Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

A friend who has non-music kids likened the college acceptance waiting game as “purgatory” and I think she was spot on!

@Lendlees (#1860), and just imagine that they’re non-music and comparing to purgatory. We must have gone thorn purgatory raised to 10. A whole order of magnitude higher.

@akapiratequeen I believe UMich has rolling admissions. So they send out acceptances continuously instead of all on the same day.

@Lendless - In general IU sends the first set of acceptances about 3 weeks after each audition. I don’t believe that they send rejections early (but I could be wrong). So if you are a strong fit, you may get a rolling (early) acceptance. Otherwise, I believe, that you are held until all auditions are done…and then will receive your acceptance or rejection at the end of March. This is what happened in VP quite a few years ago…and I see acceptances for IU on here every year…and then others waiting. Depending on his instrument, if it is only a few slots, they may only give a couple early admissions…and hold everyone else. Every dept is probably a bit different. So if you have no news, your kid is most likely still in consideration. Congrats on the other acceptance!

Been weeks absent. Just caught up on over 200 posts. Congratulations on all the acceptances and personal triumphs in an audition well played. Sending healing vibes to everyone who has been sick in one form or another and hopes nobody gets sick. Sorry to hear of all the weather woes. The polar vortex did not leave us unscathed either.

S had an audition at state flagship Feb 1. He said the music theory test was easy. It was supposed to be 40 minutes he was out in ten. He’s confident he will get an admit and it suddenly moved up his list despite not really wanting to attend after attending camp there this summer. (NPC actually makes it most expensive of the schools). Was told 40% of students get a music scholarship of some sort. Met up with a friend of his after audition who is a freshman there. I was definitely coming down with something. And it nailed me… walking pneumonia.

Been sick for 2 weeks. Literally quarantined myself to keep S healthy. S had to cancel an audition last weekend I couldn’t take him to. He got home from school and pulled out his packed suitcase only to have me walk in the door from my second trip to the doc with a no-go. They are actively trying to reschedule him but he’s not sure he wants to. That school uses a CSS profile and they updated his FAFSA with the government to lower our EFC quite a bit. Didn’t know that was a thing until department of Ed sent an email yesterday. Supposed to be leaving for our longest trip tomorrow. I really shouldn’t be going. But, don’t want to miss out on this time with him. Plus has an audition Monday and again next Saturday. It’s going to be a rough week. I’m taking encouragement from all the trials you have all survived.

Also got his scholarship documents from the one he was informed of via phone a few weeks ago. The documents say he has to pay for his lessons at a cost of $1000 per year out of the scholarship. Is that normal? Most college websites I’ve looked at say lesson fee is for non-music majors and waived for music majors. Or there is a special small scholarship for non-music majors just to pay for private lessons. But it may just be I haven’t looked at as many as the rest of you. They also gave him two documents they want him to commit to… 1 says he has to do marching band in fall, basketball pep band in winter and athletic band rehearsal in spring. The other is to commit to lessons at said cost and participate in an ensemble. But they don’t say how much of the scholarship comes from where. Guess we need to contact the school and say if he doesn’t want athletic band how much is it reduced? Etc. I think it’s fair to know what the numbers are in comparing to other colleges where there is no athletic band requirement.

@UniversityMomOf2 so sorry you’ve been ill. Take it easy and get help if you can.

I’d be concerned about the scholarship issues you raise. As a newbie, I’ll let more knowledgeable parents chime in.

Thanks @akapiratequeen Been trying to take it easy. Mostly trying to stay FAR from my son. (And husband and daughter). Since I’m taking him for Monday and next Saturday, told him and his dad if things aren’t better tomorrow they go to Ohio without me. Don’t want to miss the time with him but getting him sick before his first choice audition would be tantamount to sabotage on my part (OK so maybe that’s a tad dramatic but it’s been a rough few weeks. I blame the lack of oxygen to my brain ?). But he is already super stressed and convinced of failure this weekend and don’t want to add to it.

I will wait to see if anybody has some thoughts on the scholarship. The email gave award amount in a congratulatory manor and attached two documents to sign for the school, each with their own stipulations but neither has a dollar amount on it. Despite also having his financial aid package the portal doesn’t even show his acceptance yet, which came in December.

I hope you feel better soon @UniversityMomOf2. Good luck to your son!

@UniversityMomOf2 , I was in your shoes last week. I was sick, my s had audition on Monday(Houston) and another one on Saturday(Atlanta). I was seriously sick after I got back but I survived. You will survive as well. Good luck to you and your son.

@UniversityMomof2 - so sorry to hear that you have been sick - just what you need with the stress of auditions. Oh boy. Take good care of yourself and I hope that you can go to the next audition. Keep us posted - thinking about you.

Happy Friday! Who’s got auditions this weekend? Sending best wishes and strong audition vibes to all!

S heads out super early tomorrow for Rutgers, the final audition on his list and a top choice. They require different tunes than everyone else, which threw him a curveball, but he’s hoping to make a good impression. Weather forecast is good, in the 40s and sunny. His dad is taking him. Funny to think we’ll miss this bonding time when it’s gone, but I do feel a bit nostalgic.

@UniversityMomof2 Sorry to hear about your illness and its terrible timing. Feel better and good luck to your son with his remaining auditions.

Also, good luck to @akapiratequeen’s S and anyone else auditioning this weekend.

My S decided he was done last weekend and canceled this weekend’s two auditions. He ended up doing only four, but seems content with the choices he is likely to have.

@akapiratequeen good luck to your son at Rutgers tomorrow. My son has the weekend off but is heading to Baltimore on Monday for his Peabody audition on Tuesday. Good luck to all auditioning this weekend!

Break a leg for all auditions this weekend. We are in Chicago for Northwestern this weekend. Very warm here - in the 20’s! LOL.

Good luck @highnotes2018 and @lkbux64 kids! Let’s do this!

Double audition weekend for S. He’s over the flu now, but he gave it to me. I’m past contagion, but super tired (but what else is new…). And I’m happy that I will be in a hotel by myself some! Quiet and naps!! This is my solo weekend as Mr. Katzherder has taken 2 of his past auditions by himself. Have fantastic weekends to everyone who is auditioning!

No auditions for us this weekend but flying out on Monday for a Tuesday audition. After that one more trip and we are done.

@UniversityMomOf2 and @KatzHerder - feel better! No fun being sick…

Good luck to all who are auditioning this long weekend. We, thankfully have almost two weeks off and I’m almost not sure what to do with myself…except all the things that haven’t gotten done over the last 6 weeks! (and checking the mail obsessively)

@UniversityMomOf2 , none of the music scholarships my son received last year required lessons to be paid by him out of the award. They did usually require participation in an ensemble. He’s voice so no band requirement, but at Miami-Frost they actually pay the student musicians to join the band, separate from any music scholarship. It sounds like the school which is giving your child the music award is putting a lot of requirements on it. Whether it’s reasonable depends on the amount, and your financial need.

We have a break for a couple weeks then son has two more auditions in March. He’s singing in a regional honor choir this weekend, so something fun.

Good health and best wishes to everyone.