Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Hi. What instrument is being released on Monday with Rice? Where did you find the info? Thanks.

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My daughter just texted me to express her disappointment in my friends (the other members of this site) for not knowing when the decisions are coming for any of her schools. LOL.


I second these questions

All regular decisions. Rice sent an email to applicants.


Northwestern will release their regular decisions today right after 5 pm Central Time. I called Admissions office.

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My son said April 1

Eastman says VP decisions will be released “By the beginning of next week”… (undergrad inquiry)

Is this the one he’s waiting for?

My D (MM VP) says she hasn’t received anything from Rice. Hopefully she’s included in the Monday timeline. :grimacing:

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Hi! My daughter did not pass prescreens there so congratulations on yours getting past that!

She is waiting on NEC, and late applications to DePaul and Indiana (too late for auditions).

Let us know the news when you get it!

Thank you!

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My DD just heard from Northwestern (email with link to decision). Unfortunately, it was a no. Good luck to everyone else who applied!!

Daughter (MM VP) waitlisted at Eastman

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It’s a no for Northwestern here as well (voice performance soprano).

Son got accepted to Northwestern. Wooohooo!


D23 is in for dual degree at Northwestern: Flute performance at Bienen + College of Arts and Sciences!

UPDATE: Also in at USC’s Thornton School of Music, Flute Performance. She can add another non-music major later. She is surprised about this one, never visited, auditioned virtually.

She is invited to apply for Thematic Option experience, I guess it is a small liberal arts and interdisciplinary college experience at USC. She is interested in exploring that. Sounds like a neat academic opportunity.


Congratulations! :tada: These are fantastic achievements!


Thornton was my son’s first virtual audition, and I think it was hard to feel a connection through the screen.


@BeverlyWest Are you suggesting that someone can accept an admission offer…and still consider other colleges? I’d check that. Once you accept an admissions offer…you are done…unless there is some special exception at CU Denver that doesn’t apply anywhere else.

But YES, you can put down a housing deposit without accepting the offer of admission (thus committing to that school)

ETA…I could be wrong about this at CU Denver….but please do check before you accept an offer of admission.

This is what I got from them.

To apply for housing, your son will first need to reply to his offer of admission. Accepting the offer at CU Denver is completely non-binding, and there is no enrollment deposit. If he decides on another school later on, he’ll just need to let me know.

Our housing does not have a deposit, so you also don’t have to pay to reserve housing. Space is limited, so you can sign up for housing now and change your mind later if needed. Please be aware that we do have a cancellation fee if you cancel your housing contract after April 30th. Up until April 30th, you can cancel the housing contract with no penalty.