Class of 2026 Undergrad/Class of 2024 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Thanks, interesting perspective, and yes that is another issue!

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A couple more thoughts on sharing the student’s age during master classes, festivals or summer intensives.
I agree with @songbirdmama that if the student is accepted into a program via audition, their age really doesn’t matter. My son generally did not give his age (unless someone inquired, of course) especially if he was much younger than others in the program. His reasoning was that it was hard to state your (young) age without making it sound like an excuse or that you deserved special consideration. Also, when in small chamber groups he found that if everyone thought he was the same age as the rest of the group, he was able to provide input as an equal.
Of course every person should choose what makes them comfortable.

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Just heard from Purchase College that my son was accepted to the Jazz Studies program for performance on baritone sax. It’s his first choice so we are very excited for him!


Congratulations to your son! It must feel so good to get into his first choice.

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Thanks, I think we are also really relieved to have the process over. Best of luck to everyone else that is still in limbo!


Congratulations! That’s great news!

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feel free to message me if you want any information about Purchase. My D is a junior in the opera program.


My son is also going to Purchase, in the Studio Composition program (his first choice!) and also plays the Bari as his principal instrument. Congrats! I’m sure they will get to know each other!


Congrats to your son as well!

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Just got an acceptance to Ithaca College for B.M. Violin Performance!



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DS just heard that he’s accepted at Baldwin Wallace (clarinet performance). No FA info yet (within 2 weeks they say), and that’s the part that I’m not confident will work about BW. But nice to have another potential option anyway!



That’s great! Congrats to him.


Congrats to you and your clarinetist!

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It’s so nice to see some of the same Moms on here! I love seeing what your kids are up to. My older daughter is applying to film/screen scoring Masters programs, she has been accepted at Pacific Northwest and NCSCA. Weight listed at Columbia College in Chicago and still waiting to hear from USC and NYU. She did not get into Berklee or the school in London.

It is a lot less stressful this time around. She graduated in May and has been getting some arranging jobs and has had one choral piece commissioned as well as working on some personal projects.(younger daughters music videos)and applying to grad school.

Younger daughter is thriving at Berklee.


Congrats! Do you think you will attend Ithaca? We are not so patiently waiting here as well… music ed/performance major.

It’s definitely a possibility! I love the Professor there, but still waiting to see financials and what acceptances I get from other schools! I’ve already been accepted to IU Jacobs, so still waiting on those financials too.