Clicker thingamajigers

<p>All of you ladies are hilarious and make a good point. I did notice that they bought the clickers for $10. Yikes! Of course, we bought ours full price a year ago. Now we look for the deals. You live and learn!</p>

<p>iclicker or iclicker 2? Anyone have recommendations?</p>

<p>What is the difference? How many classes does she need it for?</p>

<p>I just wanted to update this thread for anyone that searches “clickers” next year. </p>

<p>My son is a freshman this year. We asked about clickers, because I am all about buying used and saving a few bucks. </p>

<p>When we looked at the book list for my son, none of his classes listed that they required a clicker. </p>

<p>When he actually got to classes, he needed a clicker for a couple of different classes. And they are the 1 credit intro engineering/ CS classes that did not have their first class until the second week of school (CS 121 ad ENGR 151- possibly one other class). </p>

<p>So off he went to the Supe Store, which was out of clickers, and most definitely out of used clickers. With the problems at the post office, buying off of Amazon was not an option either. So he had to purchase a new one at the Supe Store when the shipment came in.</p>

<p>Not a huge issue, he was able to get it in time for classes. But we could have saved some money had we been aware that these classes required a clicker, and it would have been purchased ahead of time.</p>