Class of 2025 Undergrad/Class of 2023 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

I’m a little late to the party on this thread. I have a son who is pursuing BM in Trumpet performance.
He has been accepted to PennState’s trumpet studio 1/8 and Berklee. 10/16
He has been denied from NEC 3/8
He is waitlisted at Bard Conservatory 3/15
He is awaiting decisions from : Peabody, MSOM, Oberlin, Boston Conservatory
I’d love info if anyone knows how the waitlist works at Bard.
Good luck to all.
My son’s top choice is Oberlin, but it is highly competitive so we will see. I’m not sure how many trumpets they will take this year.


Weird question but, does anyone know or has anyone received notice from NEC after applying under the dual-degree program path?

@filmandcomp you hear from NEC and Harvard or Tufts separately and applying to the double degree program should not affect the timing of the NEC notification. And you have the option to attend either school, or both.

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This happened to my son at Oberlin. When he called with plenty of time to correct this before admission results were out they were so rude. He sent the materials to be polite and they rejected him within 12 hours of receiving his materials. So so rude.

She has talked to her teacher and has officially picked Lawrence. We’re done!


Great choice! Congrats and thanks for all you do here @stringbird.


Are there any Blair School of Music applicants that have heard about the CV scholarship? If so, did you hear “awarded or no thanks?” I have not heard either way.

Haven’t heard anything at all from Blair!

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We will have to talk as that is at the top of our son’s list! Great school!

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I read that all CV students have been notified but I don’t know anyone from Blair who has heard anything. We had the impression they were shooting for this weeklong but website says no later than 4/1.

We are waiting too

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Lots of good news to share. My D is still waiting to hear from a handful of schools (one VP BM and two acting/theater BAs with the possibility to double major or minor in music), but we were able to visit UMiami/Frost and she just L.O.V.E.D. everything about the school, city, people, you name it. I think it’s a perfect fit for her and will be super happy if she decides to go there. Our high school has announced approval for some in-person (outside) performances and a somewhat normal “end of senior year” slate of traditions, and many of the people I know are getting vaccinated (including me, today! yay!). Love hearing about others narrowing down their choices and finding the places where they belong!


We are still waiting to hear from Frost. Her audition was in February. Def plan on making a trip down if she gets accepted. Glad to hear your daughter loved it. I’m thinking we will hear by the end of the month, but with time starting to tick, travel is going to be tougher as we have a few places to consider.

How was the area? Campus? Facilities? I’ve heard the campus is really beautiful and from what I can see in pics it really looks it!

Help! DS21 got his first music school rejection :frowning: and now I am struggling to advise him without putting my bias in (about cost).

My DS21 got 4 acceptances: ASU, U of Oregon, UCONN and Gettysburg. He got rejected from MSU SOTD and we are expecting a rejection from IU (a reach for him).

Of his 4 acceptances, he was talking a lot about ASU, but they have given him no financial aid (not even academic merit). U of O and UCONN gave him a moderate package (academic and talent merit) and Gettysburg gave him a full ride.

On finances alone one would say he should take the full ride however, he doesn’t really want to go to a small school (smaller than his high school). He applied there because he really liked the teacher when he took a sample lesson — but that teacher has since left the school.

I think he is attracted to the “bright shiny object” (ASU) without considering that they are really showing him no love…no one from admissions returns his calls or emails, and his admission counselor just directs him to the website for information. I understand they are a large school and we are out of state, but compared to OU and UCONN — I just get such a negative feeling from them (ASU)…they just want the money and I don’t feel like they would support him.

We toured UCONN this weekend but he had a pretty bland reaction…I think he was still thinking about his rejection and comparing the schools.

I’ve heard that he should not consider going to a school where he’s been accepted on the academic side (but rejected for music school) and trying to re-audition.

Any advice?

