Class of 2025 Undergrad/Class of 2023 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Has anyone heard back from CIM? Their website says that they’re supposed to release prescreen results on or before December 20. Poor daughter, cello performance, stayed up until the wee hours refreshing her screen. She noted that he portal appeared to be updated with a hyperlink to a financial aid packet but no letter either way. Oberlin said no, but that’s ok, MSM said yes and she’s thrilled. Waiting on CIM. Applied to:

SUNY Fredonia
Aaron Copeland


@BooMimiMommy and others, for what it’s worth, here’s a list of my D’s (BM Violin Performance) prescreen decision dates from last year:

IUB 12/11/19
Rice 12/13/19
CIM 12/18/19
MSM 12/18/19
NEC 1/3/19

These are e-mail dates. I suppose a couple of the decisions may have been available through the portals on different dates, but I don’t remember specifically.

Thanks! This year is so messed up and I feel bad for these kids.

WOO HOO! Just heard back and she passed CIM! She’s still jumping up and down and screaming for joy.


Yes, @BooMimiMommy, my son received an email from CIM today (12-21-2020) a little after 9am PT, asking him to check his portal. The portal indicated that he passed the pre-screen and needs to complete a form to schedule an audition.
Wishing your daughter the best in this extremely stressful time.


Congratulations to your daughter @BooMimiMommy!!!
I must have missed this post when i previously replied to your other post.
I loved the excitement of your post… i’m so happy for your daughter.


Thanks! Good luck to your son, as well! This is an exciting time! It’s been all day and she’s walking on a cloud. She loves CIM. She spent two weeks there two summers ago and loved it. The facility was nice. The only thing she didn’t like was the ancient, overly hot, dorms. The new dorm building wasn’t built yet but it’s open and the video of it makes it look amazing. CIM is high on her list but, as Yogi Berra once said, “It Ain’t over till it’s Over”. So w have to wait and see what happens.


@BooMimiMommy @svetoy Congratulations! If you don’t mind, please let me know when your kids’ auditions are scheduled for, your instruments, and your intended major. I’d like to add you to 2021 Pre-Screen Thread . Feel free to PM me. Again, congratulations to your children!

Hi, CIM parent here. My son is a freshman. He loves CIM. New building is awesome. They are actually mini apartments. 4 or 6 kids share a unit. Each unit has one or two bathrooms , full kitchen. They have AC and seems like they have some cleaning crew comes and cleans the bathrooms. Very clean very nice building.
Good luck on auditions.


Thanks! There is a video of the new building and it looks amazing! CIM is a great school and I’m hoping that it will be one of her options. Glad your son is happy there!


It’s fun to see some activity on this forum again. Good luck all.


I hope everyone is having a relaxing winter break! We are still in our holding pattern, with my daughter practicing and catching up on sleep. We will record her last couple of pieces next week, and she is planning to get the last few applications out over that weekend, including the one for Lawrence which she says is her top choice. I’m getting nervous on her behalf! It’s just me, though. She’s still quite calm about everything.

It’s great to hear about kids’ prescreen results coming in! Good news or bad. It’s silly, but seeing results come in makes me feel like the future is opening back up again, if we can only pull through the next few months.


These kids keep us going with their spirits. Things will be better soon!



Quick questions out of curiousity (and I’m trying to avoid reading the news).

How do the recorded auditions work? I just assume you practice, practice, practice and as the date arrives, work on your recording. Then submit it.

Is there any back and forth with teachers or admissions? Or you just click submit…and then wait a couple of months for a reply?

That does seem really hard bc you would get no “read” on the situation…even though we strongly suggest you try not to “read” the situation…and simply audition.

Are students still reaching out to teachers in any way after submission? Maybe that would be inappropriate. It will be interesting to see if/when teachers reach out to students.

And do some schools still roll admissions…so you may hear in February for example?

I guess it’s still early…but in seeing the prescreen thread with the “record” audition comments…I just wondered…

Hang in there…such a strange year…but it’s got to get better, right?


That’s pretty much what my daughter did and things are going well with acceptances so far. She has been working on the Bach pieces for several years at least but some of the others are somewhat new. She had two lessons per week for several months just before the taping and then we hired an accompanist. It took about three days to get everything recorded to her satisfaction. There has been no back and forth with any teachers other than notes after they received the audition videos. She also has had some virtual ones. Most of the programs have the same requirements or similar. She recorded each one separately in a theatre. She didn’t want to hire a videographer. We did it with her phone and purchased a microphone. I hope that helps.


What news? Ha.

For my daughter, the recorded auditions are difficult for two main reasons. First, there’s no audience so the motivation to perfect the piece is … different. Second, the recording process is clunky, lots of pauses when she’s ready to, y’know, just play! I’m guessing that kids who have regularly participated in screened summer programs have more experience with the recording side of things.

On the bright side? No grueling travel schedule (I was sort of looking forward to that part but I recognize that’s not very rational of me) and low expenses.

Many of the schools my daughter is applying to have some combination of a Zoom audition, an interview, and/or a trial lesson subsequent to sending the recordings. (Whether or not the recordings are considered to be a prescreen.) I’m guessing this is where the back-and-forth is supposed to happen.

My daughter did a ton of trial lessons to figure out what schools she would apply to but she has only reached out to one or two of the teachers since then.

As for admissions, we are expecting to hear in late January for two schools and in March for the rest… but really we have no idea.


When my son was required to submit pre-screen audition videos, he recorded multiple takes of each piece over two different sessions, with about a week in between the two sessions. After that, he had a feel for which take he liked the best, but just to be sure, he showed them to his private teacher to get some extra input. If I remember right, there was one change made based on that input before he officially submitted the recordings to his chosen schools. This was, of course, before he did live in-person auditions.

I’m not sure if the rules this year for recorded videos in place of live auditions would allow for such outside input, but if they do, I’d strongly recommend it, especially if your child’s private teacher has a strong track record of putting their students into great colleges.

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@stringbird hoping you can do a little of that traveling later in the year. It might be too optimistic to think visits could happen when she has to choose, but one can dream. I feel for kids who have to choose without visits.


Interesting, that is what my daughter is doing, multiple takes, spread out. Honestly, I am not a fan of this but I suppose this is how it is going to work in the times of Covid. My daughter’s in-person auditions for anything have been amazing. When the time comes, she goes into her zone and rocks it. This has been difficult for her.

She did not get past the Eastman audition so she is down to six schools at this point. Her top three are CIM, Jacobs, MSM and she also really liked Peabody. Fortunately, she was able to visit all but Jacobs prior to the Pandemic.

This waiting game is killing me and I don’t even think she has her dates yet.


Good luck to her!!! It was good to space it out over a few days for our cellist because of past issues with tendinitis. :blush:

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