Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

My daughter was accepted there yesterday. What you describe is either weird or an indication that your child was not accepted into the music program. At the audition they described that the music school makes the decision and then they get with the admissions department and that in the past few years no one that the music school wanted was denied. So based on this I could only conclude that the audition wasn’t passed.

Of course there is the caveat that I could be wrong as I have no special knowledge other than that shared above. Just trying to help add what I know.


My son was accepted to Loyola New Orleans for jazz studies. :tada:


Congratulations! That’s wonderful news!


Congratulations to your son!


Congratulations to your daughter!!! :heart_eyes: Thank you so much for clarifying - the CAP part had me confused. Onward and upward! I think his Dad and I are more disappointed than he is. And I’m a Sooner fan!! haha :stuck_out_tongue:


Does anyone have thoughts about Curtis not doing callbacks this year? Wonder what it means? If anything…


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If it is an issue with the Austin campus, then wouldn’t he still have a chance as he wants a different campus? Sorry if I’m not understanding.

No apology needed :slight_smile: - Yes, I believe he would have a chance. I am not sure the other schools have performance as a major specifically. He isn’t interested in going to another campus and then transferring in a year to Austin. UT was not one of his top choices, so he is ok. I was more confused about the CAP with a performance major. I think his dad and I are more disappointed than he is, because now he is really going to end up out of state. :heart: I do firmly believe he will end up right where he is supposed to be. My impatience gets the best of me sometimes. lol Thank you all so much for the support. This thread is amazing!


Did Curtis change the audition process for VP?

It seems so! DD received an email late last evening with her audition date, time and a note that there will be no call backs… “Note that there will not be a separate final round – each applicant will sing on their designated day only. There will be no call-backs, so you are released following your live audition as detailed below.”


We also got the note that there are no callbacks. We also got a time scheduled instead of being told to show up and receive a time at checkin. Her time assigned was late on Sunday which is exactly what we needed! So thankful they could work with us!


We will be there late on Sunday, too! Perhaps we will see you there!


She’s at 442 pm, hopefully we will see each other!


Congratulations to your daughter!

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@fn3263 @Pianomom1 @AustenNut thank you, everyone. I feel a sense of relief that he has two great options. It sounds like NOLA was amazing, and I could see him heading there in August.


I have NO special knowledge of this situation.

Still, in the past, there have been complaints (particularly from grad students in VP) that Curtis auditions a lot of candidates, requires them (in case they get into the final rounds) to stay 2 nights, and then cuts them quickly (which feels icky when you are paying that extra night with your limited funds). It’s an expensive audition…and maybe some could have avoided that trip or second night.

My D has a good guy friend who could only afford to audition at one other school (besides his current UG school which was in-state for him…luckily it was IU). All 4 students stayed in one room…and I think the other 3 covered his room. He was, of course, rejected in the first round. He wished that he would have chosen another school for his one audition. But Curtis is the siren call for all. Just fyi, on his graduation night, he couldn’t afford to get into the bar (had a cover) where we were all celebrating. My D told me so I went over and paid his cover and gave him some cash as a grad gift from our family so he could enjoy his night. I just want to point out…there are a lot of people of limited means…and an expensive audition process…isn’t really a good look right now.

This also reflects the larger market…where the costs to audition are borne by the VP candidates (note this is not done in MT or theater). With the changes to the market brought by Covid and equity issues, there have been some changes at some locations. So, I wonder if Curtis is trying to be responsive to that complaint. This may sound negative but the other thought is…that the number of slots is very tight this year so they won’t do call backs?

There have been people on this site who have gotten into Curtis. So I’m not trying to be negative for taking your shot. But, once “kids” get to their program, they all talk…and Curtis has a reputation…rightfully so…or due to sourgrapes! It’s probably a mix…lol.

And, as for my D’s friend, he now lives in NJ and can easily audition in NYC and does work for a variety of opera houses. So, he did make it!!



My son loved New Orleans as well. Current COA for us is 28k/yr. With recent U of Louisiana-Lafayett (purposeful misspell so it doesnt flag different school) offer coming it at 8k/yr, I think it will be tough for my son to let go of NOLA.


Has your son visited ULL?