<p>i wanted to get everyones input on my chances to UNC so here goes..</p>
<p>im white male from NJ
GPA- 4.4 weighted, 4.0 unweighted
have taken all the hardest classes offered. transcript looks v good, all As and A+
rank: school does not give us a ranking, just percentile- top 10%
US History-5
English Lang-5</p>
<p>next yr im taking
AP Stat
AP Calc
AP French
AP Euro
Physics H (school doesnt have AP)
Honors Eng (school doesnt offer AP En lit)
<p>SATs- 2350
<p>SAT IIs
Math IIC-750
US History- 780</p>
<p>academic awards
Merck State Science test, 2nd in the county
National french exam 11th,5th, 6th place nationally over the last 3 yrs
math league "2007 league outstanding acheivement award"
yale book award
National Merit Commended student (hpefully semi/finalist, score 223 but in NJ its right on the cutoff)
2 regional 2nd place awards for public speaking</p>
soccer- 4 yrs, 2 varsity
track- 2 yrs, both varsity
bball- 2 yrs
french club- 4 yrs, pres senior yr
french honor society, 11,12, pres 12
math league- 3 yrs, several time league high score and above mentioned award
library volunteer, 11,12, member of librarys teen advisory board
volunteer in a hospital, 2 hrs/ week</p>
<p>work experience- i work in a restaurant, 40hrs/week-summer
6-12 hrs/week school year</p>
<p>Im very interested in nutrition, this summer im taking a nutrition class at local community college, have also had a mini internship at the hospital i volunteer at w the nutritionists there</p>