Class of 28 Undergrad/Class of 26 Grad: a thread to capture the journey of applications, pre screens, tours and auditions

I don’t think it would be weird…I mean, he still needs to figure out what teachers he meshes with whether it’s before or after acceptances, you know? My older kid had lessons with the prof at every school he was accepted to, even if he’d already had one before (it was a little different because most of the early lessons (and auditions) had been online because of covid, but still…) I don’t think it really matters which school he approaches her through; it’s pretty likely where the actual lesson takes place will just depend on her schedule and what’s easiest for her anyway, I would guess (unless one of the schools has a very specific process; for most of my kids’ sample lessons they scheduled directly with the professors).

My thought is that if it is your first choice and you are totally ready having a decision earlier is probably better than attending all state.


How’s everyone holding up? We’re in a holding pattern here; all the EA/ED apps are in, along with a few regular decision ones. He should hear back about the Vanderbilt prescreen this week along with UGA early action (academic; music auditions won’t be until Jan/Feb I think). So he’s in kind of a weird place where he’s trying to make progress on RD supplemental essays/apps (lest he end up trying to do them all in 2 weeks in late December while being sad about not making it in to Blair) all while hoping he gets into Blair and that he’s doing all this work for nothing. This is my first go round with ED (I only okayed it because I’ve already seen Vandy’s FA and know it’s doable for us).


Fingers and toes crossed for him! We are now in a little lull before the Blair scholarship deadline 12/1. We are all exhausted.


I told mine not to think about the scholarship application until he sees if he passes the prescreen–cutting a bit close!


DS has completed the university applications (via Common App) but still needs to submit his portfolios. He also has to complete the conservatory applications. Basically, he is just waiting for a live recording of one of his compositions to be mixed and returned to him and then he can submit.


DD24 has done one restricted EA with arts supplement and is submitting her RD applications early - pre screens due 1/12 for a few, and arts supplements by early Jan for others but has narrowed down how many she is applying for quite considerably


Are you letting anyone down by not attending All State? I would choose the EA day at Frost if it is a top choice. but that’s me and you may feel differently. This is your senior year. Is All State very meaningful for you, going with friends, and so on? It would be nice to get early decision at your top school. Congrats for passing pre-screens!

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My school district already paid to go, and the other choir kid who was selected this year dropped out a few months ago (also for a college audition, oddly enough). I went last year too and it was amazing but I of course also don’t want to lose a chance at Frost

Does the choir need you? Would you have to reimburse your school? Is there an alternate? I hope you can go to the Frost EA day.

I would inform the college about the schedule conflict and see how they respond.
Last year I had a student who was in all-state orchestra for the 4th year. One of his college auditions was on the day of all-state concert. He emailed the professor to inform them about the schedule conflict. The professor then rescheduled his audition to another day when graduate school candidates were auditioning. This was a strong student musician auditioning for a well-respected music school, along the line of Rice, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, etc. He was accepted to multiple music schools, including the one he asked to reschedule.

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I second @Medea1 , but there’s also nothing wrong with reaching out to Admissions for clarification

I have been in contact. They seem to not budge, though one kind admissions officer told me exceptions are sometimes made I haven’t gotten a straight answer since

My son was accepted to Frost EA and did NOT even audition for Regionals or All State his senior year. He made All State and NAfME All Honors 9-11. Def do EA at Frost, it lightens up the Jan-March audition load. So glad he did it.

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I think it really depends on the state and whether the student has done all-state before. In Texas, it is absolutely a do not miss, once in a lifetime opportunity.

If @nysings auditions through EA at Frost, wouldn’t they have results earlier than RD? So potentially, if accepted EA at Frost and having that as a first choice (or high choice) program, they could cancel some remaining auditions.

If so, this is a huge benefit of auditioning EA as it would save so much time and travel cost.


I hesitate to write this…and I could be wrong…but I do recall that EA at Frost is pretty tough. It certainly possible as @Shellg proves.

As I recall, it seemed like Frost EA took high musical talent WITH high academics. A few years ago, I remember a long discussion on this…and that most candidates seemed to be bumped to RD. There was great concern that a “no” would follow for RD. But a knowledgable person said that Frost took many of the EA candidates during RD…they were simply waiting to see the whole pool of candidates. So EA acceptances were really quite limited (and at that time seemed to have an academic component)…even for musically talented candidates.

I always worry for vocalists for EA since they are so young. Some instrumentalist can prove talent after years and years of practice…while a vocalist is judged on a more nascent talent…so a little more difficult to determine. I think that if you had stellar academic (national merit scholar) along with notable talent then you could feel pretty confident. Otherwise I wouldn’t worry too much (if you are talented) if you get passed up on EA at Frost (or anywhere for that matter).

I don’t want to comment on if a candidate should go or not. That is totally up to the candidate. Still I would not worry too much if you don’t get in EA since historically it’s seemed a tough admit for EA and there has been a good chance in RD.

Anyone who disagrees is fine to correct me…as I’m not an expert. I just don’t want young talent to feel “defeated” so early in the game…when they may have many good admits coming in the Spring.

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Great insights as usual @bridgenail.

I will say that there are pros and cons to any order in which your auditions fall. And of course, generally the applicant (and their parents/travel agents) have little to no control over the dates of the auditions, although of course some programs offer some choices. My advice is to take a deep breath and run the gauntlet as it comes. :blush:

My kid had his two dream school auditions 1 day apart and at the very end of audition season. With some hair raising travel challenges in between. He would have loved having one of those and the decision earlier to opt out of one or more other schools. But there is also a real benefit to having the “not as high pressure” auditions at the beginning of the season. My son learned a lot and felt he improved his performance and confidence with each audition. By the end of his “gauntlet” he was at his best. Although completely exhausted.

Looking forward to following everyone’s journey this year! And congrats to @nysings on the passed prescreen.


Agreed…particularly on how you have to take the auditions as they come. You can plan all you want, but at some point it gets a little wild and that’s OK.

It’s a fine line to walk…managing expectations and not coming off as “Downer Deb”. EA is great and works wonders for some…and for others…you get to learn the important skills of resilience and fortitude as you continue to good results in the Spring. Either way works.

New York. And yes I did All State and All Eastern last year