<p>The Coast Guard sponsors a program called the College Student Pre-Commissioning Initiative, which will pay for all tuition and fees associated with education for junior and senior years at any school that has a minimum minority level of 25%. In exchange you accept a commitment to attend Officer Candidate School and serve for three years on Active Duty. This sounds like a pretty good deal, has anyone heard anything about this? I know it is only for two years, but that's a lot of money at most schools.</p>
<p>Really old thread, but I want to bump it, lol.</p>
<p>I’m interested in this, how selective is it?</p>
<p>It doesn’t look like the gpa/SAT requirements are high but you do have to go through security checks, physical fitness, and the military vocational testing. More info here:
[UNITED</a> STATES COAST GUARD: COLLEGE STUDENT PRE-COMMISSIONING INITIATIVE](<a href=“http://www.gocoastguard.com/find-your-fit/officer-opportunities/programs/college-student-pre-commissioning-initiative]UNITED”>http://www.gocoastguard.com/find-your-fit/officer-opportunities/programs/college-student-pre-commissioning-initiative)</p>
<p>Yeah, the minimums don’t look very high and I think I’d have a decent shot, but who knows.</p>
<p>Besides the tutiton,fees and books paid for, there’s also the monthly salary ($2,200). What a great deal! S looked into this but ended up going NROTC. I have heard that if you have had any kind of run-ins with the law the CG won’t be interested in you.</p>
<p>hey if you got any questions there is this site cspistudent.com that some students started post them there and they are pretty good at getting back to you…</p>