CMU,UCLA,USC or William&Mary???

Can’t decide between UCLA pre-econ, USC Marshall Leventhal and CMU DC…Might major in business/econ area but not really sure at this point. Can someone give me advices??

What is important to you in school? Do you want the beautiful weather in UCLA or USC, or do you like the uniqueness of how nerd and artsy intersect at CMU? I think that the programs that you are looking at are all going to be fairly similar in terms of prestige, so you should look at other aspects of the college like culture and location.

I have a student at CMU and one at a state school. Is the extra money for a private school worth it? It’s taken me a while to say absolutely yes. For many, the state school is a darwinian experience.


I think acadia1 meant Spencerian - “survival of the fittest”.

“Worth it” depends…

We are all in different situations and have different philosophies. Elite private schools by and large will have superior support and guidance programs for students. What that is worth is in the eye of the beholder.

It also depends on how proactive the student is.