Classes were sent out to first year freshmen today. I received my classes and they were all scheduled Monday through Friday very early in the morning. I even have an English class from 8pm-10pm two days of the week. Is this regular scheduling for freshmen? I’m here asking if anyone knows of a way to switch to a more convenient schedule.
This is very typical for incoming first years and, if you want to graduate in 4 years, all 4 years when you’ll be choosing your own schedules. You can try to change it with your advisor, but you might not have class spaces to move into.
If you want to finish in 4 years, take the class regardless of time. My son (going into his 4th year) has a 7 AM class this fall, it’s a class he needs and that’s the time it’s offered. Many times he’s had very early AM classes as well as classes ending at 10 PM.