Hello all! For the 4 short questions for Maryland, how serious do they answers have to be? Like mine really express my personality they aren’t serious answers. (They are but like my personality you know.)
I don’t know what they have for Coalition App questions, but I can tell you that when my kids applied (pre-Coalition app days) there was a short question section (I seem to remember several more than 4…?) but the concept was to get some insight into you in a less formal way. For example, I remember one question being, “I am unstoppable when…” At an admissions session, the school rep said the most memorable answer he saw to that was “…I am at a buffet.”
I know my kids answered most of the questions seriously, with one or two more lightheartedly (but again, I really think they had at least 7 or 8). I would not throw away the opportunity to show a different aspect of yourself with all joke answers, but I think one expression of “personality” won’t hurt, as long as it’s in good taste (like the example I gave) and not vulgar or sarcastic. Keep in mind that humor sometimes doesn’t translate in the same way on paper since there is no inflection or tone of voice to make it clear that what you are saying is intended as humor. Also bear in mind that the people reading your answers are likely from a different generation, so the use of slang may be better to avoid.
If in doubt, run it by an adult.
Be very very careful. They cannot read tone. What you think sounds light and breezy may very well come of as ditzy or obnoxious.