Classics, Religion, and "lack of focus"

<p>I've read that classical studies departments are especially touchy about students with double majors or minors, indicating they have a lack of focus.</p>

<p>Is this true, and if it is, does it apply even if that's your area of focus? I'm really leaning toward a late classical/early modern religious focus for my latin and greek. For those "in the know" in classics and religion, like William or ProfessorX, would it be detrimental for me to get a minor in Medieval Studies? Would that still be considered a lack of focus, or something too far from the departments main focus?</p>


<p>If you do some research in your medieval studies minor that lets you use your languages in a research context, I would think that would be perceived as a plus.</p>

<p>Personally, I subscribe to the theory that one should always “follow one’s bliss,” particularly as an undergraduate, when you have the opportunity to pursue a wide range of interests. </p>

<p>So, IMHO, as long as you do a substantial amount of coursework in classics, especially in languages, you should be a fine candidate for graduate admissions in classics.</p>

<p>If you anticipate the possibility of graduate work under the auspices of a religion department, take (at least) a method and theory course in religion as well. </p>

<p>I hope WilliamC can address your question from a classics perspective – his advice is always right on target.</p>

<p>Best wishes to you!</p>