Co-Eds Pay Pricey Tuition with Sugar Daddy Help

<p>Not just married guys. There is no shortage of extremely wealthy middle-aged guys, many divorced, who are willing to be etremely generous to a beautiful young woman, especially one who has a brain and can carry on a decent conversation at a cocktail party (i.e., not be an embarrassment). Yes, probably sex involved but it’s not like a pay-for-the-night prostitute.</p>



<p>Or very extroverted, well-spoken, and unusually confident enough to allow numerous rejections to roll off their back as if nothing happened.</p>

<p>Yeah, I don’t know who you guys know, but I can say with some great certainty that there are plenty of wealthy men, divorced, no intention of remarrying, who much prefer an uncomplicated young woman who still has brains. No children, no baggage, no expectations.</p>

<p>And, for girls who are being offered the hook up culture at college? I see very little difference, frankly, and think many would prefer the older man.</p>

<p>ETA: I know plenty of wealthy older women, too, who much prefer an uncomplicated younger man, as well. It’s not that rare.</p>

<p>Maybe, romani, but I wouldn’t want my daughters to participate.</p>

<p>Or my husband.</p>

<p>Nor would I want to participate, nor my sister, but heck she’s already dating someone almost our dad’s age so the age difference doesn’t bother me anymore. Really, knowing her, she’s milking him for his money anyway so meh.</p>



<p>Confirming poetgrl:</p>

<p>[The End of Courtship?
New York Times
January 11, 2013](<a href=“The End of Courtship? - The New York Times”>;/a&gt;)</p>



<p>I’d like to know what fraction of students at various 4-year schools are engaged or married by the time they graduate (excluding older students returning to college). For me that would be a measure of a healthy social climate.</p>

<p>Not something I would be excited by either, but there is something to be said for paying for a regular bed partner that is paid not to have extensive ties and demands. The gentleman would have someone acceptable for public events and wouldn’t need to put up with whining, non-financial demands, etc. The power imbalance is not as severe as someone who falls for the married man without the financial arrangement and there is no expectation of marriage hanging over the dates.</p>

<p>Seriously? Being married/engaged at 21-23 is a healthy social environment? (Not that it’s unhealthy but certainly not a measure of anything really.)</p>

<p>I highly disagree. Women don’t go for their Mrs degree anymore. </p>

<p>I say this as someone who will graduate engaged. But that’s a pretty bogus measure IMO.</p>

<p>Sort of sad that prostitution is the new normal. But it is usually the “lust” that brings someone down eventually. Especially the rich, successful, and powerful ones we read about every year, who just can’t seem to control themselves and eventually get into some kind of illegal or embarrassing situation. Maybe they will make a TLC reality show from this idea… CALLING ALL PRODUCERS!!! …and these women are already in NYC… “The Real Coeds (how I hate that term) of NYC!” OR Sugar Babies of NYC would be trashier and catchier!</p>

<p>Call me a prude, but this is disgusting. And I can say with certainty that my daughter would rather go to community college or not go at all rather than prostitute herself for the “good life” in New York.</p>

<p>Did anyone else actually go to the site? I did. Here’s a quote.</p>





<p>How about “THEY ARE CREEPY AND POSSIBLY DANGEROUS.” I am still waiting for anyone on this site with a teenage/20-something daughter to say they support this idea for their own child.</p>

<p>I don’t really find this any less disgusting than the alcohol fueled hook up culture on most college campuses.</p>

<p>My girls don’t participate. They both insist on dates. Fortunately, for them, they are the type, when they say, “I don’t make last minute plans, if you want to see me, I need some notice,” they get the notice and the dates and the respect they demand. But, not all girls are getting anything like this on college campuses. Look at what Cpt said earlier. Her sons are just players. Guys on college campuses are not offering young women relationships, but they actually expect sex. </p>

<p>How is this any worse than that?</p>

<p>Ask yourself what the young women are choosing between. That is the really sad situation, imho.</p>



<p>With only two exceptions which are really outliers, everyone else I knew from my HS graduating class or neighborhood kids who got married below 25 ended up divorced within 5 years. Both exceptions were unusually mature for their young ages and one came from a very traditionalist Catholic family. </p>

<p>Not to mention that in the NYC/urban NE, marrying too young (Below 25 and especially below 22) has negative associations with religious fundamentalists, teen pregnancy, or not placing a serious priority on education/career. </p>

<p>The last was especially a major turn-off for most ambitious academically oriented kids in my old NYC working-class neighborhood and moreso…the NYC public magnet high school I attended.</p>

<p>“How is this any worse than that?”</p>

<p>Because if you are doing it for money you feel like a whore in the morning instead of just a fool?
I agree that sexual norms on many campuses have swung way too far toward " hook up" and away from dating. I don’t see selling yourself to a more powerful person as a way to tilt the scales back to mutual respect.</p>

<p>At least with “peer” hookups on college campuses there is generally a level playing field–both parties are getting essentially the same thing out of the relationship.</p>

<p>This is very different, in my opinion. There’s a game that has to be played as the sugar daddy wines and dines his “girlfriend” and she pretends to bask in his adoration. It’s all an act. At least in strip clubs the transfer of money is more immediate and direct (and that doesn’t bother me at all). I just can’t imagine a self-respecting young student being willing to cheapen herself this way. But I can’t imagine being willing to pay $60K a year for college, either.</p>

<p>^^^ Totally agree ^^^^ Just the “oh well, that’s the way it is, everyone is just hooking up, so what’s the big deal?” mentality from today’s young women is scary. With more education available and highler levels of education obtained by this generation of young women, you would think they would value themselves more, not less.</p>



<p>… i’m sure by “being offered by most guys” you actually mean “actively choosing to participate”</p>

<p>Nope. Don’t mean that at all soccerguy. Not a bit.</p>



<p>well… it takes two to play. There wouldn’t be a hookup culture if guys OR girls were not participating. And there are plenty of girls that enjoy the hookup culture like some guys do.</p>

<p>Are we supposed to believe that there wasn’t lots of sex among college kids in the hippy era? or any other era, really…</p>



<p>this is stunning to me. I could count on one hand the number of friends I had that were engaged at the end of undergrad, and absolutely none were married. Now in my mid 20s, most of my social circle (and most friends from undergrad) have graduate degrees but are still not married (though some have started).</p>

<p>Not really. Girls don’t like the hook up culture. It’s not what they really want.</p>

<p>I don’t care how many people write up articles about it, or try to pretend. Women want relationships.</p>