<p>My child has been involved with a sport outside of school for many years. How does she handle getting a recommendation from the coach. Does she give the coach an envelope addressed to her high school, herself, or the schools to which she is applying?</p>
<p>I believe that a recommendation such as this can be extremely valuable, especially since your child has participated for many years. Having been in sports myself, I know that important qualities such as leadership, teamwork, determination, and responsibility can manifest themselves in sports activities.</p>
<p>I thiiiink the envelope should be addressed to the schools (with a stamp), but I'm not positive.</p>
<p>She should address the envelope to the admissions department of the school to which she is applying.</p>
<p>Have you thought about contacting coaches at the school to which she is appyling? Is she recruitable? If she is, then the coach for the university can write a letter to the admissions department, and that will have a <em>ton</em> of influence over an admission decision (depending on her ability, relationship with the university's coach, etc.)</p>
<p>She should address the envelope to the admissions department of the school to which she is applying.</p>
<p>Have you thought about contacting coaches at the school to which she is appyling? Is she recruitable? If she is, then the coach for the university can write a letter to the admissions department, and that will have a <em>ton</em> of influence over an admission decision (depending on her ability, relationship with the university's coach, etc.)</p>