Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Those road trips (while they’re sounding challenging with an out-of-commission car!) will be such wonderful times to remember later. Hope you are enjoying it despite the crazy!

Best of luck to your son!


Finally something to report: this is audition weekend for my D at NEC. She’s driving 2.5 hours to the airport tomorrow, but has a direct flight, with my brother able to pick her up at the other end—so a little uncle time. She’ll have her audition Sunday (my mother will take her) and will return to college Monday. All this beats waiting—although all I’m doing, by myself here, of course, is waiting. :slight_smile: Good luck to any and all auditioning as well this weekend!


Final audition is done! So happy that all 9 worked out well (she never got sick during audition season- one of our biggest fears!!) and that she walked out happy after each one. Once in a lifetime experience and such a blessing to be able to have this private time together. Now we wait.

Best of luck to everyone finishing out auditions!


I’m with you - kid has first in person audition on Monday. Flying by himself, checking into a hotel by himself and getting to the audition…by himself. Then back to school for a performance and on the road again on Friday. Good luck to everyone. :four_leaf_clover::notes:

I’m just remembering how much fun we had four years ago flying around.
Sad that I’m not with him, but very proud knowing he can navigate it all on his own.


This will be me next year. It’s hard to believe that at the end of this school year, my daughter will be starting her grad school application process.


We are in Denver this weekend. Next weekend we are on the go too but then we are done. Good luck to everyone this weekend!


We are at audition #2 of 6. I’m amazed that some folks are wrapping things up and we’re just getting started. We’re at CIM and it’s really cold for this Florida mom. I brought my two daughters. The older is doing violin trial lessons today for a possible grad school teacher. The younger has her undergrad viola audition tomorrow. Tonight we’re going to see the Cleveland Orchestra. I’m super excited. Hope all the kids represented here do great this weekend.


It sounds exciting! I hope you all have a great time. My kid is doing a virtual audition as we speak. We don’t get to travel again until the 25th. After today, he’ll be through 4 live and 2 recorded out of 11 total schools. Can’t wait for him to be able to relax! And yet, it’s fun to learn about all these cool places.

ETA: Big smiles after the UArts audition. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, this is for grad school so they’re much more independent. A good thing, of course!

My kiddo made it through her first 3 auditions without getting sick, then got sick as soon as she got home and yesterday had to sing at a local competition with a lot of money on the line, with the beginnings of Laryngitis setting in. :weary:. We kept reminding ourselves, at least it wasn’t during auditions. She has 2 weeks till the next audition.

Congrats to your kiddo for making it through them all!!

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How was your experience at Northwestern? My D(soprano) is headed there next weekend for the final audition day for voice. Was it easy to navigate? Is anything different from other auditions? For us, this is the second-to-last audition! Almost there!!! Northwestern followed by McGill and then a big sigh of relief. :slight_smile:


It was very well organized - plenty of practice rooms, if your daughter would want to take advantage of those day before or day of her audition. Rooms upstairs are soundproof. Bienen is simply gorgeous! Everyone was very friendly and helpful, assistant dean of admissions doing rounds and talking to families - he was previously at Blair.

My daughter’s audition went - feedback given on the spot. She is thrilled with results. It is probably different by major/teacher. But overall auditions run ON time, which was very refreshing! :slight_smile:

Campus is easy to navigate. It is ON the lake - stunning views!

I recommend taking advantage of the general NU tour and concerts/recitals taking place that weekend. The Magic Flute starts soon, if you can catch it, I am pretty sure it will be fantastic!

I think it was the only school we visited so far to have great food for families and students involved in supporting and volunteering during auditions - coffee, tea, pastries, fruits, granola bars. They thought about little things too. It matters!

It was cold, but we walked around a lot and craved “winter” comfort foods. Lots of great restaurants around, we liked Le Peep for breakfast, Table to Stix for Ramen, Habibi Grill had all of Mediterranean staples, including amazing lentil soup and sage tea and an offbeat Colectivo Coffee is fantastic for people watching and hot drinks of all kinds.


My son has finished 4 auditions with 3 left to go. He’s had 2 great auditions, one pretty good, and one he says he fell apart at (luckily, that was the school he was least interested in). So he’s about halfway through but not really because what’s left are the more competitive conservatories. Any tips on auditioning at Eastman, Mannes, or Boston Conservatory? Just wondering what to expect. His instrument is piano.


We were there last wed, it is a beautiful campus and bienen is super impressive. My son (dbl bass) auditioned in Mary P. Galvin hall and said it was pretty amazing in there and had incredible acoustics. Plenty of practice rooms!!
He said to me “i hear the pizza is pretty good here why dont we get some” lol and we did at Lou Molnatis very close to campus and it was very good.


Thanks for the info! We have made it through Blair, BU, and CMU at this point with recorded auditions at Oberlin, Peabody, and a few safety schools. A total of nine! It has been a lot. She is ready for the final push over the next two weeks. Northwestern is the only school where she has not made prior contact. Glad to hear that it was a smooth event. Is anyone else heading to McGill in two weeks?

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Last question about Northwestern. Did they have any theory assessments for voice? We have noticed that expectations are vastly different at each school. At some sight singing, while others invite you to the piano and some don’t ask anything. Did they have music theory in the audition?

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Not sure about voice auditions at Northwestern, but D23 did not have theory or sight reading or scales requested there, she is a Flute Performance applicant.

No sight reading or theory at my D’s NYU audition – just singing (and answering a question or two).

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Correction: No sight reading at the Northwestern (NU) audition (NYU was a typo).

My kid is telling me his friends are each applying to just two schools :roll_eyes: while he’s done 12 applications. (5 completely applied, 5 auditions to go, 2 acceptances so far :slight_smile: )

I’m still tempted by the idea of adding a public university that could be inexpensive, because almost every school on his list depends on scholarships, and some of them are not known for generosity. There are only two or three we could actually pay for without significant support. But he understands that and is happy with his choices and with following through to see what may come. So, I think he’s really done with the applications! :tada: