Class of 28 Undergrad/Class of 26 Grad: a thread to capture the journey of applications, pre screens, tours and auditions

Not a weird question at all. A few thoughts:

I’m not familiar with Kinhaven, and I know many summer festivals are sans technology (which I feel is really a good thing) But maybe your son could have access to phone/laptop on a periodic basis just for the purpose of communicating with this LAC.

If not, or if you think your DS will not want to leave his Kinhaven bubble, in my opinion it would be fine as a parent to reach out to the department to ask about a general music department tour and/or general meeting. I would briefly explain that your son is currently not able to contact them due to his summer program constraint.

For a sample lesson, I would recommend your son make the contact with the professor himself. Even if it means waiting until he gets home from his festival.

Just my opinion. It’s early in the process and contacting the department/administration would be appropriate for a parent in this instance. Contacting a professor directly is a more personal communication and it would be best coming from the student.

Sounds like your son is having a great summer and a getting a good start on the upcoming journey!

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all communication to college should only be done by the student. Time for parents to encourage from the sidelines and not directly interact.


So you think it is fine to reach out two weeks before the visit when he comes home? He has no way to do it until then. I have never communicated with a school for my S21 or for this one which is why I am asking the specific question.

for me I would wait and have my student reach out. I view it as if this is for a job you would not contact their future boss. Ultimately your call but if my kid reached out great. If they missed the opportunity then lesson learned

I have 3 kids who are well out of college. One a music person. I respectfully disagree with @thisismynameOH and think that in certain situations, it is fine for parents to communicate with a school or department. You can explain your son is at a summer program that does not allow communication. I think it’s fine.


Yeah. I think that I am going to go with you and @anotheroboemom. We will be traveling far and they should understand that there are summer programs where the kids are unable to make contact. Thank you!


ps agree with @anotheroboemom on your son contacting the teacher, but any other communication by parent should be fine.

thank you! Will only reach out to the department and wait for him to reach out to the teacher. It is summer anyway so very unlikely she will be available, he can meet her over zoom

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we have similar tech issues and I have had to reach out to one college finally; alas too late for a tour as they are full - so I wouldn’t wait as may be too late


Summer was actually when my S22 got his lessons at schools he was visiting. Both were in town and very willing to meet. Obviously, this will vary by teacher, but the timing worked out nicely since they were not juggling classes with current students.

Best of luck!


Do you know if the teacher is at a summer festival / out of town from the school? Do you have a contact email for them? If you wait for the school to contact them it might be too short of notice by the time that happens. The private teacher is such an important part of the music school experience. My spouse teaches at a conservatory and honestly would rather hear from the student (or in your case, you, explaining kid is at tech free Kinhaven) with more notice as to when you will be on campus then being caught off guard a week before when schedules fill rapidly.

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I actually haven’t heard back from the music school and I am hoping I will hear this week (maybe they are away?) if I don’t hear back in a few more days I will reach out to admissions and maybe the teacher. I think she lives locally and I don’t know her summer schedule. I hate doing it but I want to make sure he gets to see as much as possible.

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We just scheduled tours and info sessions, but I realize others do more. Still, you can at least schedule tours through admissions. When you say you have not heard back from the music school, are you referring to admissions?

I reached out to the admin at the music school. I am guessing he is away so I will give him more time. We have a tour and regular admission visit reserved.

Next week we have Yale, Columbia and Juilliard visits booked. Three months since dd24 contacted various teachers - has heard back from 2 of 8 :woman_shrugging:

Summer is hard in nyc! Probably all away. If you are staying over in the city suggest going to jacobs pickles on the upper west side!


Almost everyone is at summer festivals, touring or in residential music programs.

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Yes - she wasn’t asking for lessons over the summer but to suit them pre or post summer (on line). The lack of even an acknowledgment response has been surprising and I suspect she needs to email post summer as her first email is prob lost in the in boxes after all this time

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I would also go through admissions, not admin or teacher. Some teachers don’t seem to respond that often!

When does one ideally visit then to do sample lessons? During school year it’s almost impossible.