Classical Music at Berkeley

<p>What's it like? I was thinking of trying a chamber music DeCal for the fall (I'm a cellist). If anyone knows about the classical music scene at Berkeley I'd love to hear his/her input! Thanks</p>

<p>hey hey a cellist here as well. I’m interested in that decal too; maybe i’ll see you around.</p>

<p>hey hey hey i’m a cellist too!!! are you guys aiming to join the orchestra too?</p>

<p>nah i don’t think i have time for a scheduled commitment like that. I lead a few ensembles including a professional rock cello quartet in my hometown though, hope to continue doing something similar.</p>

<p>yeah that’s true…do you know anything about the orchestra though? i’m still debating whether i should do it…</p>

<p>The orchestra is quite prestigious. I know some people who are currently in it (who are actually very talented high schoolers with a lot of extra time) and they have had a tremendous experience in terms of both educational and performence opportunities.</p>

<p>Don’t know much about the chamber music program.</p>

<p>(I’m an oboist)</p>

<p>hmm. I’ll check out the university orchestra but to me chamber music is more fun…</p>

<p>I think I’ll just sign up for the chamber music DeCal this fall and go from there. To the other cellists: hope to see you at Cal!</p>

<p>ohhh i see. is it really really demanding? like tough on your schedule and stuff? alright, see you at Cal hahah</p>