UMiami was beautiful, of course, and it also just had a very appealing “vibe.” My older D visited a lot of engineering and other intense schools (before settling in instead at a wonderful LAC with the nurturing approach she actually needs) and this younger D remembers seeing stressed-out kids walking alone, heads bent against a cold wind, loaded down by heavy book bags, etc. (probably does not surprise you that she’s dramatic, lol). We were at UMiami on a beautiful Friday afternoon, the students were lounging around the lake/fountain in small happy (masked) groups, laughing, studying, petting dogs, etc. Everyone we met with (at the school and generally in Miami) was friendly, supportive, helpful, attentive - could not have been a better experience for my kid. We were not able to go inside buildings (though we did sneak into the auditorium where Renee Fleming had been rehearsing for a last-minute Saturday night performance - that was a necessary act of civil disobedience, obviously ;), but sadly unsuccessful).


Lots of great choices to consider, @TwinMom0419. Congrats! Any chance you can visit Gettysburg in person and/or request a lesson with the new teacher (by zoom, if necessary)? It would definitely be a different vibe, and tricky to compare it to your other large U options, but maybe he’d fall in love? Full ride is VERY tempting! :wink: I can understand the appeal of ‘bright and shiny’ ASU, but I hear you on the lack of responsiveness and the fact that they aren’t really showing much love. Not strictly necessary, and might grow over time, but it sure is nice to have from the beginning! I’ve heard the Gettysburg campus/area is lovely. Maybe it would feel tight knit and welcoming?

@MathandSinging my D was deferred VP from EA to RD. Anxiously waiting. If accepted we plan on flying down for a visit! It’s one of her tops so she’s hoping.

so happy that you’re done! A relief, for sure! All the best!

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Such an interesting post. My daughter was rejected from Jacobs, accepted to IU and considered attending and then trying to get into the music program. After back and forth with that for two weeks, she decided to just let it go and see what else came back. I don’t know if it’s a good idea or a bad idea. For me, personally, a bad idea, I would always feel that I wasn’t good enough to make the cut and what happens if I don’t get in on the second try? Now, two years down the drain. But…as we know, everyone is different.

These past few weeks have been terrible. Such a horrid year, can’t get a feel for the schools that we didn’t visit, don’t know what to do…

Also, I was thinking that maybe some people deferred a year and there were more applicants this year, making it more competitive to get in? Or maybe, less because they’re thinking that music performance is not a lucrative career, especially post-Covid? I don’t know what to think.

We are waitlisted at CIM, a school at the top if not first choice for her. Still struggling and waiting for results and it’s down to the wire.

I think I’m more nervous than she is.

She has a very substantial scholarship from Fredonia, nearly free. Hard to say no to free but it’s not her first choice. Fortunately, my daughter loves the teacher, unfortunately for you, the teacher isn’t there.

Decisions, decisions…

Good luck!


Thank you! We did visit Gettysburg last year…it was actually the only place he did visit/tour before he did any of his applications. He thought it was nice, but… 2 hours from a city and not a big enough campus to keep him engaged on the weekend. Still…it could grow on him.

He did do a Zoom lesson with the new teacher and thought she was pretty good. He liked her. I’ve told him to try ranking the teachers by his preference (instead of the school), to see where things shake out.

Of the amits, we’ve only been to Gettysburg and UCONN.

I hate that we can’t get to the others to visit…debating a flight to the west coast for OU and ASU, but that’s a big hit for a last minute trip.

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Hi TwinMom0419, I have to say, I don’t know that cost is a “bias”! If ASU is not really affordable, it seems like something that is worth being up front about. On the other hand, if all the schools are within price range, it probably does make sense to let him choose. It will be the first of many, many choices he will have to evaluate and make (and live with!) as an adult.

Agree that sample lessons with the instructors might be helpful! Especially the Gettysburg instructor.

As for visits - I don’t know about Arizona, but we are coming up on a beautiful time of year to visit Oregon. This week is spring break for Portland area schools so flights in and out of Portland are pricy right now, but as early as next week things start looking more reasonable. You’d have to consider whether it’s worth it.

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