Class of 2028 - General Engineering admission advice needed

A few years back, my son and I took a tour of UT which included an engineering admissions presentation. The presenter talked about the importance of providing a resume with the application. We had the impression that UT wants to see a super focused passion (as shown by ones hobbies, clubs, jobs, classes, etc) towards the desired major.


@Zrt42 @Eggscapgoats I guess UT is just very selective. This kid though…so smart, great grades and scores. Robotics winner, band drum major. It just seemed so odd to me because he’s such a high caliber kid. The two we know that got in not in the top quarter were just average in activity but they must have had something UT was looking for or maybe their health and moody colleges easier for applicants. It was just surprising. Neither of my kids applied to UT. They were out of the top 6% so didn’t bother, so I really have no experience with their process

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Don’t worry about saying this, as a black student I am well aware of affirmative action. Honestly it was why I thought I had a shot. My stats were decent and when I called and asked why I didn’t get in they said my AP Physics C grade and my AP Calc BC grade was too low, which is understandable but still hurts because I had high B’s and my teachers are not that good at my school.

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My son attends a private online school that does not offer the typical TX class of 1/2 year US Gov 1/2 year Econ.

If he takes both of those classes, it will prevent him from taking something like C# like he would like to do and which would be better for engineering.

I called TAMU admissions and they said it wouldn’t matter if he didn’t have the economics really as long as he had what they require on his transcript. (4 math, 4 science, 4 English, 2 foreign language)

I have an email in to engineering to see if not having economics would look bad to them, but I haven’t heard back yet. Anyone on here have experience with this?

He doesn’t need the C# for any college admissions either.

He just needs another elective credit for HS and would prefer to take C#. And a TAMU engineering faculty recommended it.

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No need to take Econ in high school.



I would have her pick Engineering or Mays Business as her top choice and something totally different (not BIMS though) for the second choice. Mays and BIMS do not take 2nd choice majors. Maybe Ag Business as another option.

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The 2nd choice major being allowed is for transfer students only. Doesn’t apply to freshmen. Freshman applicants should select a first and second choice major and there are no restrictions.

I wouldn’t pick 2 different engineerings since everyone is general admissions freshman year.

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Just seeing this. Thank you for that information. I will definitely have him check it out. I appreciate it.

If a student is homeschooled or coming from a private, non-ranking school it sounds like it is very difficult to get into CStat engineering. Can we only expect an alternate pathway even though engineering is all holistic?

What do you think a homeschooled or private non-ranking schooled student needs on their SAT? (Along with good EC and volunteer hours of course.)

Are you asking about getting into CSTAT in general or engineering? What kinds of science/math classes did the student take? I know many kids that were accepted into general engineering from non-ranking and home school most had ACT scores of 30+ and math sub scores 30+. A&M looks more at classes, GPA, test scores, and demonstrated interest than ECs and volunteer hours.

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Specifically engineering. By the time he graduates he’ll have Calc 1&2, Physics 1&2, Python Cert, and C#.

@AETX so do you have twins, or did your son decide to go Engineering route instead of Mays?

So why do you think it will be difficult to get into engineering?

Two kids that are only 1 grade apart! :grinning:

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Because of everything I read on here about SATs in the 1400+ mainly.

But my son’s math is 700-720 math, so I think that is helpful.

Trying to figure what causes applicants to get Cstat vs Blinn.

Oh my. With the 25 by 25 Engineering initiative, your son should be fine (given high SAT/ACT) to get in holistically. The Galveston and TEAB pathways are still considered ‘full admission’, just overflow at another campus.

Can you define high? Right now he has a 1390 which I don’t think is high enough.