Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

I am so proud of any kid who is going through this process - it is extremely difficult and stressful. Grit is definitely a prerequisite!

Frost and Blair are awesome schools! Good luck to you S!!

My D is applying to both MT and VP schools. For VP, she has passed Ithaca and Oklahoma City University, and she has scheduled an audition at BW. She is still waiting on Bard and CMU prescreen decisions.

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I wish we could know this, too, just in terms of how many musicians and parents will be there on audition day. In terms of knowing the percentage that your child is among, I don’t think that’s readily or publicly available. I asked upthread, and we talked a bit, about whether the acceptance rates we read about, like Frost’s 40%, are based on total applicants or only those who audition (the consensus being, probably total applicants, which would make the rate a lot lower and the school look more selective).

I can’t remember…is your kid applying to three schools? I love your son’s focus on what he wants. We are at 9 or 10 right now, and the list feels both huge and also like it’s not enough.

@BeverlyWest the New School does give aid, I believe. It’s in a great area of the city.

Regarding letter and resume. I always thought those were most useful for BA programs (that don’t have auditions). I don’t know how important they might be for audition schools. Everything that goes in the pot helps, most likely, but I would think it will matter for most audition schools that you didn’t send them!


He is applying to 7 schools but only three have schools of music the others he is applying with an academic focus to schools with strong departments of music but do not require auditions!

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I also remember reading somewhere that Blair invites 20% of prescreens to audition and then 20% are offered admission. That being said I do not know how many people apply overall:/

It is nice to know that the audition is the key piece of his application, where he shines bright. (That is, given that his grades are good, and we did submit any required letters, just from different teachers.) His activities are mostly music, too, and I’m not worried about that. I think (hope!) that music admissions understand the time and effort it takes to do several choirs, ensembles, bands, etc. There isn’t much time left for yearbook or other clubs.

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Yea its for the accompanist imho. We had a school ask that my D bring paper copies the day of. The accompanist had some time with the music prior to the audition.

Most accompanists can simply sight-read the music. They should be that good. But there can be issues (someone gets sick, the music is messy etc) so I’m guessing that this is a way to assure that music is available as requested. And/or someone set up the system 10 years ago and it never changed…that may be the reason as well.


Would you mind sharing the non-audition schools? I looked through the thread and did not see that. I’d love to know about those programs.

Those are great schools, as well! She already had good options.

Your son sounds like a musician who knows what he wants. That alone is a strength in music, I believe.

Congrats! :tada:

Loved this post, although sorry to hear about the teacher who passed away. My D mentioned she is heading into possibly a heavier voice type although I don’t know much about it—I do think she is amazing and has wonderful technique, but I’m her mom! :slight_smile: Thanks for the post!

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It makes sense to me why they would do it this way to avoid last minute problems with forgetting, unreadable music, etc. I’m sure things go more smoothly on audition days. But this sure was a stressful little event for us. Also a fun memory!

How did you hear from Eastman? We’re still waiting on piano prescreen results and starting to get nervous.

Yes, Eastman has been the only school (so far) to require nailed audition form and music and payment for accompanist before scheduling the audition.
We also overnighted the package (taped and hole punched) after getting the invite… it should have arrived at Eastman on Friday the 30th- didn’t🙄, unable to deliver on Saturday as admissions was closed, no delivery on Sunday or Monday- federal holidays! Finally delivered on Tuesday and we received the date confirmation that afternoon!
My kid adores Eastman and was so anxious that she would not get her first choice audition day! All worked out in the end, but it was tense!

Received an email to check an update in the portal.


We didn’t get ours sent until last Thursday or Friday and it was supposed to arrive there today but yesterday morning she received an update from fedex that it would be delivered yesterday. She is back at her university now so I didn’t hear an update her. Hearing that your D got her date confirmed the same day has made me realize I need an update from mine!!

It looks like yours is going for undergrad. I wonder if they do grad and undergrad on the same days. Maybe we’ll run into each other!

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Thanks for the information. I wanted to make sure we weren’t missing anything. This whole process is so nerve-wracking. Did your child apply to several schools?


He is applying to UNC CH, UVA, William and Mary and wake forest. All of which have departments of music vs schools of music. Several are out in state options. He is still very unsure what he wants but is very sure he wants a dual degree. Sorry I didn’t include these before:)