likes the instructor so it is still a possibility. Loyola NO came through with some money too… but my question is…which I have looked on their website and they do not specifically tell you whether the money offer is merit of talent based… The 2 she go were Crescent City and The President’s Scholarship. My question is are these all that will be offered? is it in one lump sum? I am excited for her as she continues to audition … it just validates all her hard work.

@mperrine Yay! Congratulations on that first admit!

Congrats @mperrine and your talented D! I don’t know the answer but certainly it would be appropriate to ask/have D ask. No surprised AT ALL that she got in, but I’m sure it feels great to have one (especially if affordable) in the bag!

@mperrine I do think Loyola NO does do it in one lump sum. FA will come later in the mail if you qualify for any. I think @AmyIzzy probably has better info on this. Congrats to all of your kids getting acceptances! That was the most fun past of last year!

Congrats on all the recent acceptances!

@mperrine Congrats on the Loyola acceptance! My DD got a packet from Loyola in late Jan last year. It included all financial aid awards. The only thing that was added later was the honors college scholarship. The President’s scholarship is a merit scholarship. I’ve never heard of the Cresent Scholarship, I don’t know if that is accademic, music or something for local residents??? My DD’s talent scholarship was labeled as music. Feel free to PM me with any questions.

You are right @SpartanDrew.

@pperrine - My daughter also received the President’s Scholarship and Crescent City Scholarship from Loyola. I was also curious as to whether talent money was included or done separately. I assumed it was incorporated since it was a very generous amount, but called to confirm. They told me the amount she was offered is either the highest or one of the highest amounts they give and that they consider academic and talent together as part of the President’s Scholarship. My daughter did express an interest in a sociology minor at Loyola so she was given a link to apply for a $3500 Social Justice scholarship but I think that would be a long shot. She thought it was worth a try since every little bit helps. We still have not received anything on financial aid from Loyola so I’m not sure if that means we did not qualify or they haven’t sent that out yet.

In contrast, The College of Saint Rose (Albany, NY) acceptance included a nice academic scholarship so I also asked if that included any talent scholarship. In that case, they said no. The talent scholarships are awarded in February or March in a separate letter. They explained that they hold auditions until early February and want to see all the candidates before determining scholarship amounts. This seems to make sense. The voice professor emailed my daughter the day after her audition with wonderful compliments so we are hoping she receives a talent scholarship which could potentially bring tuition down to a very affordable rate, compared to many on our list. I think the talent scholarships at College of Saint Rose range from $1000-$8000.

@mperrine - congratulations on the Loyola acceptance! It’s great to get that first one in!

@diglass I believe it’s for New York State residents. The letter says:

“Furthermore, since you are a resident of New York and we believe you will be such an excellent fit in our community, we have awarded you an additional scholarship, the Crescent City Scholarship…”