Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Great idea to try different numbers. Also, I did read the special circumstances information, which I also really appreciate. Our situation is a little weird and outside the lines of what is typical, so I need to decide exactly how to describe it. What a crazy process.

If you have unusual medical expenses (which it seems like you might) then that is a special circumstance that a lot of colleges will consider. Sending you another DM in a few minutes.


Oh, and they’ve tried to get him into the honors program, and say there’s money available, but again, that seems like a non-music based experience.

@MountHood, you mentioned U of O on the acceptance thread. Is there anything you can share about why your kid liked the program? @Bsb22, can you share anything about it? Jazz and recording programs may be too different or separate to know, but if you do, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Our kid has been accepted to Jazz Studies.

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We’re just waiting for Berklee at this point and then it’s decision time. Anyone have any thoughts on any of the following:

CU Denver (haven’t visited, concerned about dining and dorms)

Columbia College Chicago
SUNY Purchase Studio Composition (dorms looked old and depressing online)

Drexel for Music Industry

Any insights would help.

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I’m wondering about Denver as well.

My kid is considering Denver as a serious option, but we need to visit in April. It looks great, and those who have visited report back that the music and recording facilities are high quality. They seem to have a lot of collaboration and constant performances going on.

All that said, my concern is the campus feel and college experience. services like the student center possibly closing early, that kind of thing. My S might be happy and not worry about that. We’ll see what he thinks. I’ll report back!

As for the dorm, you can accept the admission offer, which is non-binding, and sign the housing contract, also non-binding.

We have a friend who goes to Columbia Chicago and loves it, but even though my kid has been accepted, it’s off our list simply because of cost. It looks good!

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SUNY Purchase Studio Comp - good reputation of professors and school. The dorms are older. There is a newer dorm but not for freshmen. If your kid is looking for high end dorms and lots of food choices Purchase is not for them. It is an isolated campus with no town walkable. However White Plains is only 15 minutes away and NYC is about 30 mins by train. Also very reasonable cost even for out of state students. Happy to answer more questions about campus if you like. My kid graduates this year from opera program and Purchase is still on her lists of grad school to attend next year.


Concerned about the campus feel too. That’s part of it. Nothing is ruled out at this point and she is trying to decide if she wants to visit.

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The program sounds very good which is the draw. She originally wanted a big city so that is part of the equation too.

sent DM

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My son never visited U of Oregon–it is our in-state flagship, so he felt he knew enough about it in general. The Music department of U of O is generally considered to be strong. We looked together at their Music Technology program on the website and the college catalogue and really liked what we saw: they have three full-time faculty teaching in this subfield and recently added a Ph.D. program in something like music and data science. On the undergraduate level, it’s a Bachelor of Science degree, so good for anyone who wants to add some computer science etc. (Once my son got his acceptances in the L.A. area, he was no longer interested … perhaps a mistake!)

CU Denver does not have a traditional campus feel. There is a small quad and a newish nice dorm for freshman. Music facilities and classrooms are in the quad area. CU Denver really is known for their contemporary music programs. The music programs draw kids from OOS and tend to be over represented in the on campus housing. The school is in downtown Denver and very much an urban campus with a lot happening in the city. There are non-music classrooms in buildings blocks away from the main campus area (non-music business majors for example). Public transit is easy. Denver has a huge live music scene, great proximity to internships and jobs, accessible outdoor adventures and all the amenities of a large city including food. CU Denver has some interesting programs and is a real bargain if you are in a WUE state. The faculty and admissions staff we interacted with were very accommodating when we visited, including a one on one meeting and tour with the department head and coffee with a recent grad employed on campus. My kid cut a bunch of other schools after visiting because he knew he could be happy at CU Denver. Ultimately he was accepted everywhere he applied and chose a different school which is also very urban.


This is very helpful - thank you!

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Rice University just notified decisions will be out on Monday March 27 after 5 p. m. Central time!


Hello my daughter is also a mm voice, has she heard anything from Eastman. We are getting g so anxious!

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Our pianist hasn’t heard anything from Eastman either. It sure would be nice to know!

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The program sounds so great! A truly collaborative and vibrant place, with film and visual art students working closely with musicians. My kid asked what his day would be like, and the admissions guy said collaborating all day. Rehearsing with others.


Thank you for all of this. It’s really helpful. My kid would love all the qualities you mention. He’s grown up a mid-sized-city kid, and I think he’d be happy somewhere bigger, but very comfortable in Denver. I’m caught up on the idea of a jazz city, but ultimately he needs to decide what feels right, with input from parents. (We’re not a family who is handing the decision completely to our kid.)

Even though we are WUE, CU is fourth on our price list, with one private and two publics offering lower COAs. It’s reasonable enough that he can consider it just the same. We’ve applied for more scholarships through their system.

SAME. We are both losing our minds over here. Some other instruments started hearing answers within the last week and we got our hopes up - nothing!

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Has anyone heard when msm decisions come out?