Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

What is the obligation if you accept the scholarship now? It’s not like it’s Early Decision, where you sign a contract . Could you accept now, and then decline later (if you child got into the school they wanted)? I mean, the school is playing hardball…

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I’m not sure about whether they could hold us to the commitment of accepting the scholarship, but I can’t imagine they could. I hate to accept if we’re not sure, but we definitely need to keep all options open with the state schools. My husband and I will have to look over the paperwork more carefully. He’s in NY with my son for the next few days for the Eastman and Mannes auditions. I’m worried he’ll get in but we won’t be able to afford them.

Thank you for asking. He’s made it to phoenix! He has a long layover and not an ideal amount of time to sleep once he gets to the hotel, but we’re so happy he’s going to make it.

ETA To think I was so worried about him going alone. That was nothing to worry about compared to the past two days.


happy to hear he is going to make it there!

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I was putting up my calendar yesterday. I know y’all can relate. This was my post yesterday on social. Please delete if not allowed:
Here it is- winding down to the end of an era. The days when our lives being governed by a calendar are almost to an end. If you know me well, you know I color code/organize everything. Since the boys were little we all have had a color. Josh - orange, Connor - blue, Me- pink and Blair - purple. From toothbrushes to t-shirts and many things in between, I could easily know what/who belonged where by a quick glance at the color. Since Josh graduated in 2019 we slowly lost our color orange. And thankfully for the boys - I moved from dressing them alike when Josh entered junior high. 😂. Orange is used for holiday breaks and birthdays. Josh home! - with an arrow through the days of his visits. Which naturally, the arrow becomes shorter - as it should. Yet here I am, in true Liz fashion just like I have since Josh entered kindergarten - planning our calendar 3 months in advance. Lately, (for Blair and I at least), our colors are whatever happens to be within arms reach. Any color really - except orange and blue. As my calendars have been mostly blue these last four years, I realized today as I place May on the wall that soon I will no longer need to reach for blue first and fill the other colors in later. I can reach for any color I want. As exciting as that is - this new phase of our lives, I realize it also will kinda suck. I do know this - no matter where we go, what we do or how many dates are added/erased. Orange will always be Josh and Connor always blue. 🧡💙


Toi Toi Toi to all those auditioning this weekend!!!

YES! My calendar will be so much lighter next year! Exciting times but also bittersweet.

Fingers crossed your son is in Texas and on his way to an amazing audition!


I just learned he’s there at the school. It’s hard to believe!


Yay! What a relief! I was biting my nails on your behalf.

Good luck to all the auditioners this weekend! :two_hearts:

Absolutely thrilled to be done. Annnd kiddo just landed a lead in a big musical theatre production so suddenly we are busy again in a week. :joy::two_hearts:


Congratulations! :tada:

Thank you for sending good thoughts, everyone. :heart: I haven’t heard from him this morning, and I’m too afraid to text in case he’s in his audition, but I know he made it (thanks technology!) and I appreciate having you here to “talk” to.


I am thrilled he is there and hopes he loves it as much as mine did!

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So glad he made it! Hope he has a great audition!


We leave tomorrow at 6 am for Curtis - scheduled to arrive at 11am (she has an opera performance tonight). Her audition was scheduled for 4 pm check in - 440 something audition. They just emailed her they moved her up an hour to 3pm check in 340 something audition. I was already struggling with this tight timeline - hoping that hour doesn’t come back to bite us!


Hi, all! I haven’t been in the thread for this year at all yet. My son (jazz guitar) originally was in the audition pool for '23 but had to withdraw all his applications after an overuse injury (too much time to practice, and little else to do, in 2020). Now he’s back in it. He’s literally sitting in the waiting room for his Berklee audition as I write this, periodically updating me by text. He only wanted to apply to two schools this time around, Berklee and New School. This will be his only in-person audition. Since he’s 19 now, I’ve really taken a back seat this time, letting him drive the whole process. I do hope something shakes out from only two applications. I’m just happy to have made it to Boston for today after the crazy weather this week and our grueling travel day yesterday (mainly due to ‘equipment failure’ and a late arrival). I thought we might have to turn around and go back home when it looked like there might not be any more flights to Boston.

Anyway, I’ve been reading about all your odesseys with great interest and wanted to say hello. Toi toi toi to everyone auditioning this weekend!


My son has not accepted the scholarship at a school he might attend as he hasn’t made his decision yet; I don’t think they needed the form back earlier than anything else. If he rules out the school, we would of course let them know ASAP.

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I love this so much and relate completely-- but in a sort of opposite way. We only have one, but each of his various activities had its own color so that I would know at a glance where he needed to be.

Such a great post- thank you for sharing!

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TOI TOI TOI! I can’t wait to hear about this one.

Following along from the undergrad voice world!

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We are lucky enough to be connected to someone that helps advise vocalists on scholarships. She told us to ALWAYS appeal the first offer. The second offer is almost always $10,000 more than the first. Most schools allow up to 3 appeals (not that you’ll get a LOT more, but every little bit helps), and if the school REALLY wants you, they’ll pony up more $$ right before the May 1 deadline. We will likely be white knuckling the decision right up until April 30, LOL!