Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

The other thing on FA changing could be irregular pay due to irratic bonuses, payouts, selling property or real estate, inheritance, etc. Or having unusual expenses/situation one year filed for consideration that may not occur the next or they may just decide differently the next year. The other question mark right now is how CSS schools are going to treat siblings that overlap years in college. Because the FAFSA is not going to have allowances for that now.

I agree the whole system is ridiculous. It’s about meeting what the schools need to keep their doors open. If the calculators for a school work for your family and your financial situation is relatively simple and stable, that is great. Predatory lending isn’t the solution. I do agree plenty of faculty members on campuses I’m sure wished they had a whole lot more money to throw at students.

But if your situation resulted in an affordable situation from a school and you aren’t anticipating anything unusual to happen, that’s great.

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delete…meant to go on a different thread :slight_smile:

@macarthur it sounds like this is a need based award. Need based aid is applied for annually.


Hi! I am a voice principal

Also just wondering if anyone knows anyone who is transferred into Berklee undergraduate second year from another university? I’m thinking about going to the Musicians Institute in LA and then transferring to Berklee.


Is there a separate thread for merit appeals from our group? My son submitted an appeal for an increase in his merit and I don’t want to go on and on if I’m on the wrong thread. :slight_smile:

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DM’g you.

I think it’s perfect for the Fin Aid and Merit thread. That thread has recently focused on aid, but it’s meant to be for both. But I would be happy to read it on any thread. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I don’t personally, but I remember watching youtube videos about students talking about their experiences doing this, in particular to try for a bigger scholarship the second time.

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I would 100% get all the info about what transfers…Berklee generally doesn’t take music credits from other schools. You do not want to start back at square 1! However at Berklee you can “test out” to a higher placement level so there’s that. When we were considering Berklee, there were about 32 credits my son could potentially “test out” of


OK, now my kid has all his responses! He turned down a few yesterday, because they’re not right for what he now knows he wants. He seemed happy to cross them off. I was sad we couldn’t offer him all of the schools he got into, but he also got into four we can pay for, and he’s excited!


I can’t wait to hear what he has decided!

It’s quiet here. We’re just playing the waiting game during the long month of April. But I do hope waitlists decisions will start to roll in soon …


Can’t wait to hear what he chooses!


Do you know if Berklee takes gen ed courses from other schools? I’m just wondering if Berklee might still be an option down the road since we can’t afford it now.

I think they will take gen ed just not music/major classes

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From their web page:

  • Candidates for the Bachelor of Music degree may transfer up to 24 credits of required liberal arts courses. As long as they take 6 liberal arts credits AT Berklee

So I have a favor to ask. S24 is going to apply to BA music programs and we are starting the process of reaching out to programs/teachers (seems fall of junior year is the suggested time frame-yikes). Does anyone have a template for a music resume they have used and felt helpful?

That’s great. Thanks!

We loosely followed this guideline from Eastman. He got in so I guess it didn’t hurt :wink:


I have a S24 who’s interested in participating in music (marching and concert bands). He doesn’t want to be a music major.

Do you think it’s beneficial to his overall application to submit a music portfolio. He plans to major in architecture and will be submitting an art portfolio already.

What quality of music portfolios are expected? Can we submit a recording of his solo performance, probably not high quality.

Any feedback or suggestions would be helpful. Thank you!