Close friend school teacher is alumni of a top choice, but writes poorly!

<p>Hey all, this is my first post here!</p>

<p>I'm part of a bunch of other forums so I figured one more couldn't hurt.</p>

<p>I'm applying to MIT and RIT, with MIT being a bit of a reach. MIT's my top choice by far (did the overnight program for 3 days and two nights and loved it !!!) and I have my rec letters worked out for there.</p>

<p>RIT is my safety school but I still would really love to go there. I enjoyed my visit and think it's a good match for me. One of the teachers who I work with the most often just so happens to be an alumni from RIT, but i'm a little hesitant to ask for a rec letter from him. He is a fantastic person and knows me almost better than any other teacher (except for the three writing me letters for MIT and others) but he's not very good with writing. Emails sent out to students often contain misspelled words and his grammar is kinda far from great. I deeply respect the man and owe a lot of where I am at in school to him.</p>

Is a positive (it would be VERY positive if written well) letter from an alumni a lot better than a positive letter from a non-alum? ** I know I said RIT is a safety school (the ad counselor talked with me about my pretty high chances of getting into honors stuff) but it doesn't hurt to have all of my ducks in a row.</p>

<p>you can offer to edit his essay if he would let you
or he can let an english teacher look at his essay</p>

<p>also i’m sure the content matters more than the grammar or style in a rec letter</p>

<p>He’s from an engineering school, they aren’t expected to write well lol</p>