I’ve recently moved to the US from an international school. My GPA is currently a 3.9/4.0 (after being correctly translated), however my rank is 37 because my freshman and sophomore years were not weighted as AP classes. My question is, will colleges look at my class rank unfavorably? (Despite my earning some of the best AP scores at my current school, and taking challenging classes in freshman and sophomore year)
Colleges will see that you transferred in. If you like you can have your Guidance Counselor mention it in their recommendation.
What colleges? For so many privates, rank isn’t a deciding factor. Maybe the GC can explain these were rigorous, but policy prevents weighting them.
In some cases, a GC will note that had they been included, your rank would be higher. And comment on your comparative strengths now, your record at the current hs. Aim for a nice relationship with her/him.
Btw, it’s unweighted that matters most, what shows on the transcript. And in the end, for more competitive colleges, more than stats and rigor.
Well, I’m focused on top 20 schools at the moment.
37 out of how many? If it’s top-10% you’ll be fine.
It’s out of 610 students.
You’re ranked at almost top 5%. Trust me, you’re fine