Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Question for any parents who are in or have gone through the grad school app process. D is doing her own FAFSA as an independent student, but one of her schools has its own form and is asking for parent financial information. What is your experience with this? Did any of your kids’ schools ask for parent financials and did you provide it? Do we have to? Should I call and talk to the admissions office? (D is supposed to call, but she has a dizzying schedule and hasn’t gotten to it yet.)

Yes, I remember one NYC conservatory asked for it for grad school (sniffing around for parental contributions). I can’t remember if it was before the acceptance or after. I would guess it was around the same time. She did get accepted with NO money (only time that happened). It was a school known for not giving a lot of money…and my D was adamant about going where she was wanted and would get roles (often reflected in money for grad VP students). Not saying that you shouldn’t….but for us, she had better offers so it wasn’t worth the effort.

Sorry I don’t have a better answer. You could call admissions and ask if it’s required.

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D’s first audition is done! I cannot say enough good things about The Shepherd School of Music, such a wonderful place and the Houston weather is so nice!


Congratulations to her and you!

Ooohhh this is exciting to hear. We head there in 2 weeks!

Heading to CMU tomorrow for a Sunday VP audition! My D was asked to move her audition from 2pm to 12pm. Anyone else receive a request to move up their audition? Wondering why …


It seems like all you can do is provide an honest answer and see what happens. I would think they know they cannot expect the same contribution that undergrad parents provide, but want to at least have the information available.

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Hi! Does anyone have a child who applied to NYU Jazz Studies?

We will be at CMU tomorrow as well! I don’t have the schedule yet, but we are driving out there today. My daughter is also voice!

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Would anyone like to join me in my freaking out over the WEATHER for all this winter travel? We leave Thursday for Rochester and are expecting snow here in Cincinnati Wednesday and I’m afraid to even check the weather in NY. What happens if we can’t make it to the audition due to canceled flights, will they work with us? :weary:


Virtual audition and interview at U of Dayton. Hes so nasally and cant get high notes. But hes a bass so hoping its not totally held against him.


@SnowyJoJo - yes this happened to my D once for UG. Showed up for her audition maybe 30 min early (she was the last audition of the day). She was told that there had been some no-shows so the panel was ready when she was. We had also re-scheduled this audition…probs why my D had the last slot. Don’t remember it happening any other time. But yes there can be no-shows (less competition!) and schedule changes…and maybe travel issues (@sssulliv).

Most schools will of course work with you if there is a weather disruption (Curtis…maybe not). Still it could end up being a virtual audition if all else fails. My D was lucky in the end and did not have a weather-related disruption…but yes, auditions in Feb…jeez, you couldn’t pick a worse time!! It will be a constant stress (sorry to be the truth teller!). We did get stuck in NYC…and I remember walking down the middle of unplowed NYC road in my boots due to a huge dump of snow the night before her audition. Being from MN, we just put on our winter gear and walked figuring that would be quicker than trying to get a cab.

In the past, I remember parents from the south asking…so yes, you can change your clothes in the school’s bathroom. No need to wear high heels or dress shoes through the snow. Just pack a bag and change. Very common in snowy areas.

@2plustrio - take comfort in the fact that everyone on the panel has had a cold while auditioning. Voice teachers (experts of the voice) will undoubtedly notice the cold…and adjust their evaluation. They will be looking for preparation, musicality, sound, diction etc…not just a few high notes. I think that they can evaluate him regardless of a cold.

And…one more comment from further up thread (if anyone is still reading lol), I agree to NOT ask a lot of questions right after they leave the audition room (and try not to stand by the door…really I think it’s better to hear nothing and give your kid space). My fondest memories were the dinners afterwards where it would all spill out. I wish for all of you many fond and funny memories of this stressful time.


I’ve wondered about this too. My son is auditioning at the end of February in Rochester. Let us know what you find out!

I think @bridgenail is right, they would likely try to work with us and worst case a virtual audition. Here’s hoping all goes well with the stupid weather. I figure in NY they are used to snow and probably clean up super quick.

Our next trip is the following week to Houston so I was slightly less worried about that one until I remember the layover at LaGuardia. :weary:. We can only do what we can do right!?


CMU was a really close second for my S22- he really loved the city and the school. I particularly loved the art installation on the lawn.

Toi toi toi! Thinking of you all and your kids!


I am worried about the trip to OH/PA from the southeast next week. We don’t do winter where I live. Neither do our vehicles.

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When my son auditioned a few years ago, we got delayed 3 times by weather! We drove to Ann Arbor which is like 10+ hours for us. There was a blizzard in Michigan the day we were driving back. We made it about an hour or two before we got a hotel. A friend of his actually missed his audition at UMichigan due to weather that year, so it definitely happens. And he just lost out on that opportunity entirely. I hope schools are better set up now to take a video or virtual audition, seems like one decent thing to possibly come out of covid.

Traveling for auditions is time consuming and expensive and throwing the weather in February in the mix is crazy making! I tried to schedule to travel 2 days before we needed to be somewhere so we’d have some flexibility this go around. With all the news on airline issues, I am nervous about our 2 flights!

My daughter had her first audition today - it was local so that was nice to start with something that felt a little lower key. No problem, went great! Good luck this weekend to auditioners!


Curtis update was sent out just now: decisions will be released over this week!


At least you’ll be going to an area where they know how to do snowy roads! It’s often more the road conditions than the car that are the issue. You can do it!

We’re flying. No idea how snow will affect that, I don’t typically fly anywhere this time of year. I was thinking of changing our flight out to a day earlier - it’s supposed to snow Wednesday and Thursday and her audition is Friday. Currently we’re scheduled to leave Thursday am but wondering if we should leave Wednesday am. That means more expense, more missed work and school. Ughhh.