Clicker thingamajigers

<p>Are the clicker thingy’s used at UA much? How do you know if/ when a class requires them?</p>



<p>Take the square root of the Hurley-Heath Constant, divide it by the Finagle Factor, then multiply by (pi cubed + your CWID number). If the result is >than your net worth, the thingamajigger is required. Unequivocally. ;)</p>

<p>Or simply look where it lists the required texbook(s) and it will be listed there :-). They call them “response pads”, and if it’s listed then they are required.</p>

<p>In my day, we called a response pad “your arm”. Much to learn. Am old.</p>

<p>How are they used?</p>

<p>yes. and if a student forgets or loses it for a few days, it can be very detrimental to the student’s quiz grades.</p>

<p>malanai - are you secretly friends with sheldon, leonard, raj and walowitz?</p>



<p>I don’t know. Is that a law firm? Do I owe you money, Mike?</p>



<p>Ditto that. :)</p>



<p>They’re mainly used for multiple choice tests and quizzes. Profs also use them to gain immediate feedback in large discussion classes to see if the majority of the class is understanding what was just said. Some also use them to take attendance.</p>

<p>If you need one for a class, they are important. The teacher will sync your name to the device in order to take attendance or give points on random quizzes. They can be purchased at the bookstore either used or new.</p>

<p>I’m completely unfamiliar with these. If a student had several classes that use them, would the student use the same one for multiple classes or are they individual for each class?</p>

<p>Searches for “Clicker thingamajigers” on Amazon, gets results back for dog training tools</p>

<p>[</a> Karen Pryor i-Click Dog Training Clicker, 3 Clickers: Pet Supplies](<a href=“]”></p>

<p>^^ Yes, you can use the same clicker for all your classes. Sometimes the teacher will have clickers for the class. In that case, your child will use the same numbered clicker every time. </p>

<p>The clickers are around 52 dollars new and $33.80 used. Seems expensive but you can use it for all your years at Bama.</p>

<p>This page shows a picture on the response pad AKA the clicker.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks for the visual, Cuttlefish, and for the explanation, Casino.</p>

<p>My D should be really good at clicker. It looks like a remote, and she can operate the TV remote with the best of them.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone, I was hoping that they would be listed with the books if needed, but was not 100% sure. </p>

<p>I am from the arm raising generation too…</p>

<p>Did you notice this on your link, cuttlefish:</p>



<p>so they buy them for $10.00 and resell used for $32? Sound like someone could make a killing at buying for $15 and reselling from a car trunk for $25…</p>

<p>^ Add two cartons of response pads priced at $30 to the cartons of tension rods, HDMI cables and ethernet switches already stocked for my son’s “lemonade” stand during move-in weekend.</p>

<p>Class2012mom- make sure he does not forget the 3M sticky hooks…</p>