Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@AmyIzzy we are in CA … so maybe not :slight_smile:

@mperrine , my S18 (voice) was admitted to Loyola-NO academically before his music audition with the President’s scholarship. After his audition about 2 months later, he was offered a separate music talent scholarship. The music school may have access to additional funds so if it stays in your child’s top 3 and you need more money to make it work, you should reach out to them. Congrats on the acceptance!

Haha @ mperrine. Maybe it’s blue states! Lol. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason but they seem to think our kids will fit into their community well. I won’t argue with the reason but do appreciate the extra money! That’s the important part! And congrats, by the way! Is Loyola in her top 3? My daughter had such a short visit but likes the commercial/pop program they offer and clicked well with the professors so she is asking to do an “Accepted Student overnight” so she can get more of a feel for the campus. Not thrilled about spending extra money on travel but think it will be worth it so she can make an educated decision by the end of April.

“…think it will be worth it so she can make an educated decision by the end of April.”

The end of APRIL? Sigh. Kill me now.

Thanks everyone!! so to answer some questions… no it is not her top 3. It does have many perks though: I have many family members there(2 cousins, their children and an Aunt and Uncle) so it would be like being at home, the horn coach there is AMAZING!, she is a great player, inciteful, quick to explain stuff, active in the community, orchestra and with the students, 3 of our family has gone there*legacy, the location couldn’t be better with the cable car to the French district right in front of the school, food would be a non issue as would opportunities to perform( tons of choices),but for classical music( where a french horn belongs-try to listen to one improv… ha) it is not as strong as other schools. From talking to my D, she says that before she can rule any out, she needs to play with the horn teacher, see the campus, and see what they will give her… then she can make a better decision. She did really love New Orleans though :slight_smile:

I know @akapiratequeen! Killing us all. I consider the 2017-18 CC thread to be like a great novel, so I like to turn to the chapters that match our dates and see so many similar sentiments, concerns, victories and even the bumps. Then I read ahead to the end and realize there is going to be a happy ending for all our kids, some predictable and some completely a surprise, and lots of very relieved parents!

@AmyIzzy so true, that thread is keeping me sane some days. Thanks again @SpartanDrew, @bridgenail, @clarinetmom, @NYsaxmom, @vistajay, @diglass, and all the others that remind us we’re not alone and we’re not (totally) crazy!

Anyone who is new to last year’s fantastic voyage can jump in here (February 7, 2018):

Oh man @akapiratequeen I want to :-)) but I feel your pain all too well and am doing more of :-(( for you right now. I think last year @bridgenail watched our journey with some feelings of PTSD. I think I am going through the same for all of you this year! Hang in there parents…and stock the wine fridge! Be sure to put one bottle of champagne in there to pop open on May 1st when it’s done and decided! And yes…it could very well be May 1st so brace yourself for that. It was April 30 for us… Oy Vey!

@SpartanDrew MAY!!! oh nooooo :((

MeritHopeful, Bridgenail———We stick with Honesty on a financial question and a school question. We feel much more comfortable. We just want to believe that schools are honest, too…I was asked by a judge (not director of admission or department) after my son’s audition about a school question so I answered. His short list tells his goal. Jazz is very small. Those schools / directors know each other.

I just skimmed through last year’s thread and I’m not sure if I feel better or worse! :wink: I did like the nicknames of March Madness and April Angst!

We just returned from UC Boulder. DS had district band so we weren’t able to attend their regular audition over the weekend. Cool part is that we were able to see the groundbreaking of the new music building. Got out of there before the snow hit! And now we turn around and head out this weekend for Oberlin and CIM. We are half way!

FYI - check to see if you have informed delivery in your neck of the woods! It’s an email from the USPS every morning with pictures of what is arriving in the mail that day.
Then you know when/if an envelope is arriving! It doesn’t always work (sometimes doesn’t over a holiday weekend, etc) - that was the case when DS’s Jacobs School mail arrived, but at least most of the time you get a heads up!

@leejay22 that’s pretty cool. Did you set it up for yourself or your student or does it alert you for all mail delivered to your address?

@leejay22 - we might see you at CIM this weekend. Is your S’ audition on Sunday? If you get to Cleveland in time, the orchestra is playing Saturday night and many CIM faculty also play…plus it’s right near campus.

And thanks for the heads up on “Informed Delivery” - just signed up!

@leejay22, in our experience, the Informed delivery can work in reverse too. Case in point: we knew that University of Richmond decisions were arriving on a certain day and that – like it was back in my day – acceptances were in big envelopes and rejections/deferrals were in small envelopes. Since large envelopes are not scanned for Informed Delivery, the fact that I did not see an envelope from Richmond on the designated date, likely meant that my S was receiving an acceptance package, which turned out to be the case.

@Bay Area Mom 2016 The informed delivery usually shows everything arriving at one address.

As @Ikbux64 mentioned it does not scan large envelpoes or packages. Or lost mail! LOL! I have had 2 college acceptance letters get LOST in the mail, with two different kids.

@Lendlees - yes CIM on Sunday. Oberlin Saturday so don’t think we’ll be able to swing the evening concert - but thanks for heads up!

Yes - the mail service is for every piece arriving in the household. @lkbux64 - that’s great detective work the envelopes!

Audition trek finally upon us! Heading to Miami tomorrow with S for his audition at Miami-Frost. He then heads to LA where he’ll meet up with my wife and take on USC-Thornton audition. Next week it’s on to Oblerlin and the following week to Peabody. Can’t wait for this to all be over! S keeps tinkering with his set—now singing an original piece he wrote. Set getting stronger and stronger but I am worrying about lack of sleep and illness hitting him—the kid’s also pulling a brutal all AP academic courseloud, sings with 4 different choirs and has a big part in the school musical. It’s amazing what our kids are capable of isn’t it?

Congratulations @mperrine!!!

@jazzboydad sending positive vibes to your son! I know he’ll knock em dead!