Class of 2028 - General Engineering admission advice needed

Thank you.

If you daughter is dead set on A&M and is considering Engineering, she does have other options if she is not direct admit. TEAB (Team for Engineering is only offered by A&M) where she will take her math and science at the Blinn Rellis Campus and her Eng. and other classes on A&M Campus. My son is TEAB and it has been great. He was a little disappointed at first but has found the smaller classes at Rellis are refreshing. They are also considered A&M students, can live on campus, sports pass, can rush and join all the orgs.
Also, research A&M Galveston and the Engineering Academies at various campuses. Blinn Brenham, Dallas College and several others. Lots of ways to get to A&M if that is her ultimate goal!

My son just got the alternate pathway offer for engineering (Galveston, Blinn, McAllen) and he was a 1370 SAT and approximately top 15%. He had AP physics, AP Physics—C, AP Econ, AP World History, AP Calc AB, and DC for English, Govt, Brit Lit, and earlier math. He was light though on extracurriculars and volunteering. Things seem so much harder these days!

My two engineers said having experience welding is very helpful… especially for mechanical engineering. Lots of projects require the skill, and our son in particular was a huge add for his teams because he was able to weld. Also, it is a different skill that many high school students do not have so I would think it might add something different to the application.

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She’d need to aim for a 1450+ SAT score for Engineering at CStat. My son with a 1400 SAT, first quarter from a very competitive 6A school, lots of AP & volunteer hours and varsity sports only got alternate pathway offers this year for Galveston, TEAB, and McAllen… so did a friend with an 1420 SAT. They chose TEAB, which is a decent alternative, co-enrollment with Blinn Community College but they would have preferred to be full-time CStat.

So glad your son is enjoying the TEAB program! Would you have any advice for an incoming TEAB student? Any housing options preferred by those in TEAB?

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Wow! I thought 1400 plus and top quarter was pretty safe for a full engineering offer at Texas A&M. Thanks for sharing this info.

@Trc5bgnd If your son is interested in the Sounding Rocketry Team or the Rocket Engine Design Team, then welding will be a huge plus. Competition to get into either of these clubs is fierce and someone with hands-on skills will stand out. Looks like your son has a great resume.

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Yes- you had a 100% chance of getting in. It seems at A&M engineering is still guaranteed entry for top 10%. This is not true for UT (daughter was top 3% and did not get into UT engineering until appeal). A&M was her safety.

If you are outside the top 10%, it is so much harder. Like just barely outside the top 10% and 1400 SAT and full admission is not guaranteed.


Getting into general engineering is not that hard, because students need to excel in ETAM freshmen year to really get their majors in sophomore year.

@JayJay_17 just curious-is there a reason you didn’t submit test scores & AP scores?
You may consider A&M Engineering a ‘safety’ school now, but I guarantee it’ll be eye opening once you get there. You will be surrounded by wickedly smart, genius level kids. Getting a 3.75+ for ETAM, to get Mechanical won’t come easily.

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Gotcha, that makes sense

I considered it a “safety” in terms of getting accepted. I know TAMU engineering is nothing to write off. I didn’t submit SAT or AP because it would cost extra money to send some of those scores and I didn’t care too much to do that to be completely honest with you. Because I am top ten I wasn’t too scared about anything like that. My old classmate got a 5 in both AP Physics 1 and C and went to TAMU so I am aware I am not as smart as the other kids.

A safety school can still be academically challenging.

I really wish Texas would get rid of the Top 10 and top 6 rule…

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Did TAMU change their auto admit percentage from 10% for class of 2028? If so where is that stated?

@Rford5 no, as of right now, it hasn’t changed. It would have to be brought before state legislature to lower it.
Personally @JayJay_17 I’d love for A&M to go to 7%. With schools the size of UT and A&M, and easily 50k+ applying each year, they’ve gotta have auto admit rule. A&M is ginormous, infrastructure can’t keep up. I’d love for tougher auto admit and smaller enrollment.
But no one asked me…


I am salty about the top 6 percent bc I got capped for UT, that’s the only reason haha

UT is more murky. My neighbors son was top 5%, perfect score on the ACT and a NMF and he was admitted to UT but not their engineering program. He had taken and excelled in AP physics & Cal. They pursued why he was not admitted with the university and were told there were too many applicants just like him. They offered him liberal arts. He declined and ended up with a great scholarship to Cal Poly and went there.

On the other hand, my son has two friends that were not top quarter, did not get into A&M, SATS in the 1300 range, involved in high school but not overly so and both got full admit to UT. Not in engineering but one got Moody and the other whatever their health majors get. And it wasn’t for diversity as they are both white upper mid kids both male. I feel weird saying that, but UT is just more unpredictable

At UT, there is a BIG difference in standards for Engineering, CS and Business compared to everything else.