Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

My D was the same. While many of her friends decided to do a gap year or only auditioned for 2 schools (since they were happy to wait a year), my D was only going to do grad school if she got a decent acceptance right after UG. She did add a few lesser schools to her list (with other attractive features to her) so she would have choices. If she did not get accepted and go, she was going to start performing (MT, Acting, lite opera) and doubted she would return to school later. Her “passion” for opera was middling. She was happy to do other genres. And that is what she does now (small, regional opera, MT and acting). However the MM really does help with teaching…plus she’s usually one of the better musicians in shows…so she is happy that she did the MM. Everyone is different.

I hope that this helps and isn’t just me talking about me (my favorite subject!).


My daughter applied ED to Blair. She actually heard a day late re: the prescreen. They said it would be “by the 15th” but didn’t hear anything until later in the day on the 16th. (This was excruciating bc of the specificity of the wording, we at least thought they might email to say they were running late.) So….they may cut it close! (And hers was a “yes” so no news is not necessarily bad news either.)


Your talking about personal experience is much appreciated!

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It’s always interesting to get the post grad perspective as we have no real idea what to expect for her after college (she probably does but her parents don’t).

Mine is very much passionate about opera and isn’t really interested in MT all that much although she knows she may have to do some. Her issue with the gap year is really just her development- she has been on a roll the last 2 years and she just wants to keep moving, she feels like she has built up momentum and wants to see where it can take her. Taking a gap year, living here with us, working a full time job somewhere and trying to squeeze in voice lessons and practicing just doesn’t feel to her like it would help her keep developing. She knows she would likely lose motivation and not continue to move forward. Not that that’s the case with everyone, her friends have plans that make sense in their specific situations


Hey there, some data to add. My son got prescreen responses from USC and UNT. (One of them is on a date we can do, but the other is scheduled on a day that we’re already traveling to another important school on his list, so hopefully they will work with us.) Yay!



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We just got my kid’s pass, and he says there is a form to request a change that will be available to fill out starting on the 3rd. I hope this will work out, because we are already scheduled to be in New Orleans on the day USC has asked him to be in LA. And if we try to move Loyola, the only other option falls on the day that UNT has asked him to come to Texas. Loyola is an important and exciting option for us, and I don’t want to put it off.


Hi BeverlyWest! Yay for the prescreen passes :slight_smile: What instrument does your son play? What program did he apply to at USC?
I know USC is really competitive, way to go!


Thank you! He plays guitar and is applying for the Jazz Studies programs at both schools. I’m so proud of him for his hard work and talent. We’re really excited! He actually plays several instruments, including drums and bass clarinet, but he’s most into guitar and that’s what he’s applying to study.


Ah very cool! We know someone who will audition w/ guitar for the popular music program- I think that’s a different department though. Exciting!

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My son had a conflict with UNT and when he reached out he was told by admissions they do not do adhoc auditions but to check with the prof directly. My son decided to submit his prescreen as his final audition as the online audition was also a conflict. He was accepted to the university as pre-music. He will be waiting until all auditions are over to find out if he made performance.


Thank you, this is really helpful to know. I think we can make the UNT date work, if one of our smaller schools will allow a special day. The USC date assignment, though, is throwing a wrench into things. Basically, he already has auditions (whether they be virtual or in person) scheduled for every weekend from 2/4 on out. It would be so great if USC had room on 1/28. (I don’t even know if that’s an option until we see the form, but one can hope.) :slight_smile:


It’s a no from Eastman for my D. She is a little stunned but moving forward. I think she’ll apply to one or two more by Jan 5th. Onward and upward as has been said here!

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I’m sorry — but your D will certainly find her way.
Keep us posted! You got this!

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I’m sorry to hear that, but she will find the right path.

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Thank you, all!

The best lesson that I learned on this site from another parent was that you need to believe for them when your “kid” wavers.

This doesn’t mean that you believe in a school and your kid gets in. It means that you believe in their ability to meet the challenge and find a way through it. You stand aside and watch them struggle…be a sounding board…and know that they’ll find their way with your believe/support in them. I’ve had to use this strategy countless times as I watch my D try, fail and try again.

Still hoping for that positive result for this year….knowing she’ll find her way regardless.


I’m sorry. My son’s teacher this week told him that he shouldn’t feel bad about any of the rejections; if they don’t see that they should want him he shouldn’t want them!


Thank you, Bridgenail! I’ll keep everyone updated. And happy New Year to all!

Yes, it will be great when that combination of teacher wanting to teach student and student wanting to learn from a particular teacher happens!

That has happened over and over in the past. My D has been incredibly lucky with her teachers (and schools and conductor) so far. It will happen again, no doubt.