Cloud Cuckoo Land - February CC Book Club Selection

The print version does make it easier for me to figure out, as you can always backtrack to figure out where you hear/saw a person or situation before. I can also better control my speed of reading and take more breaks so I can keep things somewhat straight.

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I gave up on the library waiting list. This week I ordered/received hardcover from Amazon because it sounds like this will be a good book to lend among friends (and I do prefer a real book in my hands when reading at home).

I love paper books. I have read some ebooks but it never feels the same as cuddling up with a book on the couch.


The print version has a page telling you both when and where you are between each section. So it’s very easy to follow, though I think the text often makes it clear as well (telling you how old you are etc.) I don’t think this is an ideal audiobook.


I’m #324 of 131 for hard copy and #202 of 125 for ebook. Not sure I’ll even get the book, let alone read it, by February! I did put the holds on even before the choice was finalized

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I’m not sure how common this is, but my city’s library system will put a single copy of some best sellers on the “new books” display tagged “lucky day”. So if you’re in the right place at the right time, you might get something that you’re #999 on the hold list for. Guess what I found yesterday! I’m not sure I’ll participate in the discussion, but at least I’ll know what people are talking about if I’m lurking.

The book seems to move pretty briskly. I haven’t been inside our library during the pandemic except to pick up holds.

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Same here. There were one week loans for popular new books but I don’t even know if they’re doing that at present. And one of the two closest branches isn’t even open at the moment due to staffing issues.

I figure I can share my book with loved ones and/or donate it to the library do it won’t add clutter.

There’s a medical book I plan to buy as well. I know the author—- wonderful lung MD who is on the Board of Directors of the same foundation as me.

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My library does something similar, skip the line, but you only get the e-book for 7 days. It showed up for me today. :grinning:


Yay, ebook surprisingly just came in on my library hold!


I finished it last night and went right back to the beginning to start again. Resisting stating any opinions or spoilers till Feb. 1!


I did the exact same thing.


I had to return the book as there was a waiting list and I would have felt guilty hanging on to it, but I did skim through and take notes in a second quick go through. I hope I won’t have forgotten too much!

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Yay—finished the book. It was really different. Not a book I would have chosen but wanted to prepare for 2/1, so thanks @mary13.

Also finished last night - so clearly it moved along quickly! I had no issues keeping track of the different characters and timelines on the ebook.

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Finished book. Easy to keep track - I had the hardback version and plan to donate it.

Yes, I had hardcover I purchased from Amazon. I plan to loan it to any loved one interested and then donate to library.

In hardcover, I could keep track of different story li es but can understand why that could be harder in other formats, such as audio.

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Bought ebook, and zipping through it. Quite the history lesson for me, stopped few times to do some research, Constantinople, great grey owls, listened to npr interview. I’m at the half way point in book.

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This board popped up on my suggested threads, and since I had just finished the book, I clicked on it. I’ve never done a bookclub here. What exactly happens on Feb 1? Does everyone just share thoughts or is there a moderator or something? (Loved the booked!)