Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Rice started sending in-person invitations, at least to clarinet players we know. Woo!


This was Southwest. The cello owner chose his seat…and chose his cello’s seat. I offered to swap seats, but the owner declined. I thought it was weird. My kids would never sit anywhere away from their instruments.

I think it’s weird, too. At Brevard the kids were told never to leave their instruments anywhere.

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Love this answer! Thanks!


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This brings up a new question (the news that Rice has started sending out some auditions). Does anyone know if the schools contact you either way? For undergrad my D passed all prescreens so I don’t know how that is handled. I would hope considering what I paid some of these schools for the application fee they’ll let us know either way. :crazy_face:

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Yes, that is weird! My son would never let anyone else sit next to his cello!

I’d like to know this as well. My older son passed all his prescreens, so I don’t know the answer for my younger son… waiting is difficult!

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I should add the borrowed cello was so he could practice while in Wisconsin, and visit his friend’s cello studio, not for an actual audition.

So exciting that prescreen results are beginning to filter in! D passed prescreens so far for Jacobs and Ithaca. Can’t wait to hear from the others in the coming days/weeks. Good luck to all.


My daughter just got accepted ED to Blair. She’s thrilled; I’m a bit overwhelmed, TBH. We have been flying relatively blind through this process. It’s so strange to click a button and have her (near) future sealed!


Major congrats to you and your daughter!!

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Thank you. That’s helpful!

Congratulations, @ProudDramaMama! It may feel sudden or like you needed more time, but don’t worry, your D will thrive now that she has set her course, and that is what is so important (not so much the place but her attitude about being there). How wonderful she’s found a music home!

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Thank you. It’s all just SO MUCH. Your kind words actually made me a bit weepy. It took a lot for us to let her lead the way into music; now that it’s done, I do feel at peace with it being the right choice for her.

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Has anyone in Voice heard back from their Rice prescreen? Earlier in this thread it said some clarinet majors were hearing from them. My D has still heard nothing. Not sure when/if to assume it’s a no.

They might send out results at different times by instrument. I would assume your D is still being considered if it is not a no, but you could contact the admissions office and ask about their procedure to be sure your D didn’t miss anything. I have no experience with Rice, however!

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I’m really hoping they tell you something one way or the other.

My D 100% handles her own business and she hasn’t mentioned being concerned. I’ll wait and see if she becomes concerned and if she does I’ll suggest she contact them. Im concerned alone right now. LOL.


They will tell her yes or no. My D received some rejections for grad school (prescreen and acceptances) and she was always contacted.

It’s only in the real world that they “blow you off”. My D has traveled to opera companies (at her own expense) and auditioned and then heard nothing. I know there has been more push back at this behavior…but my understanding is that it still happens. My D now auditions very selectively but she’s been in the business for awhile and can afford to that. It does get better over time.

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Percussion kid said that Rice will let him know either way by end of December. Sounds like it’s rolling decisions. SF Conservatory was more like “if we haven’t contacted you by early January, email us”.

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